Integrated photo-documents and narratives, 1933-1945
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

These photo-documents and narratives reflect on the various facets of the Holocaust and the history of the Second World War. A wide array of sources complement the often incomprehensible reality of the day-to-day life under the Nazi-German regime, Nazi atrocities and implementation of the Final Solution of the Jewish Question by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.
RG-46.01, Bundesarchiv, 1939 – 1945, archival samples
RG-46.01.01, 25000 Soviet prisoners of war are guarded by the German mounted soldiers, near Minsk, July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.02, 25000 Soviet prisoners of war located in this camp near Minsk, 5 July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.03, A brothel for German soldiers in Brest, France, 1940 housed in a former Jewish synagogue, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.04, A brothel for German soldiers in Brest, France in the former Jewish Synagogue ca 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.05, A column of young Belorussian volunteers to the national military formation within a German Army, Minsk, June 1944, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.06, A Jewish man of Kielce, ca 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.07, Announcement about regulation of Jewish residence and work card in Lwow, April 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.08, Appeal to join Estonian national SS formation to fight Bolshevism, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.09, Appeal to join the Ukrainian Waffen SS Galizien Division to fight Bolshevism, 1943, Lwow, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.10, Austria, German troops in Vienna, December 1938, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.11, British prisoners of war, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.12, Capitulation of Warsaw, September 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.13, Cracow, entrance to the ghetto, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.14, Despite the hatred and ban not dead, Austria 1938-1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.15, Exekution von polnischen Geiseln durch SS-Einsatzgruppe am 20-10-1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.16, French military prisoners of war, France, ca 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.17, Generalgouvernement, Lemberg-Innenstadt, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.18, German and Soviet soldiers socializing on the new German-Soviet border near Brest-Litovsk, September 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.19, Hoffmanns Antikommunistische Bildtafeln, Nazi anti-British and anti-Communist propaganda after invasion of Poland, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.20, Im faschistischen Deutschland, concentration camp Oranienburg, 1933, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.21, In the soldier brothel, Brest, France, 1940, the brothel located in the former synagogue, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.22, Invasion of Poland, Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel und Walter von Reichenau, 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.23, Romanian Jews are rounded up, Bessarabia, Romania, September 1941, Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B12274
RG-46.01.24, A Jewish ghetto policeman, Lodz, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.25, A Jewish man in forced labor, Mogilev, July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.26, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.27, Appeal to join Latvian military formation to fight against Bolshevism, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.28, Appeal, Join the ranks of the Galizien SS Waffen division for Ukrainian cause, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.29, Calais, France, May 1940, German corporal amidst ruined building, a church is in the background, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.30, Danzig. An Bord des Linienschiffes Schleswig-Holstein, 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.31, French colonial soldier, prisoner of war, France, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.32, Front page of the Polish newspaper Nowiny published in Cracow, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.33, Greece, German soldiers raising Nazi flag near Acropolis, May 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.34, Hungarian Jews arrived in Auschwitz, summer 1944, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.35, Jewish camp policeman, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.36, Jewish ghetto policemen near the barracks, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.37, Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia 1941, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.38, Jewish kids on the street of Radom, Poland, 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.39, Jewish men, women, and children on a village street, Mogilev, July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.40, Jewish porters near the Railroad Station in Kielce, 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.41, Jewish prisoner is punished in the concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.42, Jewish women and children on a village street, July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.43, Jews are arrested for illegal storing of the coffee supplies, Poland, 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.44, Jews cleaning rubble in Warsaw, October 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.45, Jews of Minsk at snow-cleaning, February 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.46, Katyn massacre of the Polish prisoners of war, perpetrated by the Soviets in April 1940, Russia, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.47, Latvian national SS legion's armored vehicles parade in Riga, April-May 1944, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.48, Latvian national volunteers' SS legion, November 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.49, Latvian volunteers to the national Waffen SS division, 1943, 1944, Latvia, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.50, Lemberg, General-Gouvernement, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.51, Lithuanians, anti-Bolshevik appeal, Lithuania, 1943, 1944, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.52, Lodz ghetto, 1940, Jewish men and children, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.53, Lodz ghetto, young Jewish women with Jewish stars, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.54, Mass killing of Jews near Kaunas, at the Fort 9, October 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.55, Minsk, destructed buildings, 1941-1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.56, Minsk, July 1941, a street scene, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.57, Minsk, July 1941, captured by the German army, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.58, Minsk, view of a Polish Cathedral, 1941-1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.59, Mogilev, 1941, Jewish women and children, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.60, Mogilev, July 1941, a column of Jewish men marching by the street to a forced labor site, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.61, Mogilev, July 1941, Jews in forced labor resting, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.62, Mogilev, July 1941, Jews in forced labor, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.63, Parade im General Gouvernement in Krakau, ca 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.64, Paris, 1940, A civilian with a sign, unwanted Jews in this restaurant, Pure Aryan holding, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.65, Photograph of a Jewish man in the siege of Warsaw, September 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.66, Police parade, Cracow, Parade im General Gouvernement in Krakau, ca 1939, 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.67, Polish criminal prisoners in front of the Security Police Prison Montelupich in Cracow, ca 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.68, Polish Jews in a camp, Cracow, end of 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.69, Polish Jews in the prison, Lublin, November 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.70, Polish Jews on the way to forced labor, 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.71, Polish-Jewish children arriving in London, February 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.72, Poster, To Arms, appealing to join Galizien Waffen SS division, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.73, Punishment of the Jewish prisoner, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.74, Radom, Poland, ca. 1940, an old Jewish man with armband, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.75, Radom, Poland, Jewish man with a boy and a child, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.76, Registration of the civilian population with the German military command, Mogilev, July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.77, Romanian Jews are rounded up, Bessarabia, Romania, September 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.78, Sign, Jewish store, Poland, October 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.79, Soldiers' brothel in Brest, France, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.80, Soviet and German officers discussing the border demarcation, Bialystok, 21 September 