Title: Captain A.V. Feldsner Collection, 1939-1945

This collection comprises official documents related to the medical service in the wartime, military-related equipment and decorations. There are aslo collections of guide-books and postcards related to European cultural and historic points of interests. The collection of German-language correspondences in the illustrated postcards are not personally related to Captain A.V. Feldser. US medicial military uniforms and insignia is also part of this Record Group.
Administrative/Biographical History
This Record Group comprises the following collections:
-Collection of the US Army military means of communication, uniforms, insignia and decorations;
- Instructional materials with regard to medical practice and military medicine;
- Personal papers and medical manuals;
- Collection of European sightseeing publications, tourist lieterature and European journals and magazines of the prewar and wartime;
- Collection of German illustrative postcards of prewar and wartime;
- Collection of German-language private correspondences of prewar and wartime;
- Collection of maps related to the European wartheater, 1939 -- 1945
Author: Staff