Search Results for Language: Yiddish [yid]
Records and Manuscripts
12 Matches)
- Personal Memoirs, Testimonies, and Diaries
- Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996 RG-01/RG-01
- Jewish Courts of Honor, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany
- Jewish Courts of Honor, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany, 1945-1949 RG-01.16/RG-01.16
- Displaced Person Camps: Publications, Documents, Cultural Life, and Post-War Jewish Periodicals
- Displaced Persons Documents, Publications, Cultural Life, and Post-War Jewish Publications, 1929-1982 RG-02/RG-02
- Postwar Publications and Scholarship on the Holocaust
- Postwar Publications and Scholarship on the Holocaust, 1939-1988 RG-07/RG-07
- Lodz Ghetto
- Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1949 RG-11/RG-11
- Dr. Julius Kühl Collection
- Dr. Julius Kühl Collection, 1935-1982 RG-13/RG-13
- Prewar and Wartime Periodicals
- Prewar and Wartime Periodicals, 1918-1945 RG-17/RG-17
- Literature in Yiddish
- Literature in Yiddish, 1940-1960 RG-35/RG-35
- Bundesarchiv Photographs
- Bundesarchiv photo documents, 1933-1945 RG-66/RG-66
- Ed Victor Papers
- Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972 RG-72/RG-72
- Ron Laby Collection, wartime correspondence and related documents
- Ron Laby Collection, wartime correspondence and related documents, 1939 -- 1946 RG-112/RG-112
- No Classification
- Memorial Books of Jewish Communities, 1943-2003 RG-32
12 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.