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.81, Soviet-German talks, Brest-Litovsk, 22 September 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.82, A placard against corruption, election campaign of Sudeten Home Front (a Nazi organization), Sudetenland, 1935, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.83, Thessaloniki, deportation of Jews, July 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.84, Thessaloniki, Jewish men are at the collection point, July 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.85, Thessaloniki, Round up of Jews, July 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.86, Turkmenian volunteers in German army, north of France, 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.87, Two German soldiers on a street of Paris, France under German occupation, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.88, Two Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.89, Volksdeutschen of Lodz greet the Germans, October 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.90, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish order police near the gate, June 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.91, Warsaw, September, October 1939, Jews cleaning up rubble, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.92, Weimar Republic, a map appeal for German unification, The whole of Germany will be there, 1919-1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.93, Weimar Republic, Berlin, 1920s, Ausflügler vor Kaffee-Küche, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.94, Weimar Republic, Communists electoral campaign poster, 1919-1933, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.95, Weimar Republic, Election poster of Social-Democrats, Bread for Children, Jobs for Fathers, 1919-1933, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.96, Weimar Republic, Low Classes Rule, Nieder damit, Select SPD, 1919-1933, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.97, Weimar Republic, International Women's Day, 1919-1933, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.98, Young Jewish boy with armband and Jewish stars selling armbands, Radom, Poland, ca. 1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.99, Yugoslavia, police operation, men and women with suitcases are led from a village, 1943, 1944, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.100, A German orders policeman and two Jewish men, Lithuania, June 1941
RG-46.01.101, German and Soviet soldiers met near Brest-Litovsk after Soviet troops entered Poland, the Forth partition of Poland, September 1939
RG-46.01.102, Jews being transported by German police, Transport verhafteter Juden auf einem LKW unter Bewachung durch Polizei und SD, September 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.103, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940 street scene, Jewish population on the sidewalk, wearing stars; a cart with barrels, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.104, Soviet partisans captured in Minsk, October 1941, the placard reads: Wir sind Partisanen und haben auf deutsche Soldaten geschossen, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.105, Soviet-German negotiations in the wake of Polish defeat, General Guderian and General Krivoshein, 22 September 1939, Brest-Litovsk, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02, Bundesarchiv, 1933 – 1945, Archival samples
RG-46.02.01, An arrest scene of Romanian Jews, winter 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.02, Announcement, all Soviet symbols to be destroyed, Lviv, August 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.03, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.04, Arrested Romanian Jews, Winter 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.05, Atrocities in the Jewish quarter of Lwow, 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.06, Association for German East, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.07, France, 1944, Civilians before starting a day business, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.08, Hermann Goering and the Polish Foreign Minister Josef Beck with women sitting in coach, July 1935, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.09, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan at his first police interrogation, Paris, November 8, 1938, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.10, High military command of the Czech lands in exile, July 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.11, Invasion of Poland, Lublin, meeting of German and Soviet soldiers. Visit of a Soviet Armored Car, Lublin, September 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.12, Jewish women and children arrested, winter 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.13, Jews from Kishinev having a midday meal after being used in forced labor, Bessarabia, August 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.14, Kiev, July 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.15, Lwow, July 2, 1941, NKVD prison on Gorodocka Street, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.16, Notice from the Administration of Jewish Religious Community in Lviv calling to pay individual membership dues, April 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.17, Photograph of Herschel Feibel Grynszpan (Grünspan), November 1938, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.18, Proclamation to join Galizien SS infantry division and the Governor's call for support, May 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.19, Romanian Jewish men are arrested, winter 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.20, Romanian Jews sorting out captured Soviet weapons, summer 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.21, Soldier of the Waffen SS capturing a young partisan, Russia, July-August 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.22, Soldiers of the Waffen SS capturing a partisan, Russia, July-August 1943, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.23, A diagram illustrating the racial Nuremberg Laws, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.24, Two Soviet women arrested on a dirt road under surveillance by German military police, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.25, Ukrainian Order police, district Zarig, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.26, Ukrainian Order policeman, Ukraine, 1942, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.27, Vladimir Zhabotinskii. Appeal, On the Two Fronts, in Polish and Hebrew, ca 1939
RG-46.02.28, Vladimir Zhabotinskii, At the two Fronts, My appeal to the Jewish people, October 1939, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.29, Warsaw Uprising, Polish women reading the messages on the wooden fence, August 1944, Warsaw, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.30, Warsaw Polish Uprising, Polish patrol in the streets of Warsaw, August 1, 1944, Warsaw,
RG-46.02.31, Deputy Director Dr. Hans Globke, 1941 in Bratislava. Minister of the Interior Dr. Frick, Secretary of State Dr. Stuckart, Bratislava, 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.32, Goebbels visits Marshal Pilsudski, Poland, from left to right Hans von Moltke, Joseph Pilsudski, Joseph Beck, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.33, Ordinance restricting Jews from entering the town market from 6 to 12 noon, they are allowed at the market from 12 to 2, September 1941, Lwow, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.34, Prague, SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Horst Boehme left, Reinhard Heydrich middle and SS Gruppenfuehrer and state minister Karl Hermann Frank right, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.02.35, The 17-year-old apprentice mechanic Gotthard R is called up to Volkssturm as an adult, now he is defending Frankfurt, February 1945, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.03, Jewish-Polish daily Chwila for exhibit-building
RG-46.03.01, Chwila, Sound Political Process in Lwow against a Youth Communist Organization of Western Ukraine, all defendants were Jewish, 1926
RG-46.03.02, Chwila, Jewish parliamentary circle in Polish Sejm, political discourse, 27 January 1926
RG-46.03.03, Chwila, January-March 1928
RG-46.04, Holocaust Photographs. Various topics
RG-46.04.01, (left to right) Rudolf Hess, Hitler, Bormann, Goering and Ribbentrop attending a Wagnerian opera
RG-46.04.02, (left) Great Synagogue in Oranienburgerstrasse in Berlin burning on Kristallnacht
RG-46.04.03, (left) sick and half-starved prisoners removed from Woebbelin camp, (right) typical condition of inmate found in Ebensee camp, 8 May 1945
RG-46.04.04, (top) a street in Lodz ghetto, (bottom) scene under a footbridge
RG-46.04.05, (Top) Coffee break at Munich Conference, (Bottom) Ribbentrop, Chamberlain, Hitler, Dr. Schmidt and ambassador Henderson facing the camera
RG-46.04.06, Adolf Hitler, portrait, September 1926
RG-46.04.07, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, May 29, 1945
RG-46.04.08, Bulldozer pushing corpses into a communal grave in Belsen Concentration Camp, April 14, 1945
RG-46.04.09, Corpses in the mass grave, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.10, Corpses of a mother and two children found by the Allied soldiers at Bergen- Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
RG-46.04.11, Crematory furnaces in Majdanek concentration camp at the time of liberation
RG-46.04.12, Disarming of Danish officers collaborating with the German authorities in Copenhagen
RG-46.04.13, Doctor's visit in Warsaw Ghetto, 1941
RG-46.04.14, A caricature, Nazi Holocaust failed in Denmark
RG-46.04.15, Appeals to boycott Jewish businesses in Germany, April 1933
RG-46.04.16, Elderly Jewish lady arrives in Auschwitz from Subcarpathian Ruthenia, her destiny is death, 1944
RG-46.04.17, RG-46.04.17, Elderly Jewish woman from Carpatho-Ruthenia comforts three children as they walk to the gas chambers, Auschwitz, 1944
RG-46.04.18, First clandestine newspaper De Frie Danske (The Free Danes) was printed
RG-46.04.19, Fishing boat 'Astrid' memorial display in Haifa, Israel, in recognition of the rescue operation by the Danes
RG-46.04.20, German civilians carry the bodies of the concentration camp prisoners to the grave which they were forced to dig
RG-46.04.21, German woman expresses horror at the sight of the decomposing bodies of murdered slave laborers
RG-46.04.22, German soldier shooting with a machine gun
RG-46.04.23, German soldier shoots woman and child
RG-46.04.24, German soldiers saluting to the King Christian X of Denmark
RG-46.04.25, German troops occupying Aaberraa, South Jutland, Denmark, April 1940
RG-46.04.26, German troops clear the Muranowski Square in Warsaw of the Jewish Resistance Fighters. Warsaw Ghetto, April 1943
RG-46.04.27, Himmler (right) and Von Ribbentrop (left) chat during a Nazi rally
RG-46.04.28, Hitler in the car, accompanied by the high-ranking SS officials
RG-46.04.29, Jewish boy forced to mark the entrance to his home or business with 'Jude' (Jew), Vienna, Austria, 1938
RG-46.04.30, Jewish women and children waiting on the platform at Auschwitz for instructions, most were sent directly to the gas chambers
RG-46.04.31, Jews are being shipped to an extermination camp
RG-46.04.32, Jews hiding in a bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto are being captured by the Germans, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May, 1943
RG-46.04.33, Jews on a boat on their way to neutral Sweden from Denmark
RG-46.04.34, Jews selected for slave labor after arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944, form the Auschwitz Album
RG-46.04.35, Jews transported in a cattle car to a concentration camp
RG-46.04.36, The front page of the American Journal, Danes Battling Nazis, August 30, 1943
RG-46.04.37, The Kacowics brothers, two Soviet partisan fighters, in the area surrounding Bialystok, Poland
RG-46.04.38, Letter from the Danish King Christian X to Rabbi Marcus Melchior expressing satisfaction about the little damage done by the Nazis to this Synagogue
RG-46.04.39, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp are looking through the barbed wire
RG-46.04.40, Liberated prisoners in barracks of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.41, Major General Jürgen Stroop directed the forced evacuation of the Jews remaining in the Warsaw Ghetto, April, 1943
RG-46.04.42, Mass grave at a Nazi Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.43, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.44, Arrival ramp at the Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the platform, 1944
RG-46.04.45, Old and sick Jews deported from the Lodz Ghetto to the Chelmno concentration camp, September, 1942
RG-46.04.46, Polish Jews rounded up for deportation
RG-46.04.47, Railroad sabotage in Denmark, January 194
RG-46.04.48, Resistance strike in Copenhagen
RG-46.04.49, Selection at the ramp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories, 1944
RG-46.04.50, Slave laborers working at the granite works near Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-46.04.51, The Congress of the German Women Union, Berlin Sport Palace, August 1935,
RG-46.04.52, The SS female guards, captured by the Allied soldiers at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945, April 18, 1945
RG-46.04.53, Identification cards issued to the Jews in Theresienstadt
RG-46.04.54, The Article about Jewish refugees on St Louis ship
RG-46.04.55, Boycott of Jewish stores by the Storm Troopers (SA), April 1933
RG-46.04.56, Survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Survivors convoyed by the Germans to deportation, May, 1943, May, 1943
RG-46.04.57, Synagogue in Copenhagen after its reopening on June 22, 1945
RG-46.04.58, Two members of the Jewish Fighters Organization are captured in Warsaw, May, 1943
RG-46.04.59, Undernourished Auschwitz inmate after liberation
RG-46.04.60, Members of the Einsatzgruppen preparing to execute Jews in Latvia, 1941
RG-46.04.61, Construction of the wall around Warsaw Ghetto, October, 1940
RG-46.04.62, RG-46.04.62, The former SS female concentration camp guards forced by the Allies to remove bodies from trucks into mass graves
RG-46.04.63, Would-be immigrant being advised in the Palestinian office in Berlin, 1935
RG-46.04.64, A Jewish Yellow star with the sign Jude,
RG-46.05, Jewish History, medieval and early modern periods
RG-46.05.01, A detail from the Friese Chronicles showing the 1349 massacre of Erfurt Jews in Germany, who were blamed for the Black Death
RG-46.05.02, Alfred Dreyfus being cashiered, 13 January 1895, a painting of Henri Meyer, public domain
RG-46.05.03, Manuscript from 1515 depicting Jews being burned at the stake at Lucerne, Switzerland
RG-46.05.04, Manuscript from the Chronicles of Offa depicting Jews being persecuted in medieval England
RG-46.05.05, Sender's Receipt, recipient Mojsha Raeines
RG-46.05.06, Illustration of the three-day Pogrom that occurred in Frankfurt am Main in 1819. The Pogrom stemmed from a Jewish attempt to gain more civil rights in the German Confederation
RG-46.06, Miscellaneous Photographs, Holocaust-related scenes
RG-46.06.01, Ghetto scene, children asking for bread
RG-46.06.02, Child partisan in the fighters group hiding in the forest
RG-46.06.03, Workshop in Wilno ghetto
RG-46.06.04, Diary page by David Rubinowicz, age 13, in Polish. He and his family perished in Treblinka
RG-46.06.05, Franco Cisano, a 13 year old boy who fell as a young partisan in Italy
RG-46.06.06, After Liberation from a Nazi concentration camp
RG-46.06.07, Children in the rural area
RG-46.06.08, Ghetto knitting workshop in Gluboke, county in Wilno, Poland
RG-46.06.09, Orphaned and starved, ghetto children’s fate
RG-46.06.10, Jewish children’s home in German-occupied Paris
RG-46.06.11, Children harnessed to loading cart
RG-46.06.12, Deportation from Olkusz, Poland
RG-46.06.13, A boy feeding younger sister
RG-46.06.14, Jewish boy hiding in fear of deportation
RG-46.06.15, Surviving children after the war in orphanages in Belgium
RG-46.06.16, Ghetto scene, asking for bread
RG-46.06.17, Jewish boy caught by German guard while smuggling bread into the ghetto
RG-46.07, Lviv in the Second World War, 1941 – 1944
RG-46.07.01, Edict requiring compulsory labor for all Jews of the district Galicia, 20 September 1941
RG-46.07.02, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (1)
RG-46.07.03, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (2)
RG-46.07.04, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (3)
RG-46.07.05, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (4)
RG-46.07.06, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (5)
RG-46.07.07, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (6)
RG-46.07.08, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (7)
RG-46.07.09, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (8)
RG-46.07.10, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (9)
RG-46.07.11, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (10)
RG-46.07.12, Interior of destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (11)
RG-46.07.13, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (12)
RG-46.07.14, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (13)
RG-46.07.15, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (14)
RG-46.07.16, Pogrom in Live, June-July, 1941 (1)
RG-46.07.17, Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (2)
RG-46.07.18, Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (3)
RG-46.07.19, Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (4)
RG-46.07.20, Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (5)
RG-46.08, Theresienstadt and the Holocaust in Bohemia and Moravia, photo-documents
RG-46.08.01, Aerial photo, Small Fortress, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated
RG-46.08.02, Arrival of bread rations, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942
RG-46.08.03, Arrival of Dutch transport, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.04, At work in the gardens, Theresienstadt Ghetto, (still cut from Nazi propaganda film smuggled out)
RG-46.08.05, At work in the gardens, Theresienstadt, August 1944
RG-46.08.06, Bookbinding workshop Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (7th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.07, Clean-up of rubble of the destroyed village, Lidice, 1942
RG-46.08.08, Crematorium interior, Theresienstadt Ghetto, Sept 1942
RG-46.08.09, Crematorium, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated
RG-46.08.10, Deportation to the East, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.11, Deportation of Jews from Southern Moravia, Uhersky Brod, 30 January 1943
RG-46.08.12, Egon Ledec, a letter
RG-46.08.13, Egon Ledec, portrait by Petr Kien
RG-46.08.14, Emil Ulitz attending a lecture, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (8th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.15, Entrance gate with a slogan 'labor liberates', Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.16, Fourth courtyard where prisoners were executed, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated
RG-46.08.17, Interior of barracks, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (3rd of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.18, Leaving the bathhouse, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (4th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.19, Leo Baeck (left) and Otto Zucker (right) at meeting of the Council of Elders, Theresienstadt Ghetto
RG-46.08.20, Liberation by the Soviet Red Army, Theresienstadt Ghetto, May 1945
RG-46.08.21, Library circulation desk, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (10th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.22, Library, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (9th of 11 stills), August 1944
RG-46.08.23, Medical care for the survivors, Theresienstadt, May 1945
RG-46.08.24, On the way to work, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (5th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.25, Orchestra, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (11th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.26, Pogrom in the city, 1941
RG-46.08.27, Prisoners entering main gate, Theresienstadt, 1942
RG-46.08.28, Prisoners entering main gate, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943-1944
RG-46.08.29, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (1st of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.30, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (2nd of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.31, Survivors after liberation, Theresienstadt, May 1945
RG-46.08.32, Tailoring workshop, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' (6th of 11 stills), Aug 1944
RG-46.08.33, Theresienstadt, interior of the barracks
RG-46.08.34, Theresienstadt, May 2005, a memorial site, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.08.35, Vedem
RG-46.09, Polish Volhynian Tragedy
RG-46.09.01, List of illustrations in the Polish archival records, Part 6
RG-46.09.02, Overview of the Ukrainian archival holdings, Part 4
RG-46.09.03, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, archival guide in the Polish archives, Part 2
RG-46.09.04, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, selected documents, Part 3
RG-46.09.05, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, selection of the Ukrainian documents, Part 5
RG-46.09.06, Wolyn-Eastern Galicia, Ukrainian-Polish Conflict, Archival guide 1943-1944
RG-46.10, Twenty Years after Liberation, a magazine
RG-46.10.01, Arrest of Jews, Warsaw. Inside of the ghetto
RG-46.10.02, Torture of prisoners at a Nazi concentration camp
RG-46.10.03, RG-46.10.03, (upper image) Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky and roll call in a concentration camp,
RG-46.10.04, (upper) June 1940 Nazi troops marching to Champs-Elysees; (lower) Hitler, Keitel, and Speidel on Montmartre
RG-46.10.05, (upper) Child in front of ruins in Warsaw; (lower) May 1940 invasion of Holland, Belgium and France
RG-46.10.06, (upper), camp showers; (lower) Cyclone B
RG-46.10.07, Victims of the death marches
RG-46.10.08, What happened to the Nazi criminals
RG-46.10.09, Women performing forced hard labor
RG-46.10.10, Young Spanish Republican killed by a hit of a shovel at Mauthausen concentration camp, 1941
RG-46.11, African-American soldiers in the Second World War
RG-46.11.01, An African-American soldier with the 12th infantry div of the 7th US Army stands guard over a group of German soldiers, April 1945
Author: staff
Aftermath of liberation
Aftermath of Nazi-German concentration camp liberation
Anti-British propaganda, Nazi
Anti-jewish limitations in practicing law--Poland (1930s)
Anti-Jewish measures and legislation, Nazi Germany
Anti-Jewish measures and legislations, Eastern Galicia
Anti-Soviet propagana, Nazi
Antisemitic slogans, Germany, 1933 -- 1939
Appeals to join the 14 Galizien Waffen SS Division (1st Ukrainian division), 1943
Auschwitz Album, photo-documents
Austrian, Nazi propaganda, placards, 1938 -- 1939
A Young Soviet partisan in his teens, 1943, photo-documents
Belorussian collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World Waar, 1941 -- 1945
Belorussian collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War, photo-documents
Bergen-Belsen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Boycott of Jewish businesses in Nazi Germany
Brest (France)
Brothels in German-occupied and controlled territories, 1939 -- 1945
Brothels in German-occupied France, 1940 -- 1944
Brothels in German-occupied France, 1940 -- 1944, Photo-documents
Buchenwald (Germany: concentration camp)
Buchenwald (Germany: Concentration Camp), post-liberation photographs
Bundesarchiv, German Federal Archives
Bydgoszcz (Poland)
Capitulation of Warsaw, September 28, 1939, photo-documents
Celniker, Dr. Aleksander
Children in the Radom ghetto, ca 1942
Christian X (King of Denmark)
Chwila, newspaper, Jewish (Polish)
Collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War
Combat operations of German forces in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the Muranowski Square, April 1943
Contacts between the German and Soviet soldiers in the annexed Poland, 1939, photo-documents
Contacts between the German and Soviet soldiers in the annexed Poland, September 1939
Cracow (Poland: Ghetto)
Cracow (Poland: Ghetto), photo-documents
Cultural life in the Theresienstadt ghetto, photo-documents
day-to-day life in the Warsaw ghetto
Day-to-day life in the Warsaw ghetto, photo-documents
Defense bonds, issued by Jewish financial insitutions in Poland, 1939
Deportation from the Lodz Ghetto (Gehsperre), September 1942
Deportation of Hungarian Jews
Deportation of Jews form Carpatho-Ruthenia to Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944, photo-documents
Deportation of Jews from Thessaloniki, Greece, 1942, photo-documents
Deportation of the Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories to Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
Destruction of synagogues in Lviv (Lwow) by the Nazis, 1941 -- 1944
Destruction of synagogues in Lviv (Lwow) by the Nazis, 1941 -- 1944, photo-documents
Division in the French Society of the Third Republic with regard to the Dreyfus Affair
Eastern Galicia (European region)
Eastern Galicia (Poland: Region)
Eastern Galicia as ethnic Ukrainian territory
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Einsatzgruppe A in Latvia, mass killing of Jews, 1941, photo-documents
Einsatzgruppen (Nazi police intelligence units "action-groups")
Electoral campaign of the German Social Democrat, slogan Down with Nazis, select SPD
Estonian collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War, 1941 -- 1944
Estonian collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War, appeals
Evidences of Nazi-German crimes against humanity, peace and warcrimes
Female camp guards
First days Jewish pogroms, June -- July 1941
First Days Jewish pogroms, June -- July 1941, photo-documents
Folkssturm, 1944 -- 1945, photo-documents
Forced labor
Forced labor, photo-documents
Formation of 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1ar Ukrainian Division), 1943-1944
Fort 9 -- Kaunas (Lithuania) Jewish masacres, 1941, photo-documents
Fort 13--Kaunas (Lithuania)
French society and the Dreyfus Affair, 1894 -- 1906
General Zionists of Eastern Galicia
German -- Soviet War, 1941 -- 1945
German civilian population become aware of Nazis' crimes in the concentration camps, 1945
German invasion of Denmark, April 1940, photo-documents
German invasion of France, May 1940
German invasion of France, May 1940, photo-documents
German invasion of Greece, May 1941, photo-documents
German invasion of Poland, September 1939
German invasion of Poland, September 1939, photo-documents
German invasion of the USSR, 22 June 1941
German military administration of the Czech lands, 1941
German occupation of Bohemia and Moravia (the Czech lands)
German occupation of the Yugoslavian territories, 1943, 1944
German occupation of Ukraine, 1941 -- 1944
ghetto identification document
Herschel Feibel Grynszpan in French custody, November 1938, photo-document
Herschel Grynszpan, Polish-Jewish refugee, assassination attempted on German diplomat Ernst Rath
Herschel Grynszpan, Polish-Jewish refugeee, assassinated German diplomat in Paris, November 1938
History, Jewish
History of the Holocaust, photo-documents
Holocaust in Bessarabia, 1941
Holocaust in Bessarabia, 1941, photo-documets
Holocaust in Europe, photo-documents
Holocaust in Poland
Holocaust in Romania
Holocaust in Romania, photo-documents
Jewish -- Polish relations in interwar Poland
Jewish aspirations to normalcy in relations with Poles and Ukrainians in Eastern Galicia 1918 --1939
Jewish children in Radom, 1940, photo-documents
Jewish communities in Poland, dues, 1939
Jewish Fighting Organization
Jewish history, modern
Jewish History in medieval time and early modern period
Jewish Order police in the Lodz ghetto, photo-documents
Jewish Order Police in the Warsaw ghetto, 1940 --1943
Jewish parliamentary circle in the Second Polish Sejm, 1922 -- 1927
Jewish parliamentary circle in the Sejm of the Second Term, 1928 -- 1930
Jewish parliamentary representation in the Sejm (Polish Parliament), 1918 -- 1939
Jewish parliamentary representation of Eastern Galicia, 1922 -- 1939
Jewish Pogrom in Lviv (Lwow), end of June -- begining of July 1941, photo-documents
Jewish Pogrom in Lviv (Lwow), end of June -- beginning of July 1941
Jewish Pogrom in Lviv (Lwow), end of June -- beginning of July 1941, causes and perpetrators
Jewish pogroms instigated by religious antisemitism in the middle ages
Jewish police in the concentration camps, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish politics in interwar Poland
Jewish population of Eastern Galicia
Jewish prisoners of the Salaspils concentration camp, photo-documents
Jewish refugees
Jewish refugees from Germany on the board of St. Louis ship, May 1939
Jewish strive for normalcy and emancipation, 19th century
Jews in Kielce under the German occupation, photo-documents
Jews in the Communist movement in Poland, 1918 -- 1939
Jews in the Youth Communist Organization of Western Ukraine, 1926, majority of the members
Jews of Carpatho-Ruthenia, a Hungarian-annnexed territory arrived in Auschwitz, 1944, photo-document
Jozef Beck, Foreign Minister of Poland, 1930s
Jozef Beck, Foreign Minister of Poland, 1930s, photo-documents
Jurgen (Juergen) Stroop, General of Combat SS and Police
Khishinev (Moldova)
Kielce (Poland)
Kiev (Soviet Union)
Kiev (Ukraine)
Kishinev (Bessarabia)
Kyiv (Ukraine)
Latvia (1939-1945)
Latvian collaboration with Nazi Germany
Latvian collaboration with Nazi Germany, appeals
Latvian national SS formations, 1943, 1944, photo-documents
Layout of the Theresienstadt ghetto, photo-documents
Liberation of concentration camps
Liberation of Nazi-German concentration camps, Germany
Liberation of the Theresienstadt Ghetto, May 1945
Liberation of the Theresienstadt ghetto, photo-documents
Lithuanian collaborationist appeal
Lithuanian collaboration with Nazi Germany
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Poland: ghetto)
Lwow (Poland)
Making German civilians aware of the Nazi crimes, 1945, photo-documents
Massacres in the NKVD prisons in Lviv in the end of June 1930, perpetrated by the NKVD personnnel
Mass graves at the liberated Nazi-German concentration camps, photo-documents
Mauthausen (Austria: Concentration Camp)
Mauthausen concentration camp, liberation and its aftermath
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (August 23, 1939)
Munich Conference, September 1938
Nazi-German hierarchy in the NSDAP and Government, Himmler and von Ribbentrop
Nazi-German Navy
Nazi-German Navy, warship Schleswig-Holstein, 1939, photo-documents
Nazi-German officials in Slovakia, 1941
Nazi-German perpetrators, photo-documents
Nazi antisemitic slogans, Jews are our misfortune, photo-documents
Nazi deceptive film the Fuehrer gives the Jews a city, Theresienstadt, photo-documents
Nazi deceptive film The Fuehrer give the Jews a city, Theresienstadt, 1944
Nazi female concentration camp guards on trial, photo-documents
Nazi German deception with regard to the Theresienstadt ghetto
Nazi German hierarchy in the NSDAP and Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi German officials in Slovakia, Bratislava, 1941, photo-documents
Oranienburg (Germany: Concentration camp)
Oranienburg (Germany: Concentration Camp), photo-documents
Orders, ordinances, announcements issued by German civil administration in Lwow (Lviv), 1941 -- 1944
Periodicals, Jewish
Photographs, prisoners of war
Poland (1939 --1945)
Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish society of Eastern Galicia, 1918 --1939
Polish-German negotiations, 1935
Polish-German negotiations, 1935, photo-documents
Polish-Wolynian tragedy, 1943 -- 1944, archival guide of documents
Polish collaborating periodicals, Nowiny (the News), Cracow, 1943
Polish prisoners of the Montelupich Prison in Cracow, ca 1942
Polish Wolhynian Tragedy, 1943 -- 1944
Polish Wolynian tragedy, 1943 -- 1944, archival materials
Political agitation of the German Left, Weimar Republic
Postwar photo-publications about the Holocaust in French
Prisoners of war, French, 1940
Prisoners of war, French, 1940, photo-documents
Prisoners of war, French, soldiers from the French colonies, 1940
Prisoners of war, Soviet
Prisoners of war French, soldiers from the French cololnies, photo-documents
Prison Montelupich (Krakow, Poland)
Rabbi Markus Melchior, chief rabbi of Denmark, wartime
Racial Nuremberg Laws, a diagram
Reconciliation of Ukrainian atrocities in Wolyn, 1943 -- 1944
Reflections on the Holocaust by the contemporaneous photographers
Reflections on the Second World War in the American periodical, wartime
Reflections on the Second World War in the American periodicals, wartime
Religious antisemitism in the medieval time
Removal of the Soviet symbols under the German authorities in the former Soviet territories
Rescue operation of Danish Jewry
Resistance in Denmark
Revisionist Zionism, Jewish ideological movement of Right Wing, precursor of the Likud party
Revisionist Zionists' appeal to Polish Jews issued before the outbreak of the Second World War
Role of Danish Government in Rescue of Jews in Denmark
Salaspils (Latvia: Concentration Camp)
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Selection at the ramp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Hungarian Jews, 1944
Selection of prisoners at the Auschwitz complex of camps
Slave labor in the Mauthausen concentration camp
Social and cultural life in the Theresienstadt ghetto
Soldiers, British
Soldiers, German
Soviet-German annexation of Poland, September 1939, photo-documents
Soviet-German division of Poland, September -- October 1939, photo-documents
Soviet partisans
Soviet prisoners of war, 1941 -- 1945, photo-documents
Sudeten National Socialist Home Front, pro-Nazi organization, Czechoslovakia, 1933 -- 1935
Surrender of British soldiers in Europe, 1940, photo-documents
The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, Galizien (1st Ukrainian Division)
The Dreyfus Affair, 1894 -- 1906, photo-documents
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939 -- 1945
The Holocaust in General Government (German-occupied Poland)
The Holocaust in Germany
The Holocaust in Poland, photo-documents
The NKVD prisons in Lviv (Lwow), July 2, 1941, photo-documens
Theresienstadt (Czechoslovakia)
Theresienstadt ghetto
Theresienstadt ghetto, chronology and photo-documents
The role of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Polish ethnic cleansing in Wolyn, 1943 -- 1944
The siege of Warsaw, Septembere 1939, photo-documents
Thessaloniki (Greece)
Ukraine (1941-1945)
Ukrainian ethnic cleansing in Wolhynia, 1943 -- 1944
Ukrainian - Jewish relations, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian-Polish conflict in Wolyn and Eastern Galicia, 1943 -- 1944
Ukrainian-Polish conflict in Wolyn and Eastern Galicia, 1943 -- 1944, publications
Ukrainian - Polish ethno - national and political relations, 1939 -- 1945
Ukrainian - Polish relations under Nazi-German regime, 1939 -- 1945
Ukrainian auxiliary police in Volhynia, post Sarig, 1942
Ukrainian collaboration in the Holocaust
Ukrainian collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Ukrainian ethnic cleansing in Wolyn as a function of geo-political situation in Europe
Ukrainian ethnic cleansing in Wolyn as a function of the allied policy of postwwar borders
Ukrainian societal perception of Jewish population in Eastern Galicia, 1918 --1939
underground resistance in Denmark
US military personnel, soldiers, African-Americans, 1944 -- 1945, photo-documents
Velykyi Bereznyi (Ukraine)
Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky, founder of the Revisionist Zionism
Vladimir (Zeev) Zabotinskii (Jabotinsky), appeal to the Jews of Poland
Volkssturm, a German national militia in the end of the war. It conscribed males from 13 to 60 years
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland)
Warsaw Polish Uprising
Warsaw Polish Uprising, August -- September 1944, photo-documents
Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Weimar Republic, elections
Weimar Republic, Elections, Social Democrats' electoral list No. 1
Weimar Republic, elections, the Communist electoral list No. 3
Wolyn (Poland: Province)
Wolyn (Ukraine: Province)
Wolyn (Ukraine: Region)
Women in the Soviet partisan movement

No restrictions
Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request

Documents and Files:
RG-46.01.01, 25000 Soviet prisoners of war are guarded by the German mounted soldiers, near Minsk, July 1941
RG-46.01.02, 25000 Soviet prisoners of war located in this camp near Minsk, 5 July 1941
RG-46.01.03, A brothel for German soldiers in Brest, France, 1940 housed in a former Jewish synagogue
RG-46.01.04, A brothel for German soldiers in Brest, France in the former Jewish Synagogue ca 1940
RG-46.01.05, A column of young Belorussian volunteers to the national military formation, July 1944
RG-46.01.06, A column of young Belorussians volunteers to the a national military formation, July 1944
RG-46.01.07, A Jewish man of Kielce, ca 1939-1940
RG-46.01.08, Announcement about regulation of Jewish residence and work card in Lwow, April 1942
RG-46.01.09, Appeal to join Estonian national SS formation to fight Bolshevism, 1943
RG-46.01.10, Appeal to join the Ukrainian Waffen SS Galizien Division to fight Bolshevism, 1943, Lwow
RG-46.01.100, Yugoslavia, police operation, men and women with suitcases are led from a village, 1943, 1944
RG-46.01.101, Soviet partisans captured in Minsk, October 1941
RG-46.01.102, Soviet-German negotiations in Poland, General Guderian and General Krivoshein, 22 September 1939
RG-46.01.103, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940, Jews on the sidewalk, a cart with barrels on the street
RG-46.01.104, Jews being transported by German police, September 1939
RG-46.01.105, German and Soviet soldiers met at Brest-Litowsk, annexation of Poland by Germany and the USSR, September 1939
RG-46.01.11, Austria, German troops in Vienna, December 1938
RG-46.01.12, British soldiers surrender, 1940
RG-46.01.13, Capitulation of Warsaw, September 1939
RG-46.01.14, Cracow, entrance to the ghetto
RG-46.01.15, Despite the hatred and ban not dead, Austria 1938-1939
RG-46.01.16, Execution of Polish patriots by Einsatzgruppen, Cracow, October, 2, 1939
RG-46.01.17, French military prisoners of war, France, ca 1940
RG-46.01.18, Lviv (Lwow, Lemberg), District Galizien, 1943
RG-46.01.19, German and Soviet soldiers socializing on the new German-Soviet border near Brest-Litovsk, September 1939
RG-46.01.20, Hoffmanns, Nazi anti-British and anti-Communist propaganda after invasion of Poland
RG-46.01.21, Nazi Germanym concentration camp Oranienburg, 1933
RG-46.01.22, In the soldier brothel, Brest, France, 1940, the brothel located in the former synagogue,
RG-46.01.23, Invasion of Poland, Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel und Walter von Reichenau, 1939
RG-46.01.24, Romanian Jews are rounded up, Bessarabia, Romania, September 1941
RG-46.01.25, A Jewish ghetto policeman, Lodz, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.26, A Jewish man in forced labor, Mogilev, July 1941
RG-46.01.27, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939
RG-46.01.28, Appeal to join Latvian military formation to fight against Bolshevism, 1943
RG-46.01.29, Appeal, Join the ranks of the Galizien SS Waffen division for Ukrainian cause, 1943
RG-46.01.30, Calais, France, May 1940, German corporal amidst ruined building
RG-46.01.31, Danzig, on board of the German warship Schleswig-Holstein, 1939
RG-46.01.32, French colonial soldier, prisoner of war, France, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.33, Front page of the Polish newspaper Nowiny published in Cracow, 1943
RG-46.01.34, Greece, German soldiers raising Nazi flag near Acropolis, May 1941
RG-46.01.35, Hungarian Jews arrived in Auschwitz, summer 1944
RG-46.01.36, Jewish camp policeman, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.37, Jewish ghetto policemen near the barracks, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.38, Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.39, Jewish kids on the street of Radom, Poland, 1940
RG-46.01.40, Jewish men, women, and children on a village street, Mogilev, July 1941
RG-46.01.41, Jewish porters near the Railroad Station in Kielce, 1939-1940
RG-46.01.42, Jewish prisoner is punished in the concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.43, Jewish women and children on a village street, July 1941
RG-46.01.44, Jews are arrested for illegal storing of the coffee supplies, Poland, 1939
RG-46.01.45, Jews cleaning rubble in Warsaw, October 1939
RG-46.01.46, Jews of Minsk at snow-cleaning, February 1942
RG-46.01.47, Katyn massacre of the Polish prisoners of war, perpetrated by the Soviets in April 1940, Russia
RG-46.01.48, Latvian national SS legion's armored vehicles parade in Riga, April-May 1944
RG-46.01.49, Latvian volunteers to the SS legion, November 1943
RG-46.01.50, Latvian volunteers to the national Waffen SS division, 1943, 1944, Latvia
RG-46.01.51, Lemberg (Lviv, Lwow), General-Gouvernement, 1943
RG-46.01.52, Lithuanians, anti-Bolshevik appeal, Lithuania, 1943, 1944
RG-46.01.53, Lodz ghetto, 1940, Jewish men and children
RG-46.01.54, Lodz ghetto, young Jewish women with Jewish stars, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.55, Mass killing of Jews near Kaunas, at the Fort 9, October 1941
RG-46.01.56, Minsk, destructed buildings, 1941-1943
RG-46.01.57, Minsk, July 1941, a street scene
RG-46.01.58, Minsk, July 1941, captured by the German army
RG-46.01.59, Minsk, view of a Polish Cathedral, 1941-1943
RG-46.01.60, Mogilev, 1941, Jewish women and children
RG-46.01.61, Mogilev, July 1941, a column of Jewish men marching by the street to a forced laboar site
RG-46.01.62, Mogilev, July 1941, Jews in forced labor resting
RG-46.01.63, Mogilev, July 1941, Jews in forced labor
RG-46.01.64, Parade in Cracow, General Government, ca 1939
RG-46.01.65, Paris, 1940, A civilian with a sign, unwanted Jews in this restaurant
RG-46.01.66, Photograph of a Jewish man in the siege of Warsaw, September 1939
RG-46.01.67, Police parade, Cracow, General Governement, ca 1939
RG-46.01.68, Polish criminal prisoners in front of the Montelupich Prison, Cracow, ca 1939-1940
RG-46.01.69, Polish Jews in a camp, Cracow, end of 1939
RG-46.01.70, Polish Jews in the prison, Lublin, November 1939
RG-46.01.71, Polish Jews on the way to forced labor, 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.72, Polish-Jewish children arrving in London, February 1939
RG-46.01.73, Poster, To Arms, appealing to join Gazien Waffen SS division, 1943
RG-46.01.74, Punishment of the Jewish prisoner, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.75, Radom, Poland, ca. 1940, an old Jewish man with armband
RG-46.01.76, Radom, Poland, Jewish man with a boy and a child, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.77, Registration of the civilian population with the German military command, Mogilev, July 1941
RG-46.01.78, Romanian Jews are rounded up, Bessarabia, Romania, September 1941
RG-46.01.79, Sign, Jewish store, Poland, October 1939
RG-46.01.80, Soldiers' brothel in Brest, France, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.81, Soviet and German officers discussing the border demarcation, Bialystok, 21 September 1939
RG-46.01.82, Soviet-German talks, Brest-Litovsk, 22 September 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.83, TA placard against corruption, election campaign of Sudeten Nazi Home Front, 1935
RG-46.01.84, Thessaloniki, deportation of Jews, July 1942
RG-46.01.85, Thessaloniki, Jewish men are at the collection point, July 1942
RG-46.01.86, Thessaloniki, Round up of Jews, July 1942
RG-46.01.87, Turkmenian volunteers in German army, north of France, 1943
RG-46.01.88, Two German soldiers on a street of Paris, France under German occupation
RG-46.01.89, Two Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.90, Volksdeutschen of Lodz greet the Germans, October 1939
RG-46.01.91, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish order police near the gate, June 1942
RG-46.01.92, Warsaw, September, October 1939, Jews cleaning up rubble
RG-46.01.93, Weimar Republic, a map appeal for German unificaiton
RG-46.01.94, Weimar Republic, Berlin, 1920s, Ausflügler vor Kaffee-Küche, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.95, Weimar Republic, Communists electoral campaign poster, 1919-1933
RG-46.01.96, Weimar Republic, Election poster of Social-Democrats, List No. 3
RG-46.01.97, Electoral campaign of the German Social Democrats, down with Nazis, select SPD
RG-46.01.98, Weimar Republic, International Women's Day, placard
RG-46.01.99, Young Jewish boy with armband and Jewish stars selling armbands, Radom, Poland, ca 1940
RG-46.02.01, An arrest scene of Romanian Jews, winter 1941
RG-46.02.02, Announcement, all Soviet symbols to be destroyed, Lviv, August 1941
RG-46.02.03, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939
RG-46.02.04, Arrested Romanian Jews, Winter 1941
RG-46.02.05, Atrocities in the Jewish quarter of Lwow, 1941
RG-46.02.06, Association for the German East, placard
RG-46.02.07, France, 1944, Civilians before starting a day business
RG-46.02.08, Hermann Goering and the Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck with wives sitting in coach, July 1935
RG-46.02.09, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan at his first police interrogation, Paris, November 8, 1938
RG-46.02.10, German High military command of the Czech lands, July 1941
RG-46.02.11, Invasion of Poland, Lublin, meeting of German and Soviet soldiers, September 1939
RG-46.02.12, Jewish women and children arrested, winter 1941
RG-46.02.13, Jews from Kishinev in forced labor, Bessarabia, August 1941
RG-46.02.14, Kiev under German occupation, July 1943
RG-46.02.15, Lwow, July 2, 1941, NKVD prison on Gorodocka street
RG-46.02.16, Notice to pay a Jewish communites due, Poland, April 1939
RG-46.02.17, Photograph of Herschel Feibel Grynszpan (Grünspan), November 1938
RG-46.02.18, Proclamation to join th 14th SS Galizien infantry division, Lviv, May 1943
RG-46.02.19, Romanian Jewish men are arrested, winter 1941
RG-46.02.20, Romanian Jews sorting out captured Soviet weapons, summer 1941
RG-46.02.21, German soldier capturing a young Soviet partisan, the USSR, July-August 1943
RG-46.02.22, German soldiers capturing a young Soviet partisan, the USSR, July-August 1943
RG-46.02.23, A diagram illustraing the racial Nuremberg Laws
RG-46.02.24, Two Soviet women arrested on a suspicion of partisanshipp by German miliatary police, 1942
RG-46.02.25, Ukrainian Security auxiliary police post , district Sarig, Volhynia, 1942
RG-46.02.26, Ukrainian Security policeman, Volhynia, Ukraine, 1942
RG-46.02.27, Vladimir Zhabotinskii (Jabotinsky) Appeal. On the Two Fronts, in Polish and Hebrew, ca 1939
RG-46.02.28, Vladimir Zhabotinskii (Jabotisnksy), At the two Fronts, appeal to the Jewish people, October 1939
RG-46.02.29, Warsaw Uprising, Polish women reading the messages on the wooden fence, August 1944, Warsaw
RG-46.02.30, Warsaw Polish Uprising, Polish patrol in the streets of Warsaw, August 1, 1944, Warsaw,
RG-46.02.31, The 17 year old apprentice mechanic Gotthard R. is called up to Volkssturm, Frankfurt, February 1945
RG-46.02.32, Dr. Hans Globke, 1941 in Bratislava. Minister of the Interior Dr. Frick, Secretary of State Dr. Stuckart, 1941
RG-46.02.33, Goebbels state visit to Poland, from left to right Hans von Moltke, Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Goebbels, Josef Beck
RG-46.03.01, Chwila, Political Process in Lwow against a Youth Communist Organization of Western Ukraine, 1926
RG-46.03.02, Chwila, Jewish parliamentary circle in Polish Sejam, political discourse, 27 January 1926
RG-46.03.03, Chwila, January 1, 1928, Budget of the Jewish community in Lviv
RG-46.03.04, Chwila, January 7, 1928, Jewish community of Lviv, protest against govermental control
RG-46.03.05, Chwila, January 8, 1928, for the autonomic status of Jewish communities in Poland
RG-46.03.06, Chwila, January 14, 1928, BUND in Eastern Galicia
RG-46.03.07, Chwila, January 20, 1928, Juliusz Wurzel, Jewish national ideology
RG-46.03.08, Chwila, January 21, 1928, Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance, UNDO
RG-46.03.09, Chwila, January 23, 1928, Jewish community in Lviv
RG-46.03.10, Chwila, January 25, 1928, Assassanation of Stanislaw Sobinski by Ukrainian nationalists
RG-46.03.11, Chwila, January 26, 1928, Ukrainian electoral politics in Eastern Galicia, interwar Poland
RG-46.03.12, Chwila, January 27, 1928, Ukrainian political trial in the Sabinski murder, 1928
RG-46.03.13, Chwila, January 29, 1928, National-Jewish electoral block No. 17, Eastern Galicia, 1928
RG-46.03.14, Chwila, February 1, 1928, International news reported by Chwila, interwar Poland
RG-46.03.15, Chwila, February 2, 1928, Ukrainian political extremism, the Trial of Sabinski murder
RG-46.03.16, Chwila, February 4, 1928, Jewish candidate to Sejm and Senate from Bloc No. 17
RG-46.03.17, Chwila, February 5, 1928, Electral appeal of National-Jewish block No. 17, Eastern Galicia
RG-46.03.18, Chwila, February 5, 1928, Ukrainian political processes relfected by Chwila, Sobinski, Lviv
RG-46.03.19, Chwila, February 7, 1928, Electoral campaign to Sejm and Senate of 1928, Jewish candidates
RG-46.03.20, Chwila, February 9, 1928, Political trial of the Sabinksi murder, Lviv, 1928
RG-46.03.21, Chwila, February 10, 1928, Political trial of the Sabinksi murder, Lviv, 1928
RG-46.03.22, Chwila, February 11, 1928, Electoral debates, National-Jewish block, No. 17, 1928
RG-46.03.23, Chwila, February 12, 1928, Electoral debates, National-Jewish block, No. 17, 1928
RG-46.03.24, Chwila, February 13, 1928, Leon Reich, chairman of the National-Jewish block No. 17, Lviv
RG-46.03.25, Chwila, February 15, 1928, Electoral campaign, National-Jewish block No. 17, Eastern Galicia
RG-46.03.26, Chwila, February 16, 1928, Political trial of the Sabinski murder, Lviv, 1928
RG-46.03.27, Chwila, February 17, 1928, Electoral campaign in support of National-Jewish bloc in Eastern Galicia, 1928
RG-46.03.28, Chwila, February 18, 1928, Jewish national self-identification with regard to the election of 1928
RG-46.03.29, Chwila, February 19, 1928, Political trial of Sabinski murder, Lviv 1928
RG-46.03.30, Chwila, February 20, 1928, Jewish parliamentary representation to Polish Sejm and Sentate
RG-46.03.31, Chwila, February 22, 1928, Electoral campaign to Sejm and Senate in Zloczow (Zolochiv), 1928
RG-46.03.32, Chwila, February 24, 1928, Support to National-Jewish block No. 17 in Galician towns, 1928
RG-46.03.33, Chwila, February 25, 1928, Support to National-Jewish block No. 17 in Galician towns, 1928
RG-46.03.34, Chwila, February 26, 1928, Leon Reich, member of Polish Sejm, 1922 -- 1928
RG-46.03.35, Chwila, February 27, 1928, Henryk Rosmarin, Jewish-Polish politician, member of Sejm, 1922 -- 1935
RG-46.03.36, Chwila, February 28, 1928, National-Jewish bloc No 17, electoral debate, February 1928
RG-46.03.37, Chwila, March 1, 1928, Emil Sommerstein, Jewish-Polish politician, member of the I, III, IV and V Polish Sejm
RG-46.03.38, Chwila, March 2, 1928, Henryk Hescheles, Jewish-Polish journalist, editor of Chwila
RG-46.03.39, Chwila, March 2, 1928, Leon Reich, Mojzesh Richter, Szymon (Simon) Federbusch
RG-46.03.40, Chwila, March 3, 1928, Cwi Heller, Jewish Polish politician, Zionist, scholar
RG-46.03.41, Chwila, March 4, 1928, Leon Reich
RG-46.03.42, Chwila, March 5, 1928, Election to the Sejm and Senate of Poland, Second Cadence, Leon Reich
RG-46.03.43, Chwila, March 6, 1928, Results of the election to Sejm and Senate in Eastern Glalicia, 1928
RG-46.03.44, Chwila, March 7, 1928, Results of the election to Sejm and Senate in Eastern Glalicia, 1928
RG-46.03.45, Chwila, March 7, 1928, Maksymiljan Leser, Henryk Rosmarin
RG-46.03.46, Chwila, March 7, 1928, Results of the election to the Sejm, 1928
RG-46.03.47, Chwila, March 8, 1928, Post-election, anti-Jewish disturbances in Lviv (Lwow), 1928
RG-46.03.48, Chwila, March 9, 1928, Electoral campaing to Senate, trial of the Sabinski murder, 1928
RG-46.03.49, Chwila, March 10, 1928, Anti-Jewish disturbances in Lviv (Lwow), March 1928
RG-46.03.50, Chwila, March 11, 1928, Electoral campaign to Senate, Lviv (Lwow), 1928
RG-46.03.51, Chwila, March 12, 1928, Jewish parliamentarian in the First and Second Sejm, interwar Poland
RG-46.03.52, Chwila, March 13, 1928, Results of the elections to Senate of the second cadence, 1928
RG-46.03.53, Chwila, March 14, 1928, Results of the elections to Senate of the second cadence, 1928
RG-46.03.54, Chwila, March 15, 1928, Govermental regulations of implementing religious status of Jewish communities, 1928
RG-46.03.55, Chwila, March 19, 1928, National-Jewish block about the success in parliamentary election, 1928
RG-46.03.56, Chwila, March 23, 1928, Electoral defeat of Jewish workers' parties in Eastern Galicia, 1928
RG-46.03.57, Chwila, March 29, 1928, Second Polish Sejm and Senate, 1928 -- 1930, opening ceremony
RG-46.03.58, Chwila, March 31, 1928, Ukrainian parliamentary reprsentation in Sejm and Senate, 1928 -- 1930, Poland
RG-46.03.59, Chwila, April 1, 1928, International news, relfected by Chwila
RG-46.03.60, Chwila, April 4, 1928, Jewish parliamentary circle in the Second Sejm, the question of the state budget
RG-46.03.61, Chwila, April 6, 1928, Attach on the residience of Director of Ukrainian Gymnasium in Lviv, by UWO
RG-46.03.62, Chwila, April 7, 1928, Ukrainian parliamentary representation in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930
RG-46.03.63, Chwila, April 11, 1928, Jewish national problems in Polish parliamentary perspective, Second Sejm
RG-46.03.64, Chwila, April 12, 1928, Member of Sejm, Dr. Reich visits Czortkow
RG-46.03.65, Chwila, April 13, 1928, Associations of Jewish craftsmen in Eastern Galicia, interwar Poland
RG-46.03.66, Chwila, April 18, 1928, Jewish parliamentatry representation in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930, Poland
RG-46.03.67, Chwila, April 23, 1928, Jewish parliamentatry representation in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930, Poland
RG-46.03.68, Chwila, April 29, 1928, Domestic and international news reflected by Chwila, 1918 -- 1939
RG-46.03.69, Chwila, May 1, 1928, Polish Zionist organization unite in one association, 1928
RG-46.03.70, Chwila, May 4, 1928, International Labor Day, May 1, in Lviv (Lwow), 1928
RG-46.03.71, Chwila, May 10, 1928, Governmental ordinances regulating Jewish communities in Poland, 1928
RG-46.03.72, Chwila, May 14, 1928, Criminal trials in Lviv reflected by Chwila, 1928
RG-46.03.73, Chwila, May 27, 1928, Local affairs in Lviv (Lwow) reflected by Chwila
RG-46.03.74, Chwila, June 3, 1928, Leon Reich
RG-46.03.75, Chwila, June 4, 1928, Leon Reich
RG-46.03.76, Chwila, June 27, 1928, Leon Reich, Karol Eisentsein, Maximilian Leser, Hernryk Rosmarin, Dawid Schreiber
RG-46.04.01, (left to right) Rudolf Hess, Hitler, Bormann, Goering and Ribbentrop attending a Wagnerian opera
RG-46.04.02, Great Synagogue in Oranienburgerstrasse in Berlin burning on Kristallnacht
RG-46.04.03, Half-starved prisoners from Woebbelin camp, typical condition in Ebensee camp, 8 May 1945
RG-46.04.04, A street in Lodz ghetto, scene under a footbridge
RG-46.04.05, Coffee break at Munich Conference, September 1938
RG-46.04.06, Adolf Hitler portrait, September 1926
RG-46.04.07, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, May 29, 1945
RG-46.04.08, Bulldozer pushing corpses into a communal grave, Bergen-Belsen, April 14, 1945
RG-46.04.09, Corpses in mass grave, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp,
RG-46.04.10, Corpses of a mother and two children found by the Allies at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
RG-46.04.11, Crematory furnaces in Majdanek concentration camp at the time of liberation
RG-46.04.12, Disarming of Danish officers collaborating with the German authorities in Copenhagen
RG-46.04.13, Doctor's visit in Warsaw Ghetto, 1941
RG-46.04.14, A caricature, Nazi Holocaust failed in Denmark
RG-46.04.15, Appeals to boycott Jewish businesses in Germany, April 1933
RG-46.04.16, Elderly Jewish lady arrives in Auschwitz from Subcarpathian Ruthenia, 1944
RG-46.04.17, Elderly Jewish woman from Carpatho-Ruthenia comforts three children, Auschwitz, 1944
RG-46.04.18, Fishing boat 'Astrid' from the rescue operation in Denmark
RG-46.04.19, German civilians carry the bodies of the concentration camp prisoners to the grave
RG-46.04.20, A German woman expresses horror at the sight of the decomposing bodies
RG-46.04.21, German soldier shooting with a machine gun
RG-46.04.22, German soldier shoots woman and child, Ivangorod, Ukraine, 1942
RG-46.04.23, German soldiers saluting to King Christian X of Denmark
RG-46.04.24, German troops occupying Aabenraa, South Jutland, Denmark, April 1940
RG-46.04.25, German troops clear Muranowski Square in Warsaw of Jewish Resistance Fighters, April 1943
RG-46.04.26, Himmler (right) and Von Ribbentrop (left) chat during a Nazi rally
RG-46.04.27, Hitler in the car, accompanied by the high-ranking SS officials
RG-46.04.28, Jewish boy forced to mark the entrance to his home or business with JudeVienna, Austria, 1938
RG-46.04.29, Jewish women and children from Carpatho-Ruthenia on the platform at Auschwitz, 1944
RG-46.04.30, Jews are being shipped to an extermination camp
RG-46.04.31, Jews hiding in a bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto are being captured by the Germans, May 1943
RG-46.04.32, Jews on a boat on their way to neutral Sweden from Denmark
RG-46.04.33, Jews from Hungarian territories arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
RG-46.04.34, Jews transported in a cattle car to extermination camps
RG-46.04.35, The front page of the american periodical, Danes Battling Nazis, August 30, 1943
RG-46.04.36, Kacowics brothers, two Soviet partisan fighters, in the area surrounding Bialystok, Poland
RG-46.04.37, Letter from King Christian X to Rabbi Marcus Melchior, December 1941
RG-46.04.38, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp
RG-46.04.39, Liberated prisoners from the Mauthausen Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.40, Major General Juergen Stroop, supression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, April, 1943
RG-46.04.41, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.42, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp, and two Allied soldiers
RG-46.04.43, The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform, 1944
RG-46.04.44, Old and sick Jews deported from Lodz Ghetto to Chelmno extermination center, September 1942
RG-46.04.45, Polish Jews rounded up for deportation
RG-46.04.46, Railroad sabotage in Denmark, January 1943
RG-46.04.47, Resistance strike in Copenhagen, June 1944
RG-46.04.48, Selection at the ramp, the Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia, Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
RG-46.04.49, Slave laborers working at the granite works near Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-46.04.50, The Congress of the German Women Union, Berlin Sport Palace, August 1935
RG-46.04.51, The SS female guards, captured by the Allied soldiers at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
RG-46.04.52, Identification cards issued to the Jews in Theresienstadt
RG-46.04.53, The Article about Jewish refugees on St Louis ship
RG-46.04.54, Boycott of Jewish stores by the Storm Troopers (SA), April 1933
RG-46.04.55, Survivors of the Warsaw ghetto convoyed by the Germans to deportation, May, 1943
RG-46.04.56, Synagogue in Copenhagen after its reopening on June 22, 1945
RG-46.04.57, Two members of the Jewish Fighters Organization are captured in Warsaw, May, 1943
RG-46.04.58, Undernourished Auschwitz inmate after liberation
RG-46.04.59, Members of the Einsatzgruppen preparing to execute Jewish women, Latvia, 1941
RG-46.04.60, Construction of the wall around Warsaw Ghetto, October, 1940
RG-46.04.61, The former SS female concentration camp guards remove bodies from trucks into mass graves
RG-46.04.62, Would-be immigrant being advised in the Palestinian office in Berlin, 1935
RG-46.04.63, A Jewish Yellow star
RG-46.04.64, First clandestine newspaper De Frie Danske (The Free Danes) was printed
RG-46.05.01, A detail from the Friese Chronicles showing the 1349 massacre of Erfurt Jews in Germany
RG-46.05.02, Alfred Dreyfus being cashiered, 13 January 1895, a painting of Henri Meyer
RG-46.05.03, Manuscript from 1515 depicting Jews being burned at the stake at Lucerne, Switzerland
RG-46.05.04, Manuscript from the Chronicles of Offa depicting Jews being persecuted in medieval England
RG-46.05.05, Sender's Receipt, recipient Mojsha Raeines
RG-46.05.06, Illustration of the three-day Pogrom occured in Frankfurt am Main in 1819
RG-46.06.01, Ghetto scene, children asking for bread
RG-46.06.02, Child partisan in the fighters group hiding in the forest
RG-46.06.03, Workshop in Wilno ghetto
RG-46.06.04, Diary page by David Rubinowicz, age 13, in Polish. He and his family perished in Treblinka
RG-46.06.05, Franco Cisano, a 13 year old boy who fell as a young partisan in Italy
RG-46.06.06, After Liberation from a Nazi concentration camp
RG-46.06.07, Children in the ruarl area, wartime
RG-46.06.08, Ghetto knitting workshop in Gluboke, Wilno province, Poland
RG-46.06.09, Orphaned and starved, ghetto children’s fate
RG-46.06.10, Jewish children’s home in German-occupied Paris
RG-46.06.11, Children harnessed to loading cart
RG-46.06.12, Deportation from Olkusz, Poland
RG-46.06.13, A boy feeding younger sister
RG-46.06.14, Jewish boy hiding in fear of deportation
RG-46.06.15, Surviving children after the war in orphanages in Belgium
RG-46.06.16, Ghetto scene, asking for bread, day-to-day ghetto life
RG-46.06.17, A Jewish boy caught by the German guard while smuggling bread int the ghetto
RG-46.07.01, Edict requiring compulsory labor for all Jews in district Galicia, September 1941
RG-46.07.02, Lviv, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (1)
RG-46.07.03, Lviv, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (2)
RG-46.07.04, Lviv, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (3)
RG-46.07.05, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (4)
RG-46.07.06, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (5)
RG-46.07.07, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (6)
RG-46.07.08, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (7)
RG-46.07.09, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (8)
RG-46.07.10, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (9)
RG-46.07.11, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (10)
RG-46.07.12, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (11)
RG-46.07.13, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (12)
RG-46.07.14, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (13)
RG-46.07.15, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (14)
RG-46.07.16, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (1)
RG-46.07.17, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (2)
RG-46.07.18, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (3)
RG-46.07.19, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (4)
RG-46.07.20, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (5)
RG-46.08.01, Aerial photo, Small Fortress, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated
RG-46.08.02, Arrival of bread rations, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942
RG-46.08.03, Arrival of Dutch transport, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.04, At work in the gardens, Theresienstadt Ghetto, (still cut from Nazi propaganda film smuggled out)
RG-46.08.05, At work in the gardens, Theresienstadt, August 1944
RG-46.08.06, Bookbinding workshop Theresienstadt, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.07, Clean-up of rubble of the destroyed village, Lidice, 1942
RG-46.08.08, Crematorium interior, Theresienstadt Ghetto, Sept 1942
RG-46.08.09, Crematorium, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated.
RG-46.08.10, Deportation to the East, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.11, Deportation of Jews from Southern Moravia, Uhersky Brod, 30 January 1943
RG-46.08.12, Egon Ledec, a letter
RG-46.08.13, Egon Ledec, portrait by Petr Kien
RG-46.08.14, Emil Ulitz attending a lecture, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' August 1944
RG-46.08.15, Entrance gate with a slogan 'work sets you free', Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.16, Fourth courtyard where prisoners were executed, Theresienstadt Ghetto
Rg-46.08.17, Interior of barracks, Theresienstadt, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.18, Leaving the bathhouse, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.19, Leo Baeck (left) and Otto Zucker (right) at the meeting of the Council of Elders, Theresienstadt Ghetto
RG-46.08.20, Liberation by the Soviet Red Army, Theresienstadt Ghetto, May 1945
RG-46.08.21, Library circulation desk, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', August 1944
RG-46.08.22, Library, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', August 1944
RG-46.08.23, Medical care for the survivors of Theresienstadt, May 1945
RG-46.08.24, On the way to work, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.25, Orchestra, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.26, Prisoners entering the main gate, Theresienstadt, 1942
RG-46.08.27, Prisoners entering the main gate, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943-1944
RG-46.08.28, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.29, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.30, Survivors after liberation, Theresienstadt, May 1945
RG-46.08.31, Tailoring workshop, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.32, Theresienstadt, interior of the barracks
RG-46.08.33, Theresienstadt, May 2005, a memorial site, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.08.34, From Swiss newspaper Die Nation, Theresienstadt, a propaganda trick, May 1945, translation
RG-46.08.35, Clandestine magazine Vedem appeared in Theresienstadt, translation
RG-46.09.01, List of illustrations in the Polish archival records, Part 6
RG-46.09.02, List of the Ukrainian archival holdings, Part 4.pdf
RG-46.09.03, Annotated guide to the documents in Polish repositories in relations to Ukrainian ethnic cleansing in Wolyn (Volhinia)
RG-46.09.03, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn (Volhynia), archival guide in the Polish archives, Part 2
RG-46.09.04, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, selected documents, Part 3
RG-46.09.04, Selected documents from the Polish repositories in relation to Ukrainian terror in Wolyn (Volhynia), 1943
RG-46.09.05, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, selection of the Ukrainian documents, Part 5
RG-46.09.05, Selected documents from the Ukrainian repositories in relation to Ukrainian anti-Polish actions in Wolyn, 1943
RG-46.09.06, Wolyn -- Eastern Galicia, Ukrainian-Polish Conflict, 1943 -- 1944, Guide to Polish and Ukrainian archival sources
RG-46.09.06, Wolyn-Eastern Galicia, Ukrainian-Polish Conflict, Archival guide 1943-1944
RG-46.10.01, Arrest of Jews, Warsaw, inside of the ghetto
RG-46.10.02, Torture of prisoners at a Nazi concentration camp
RG-46.10.03, (upper image) Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky and roll call in a concentration camp
RG-46.10.04, (upper) June 1940 Nazi troops marching to Champs-Elysees; (lower) Hitler, Keitel, and Speidel on Montmarte
RG-46.10.05, (upper) Child in front of ruins in Warsaw; (lower) May 1940 invasion of Holland, Belgium and France
RG-46.10.06, (upper), camp showers; (lower) Zyklon B
RG-46.10.07, Victims of the death marches
RG-46.10.08, What happened to the Nazi criminals
RG-46.10.09, Women performing forced hard labor
RG-46.10.10, Young Spanish Republican killed by a hit of a shovel by at Mauthausen concentration camp, 1941
RG-46.11.01, An African-American soldier with the 12th infantry div of the 7th US Army stands guard over a group of German soldiers, April 1945
Sub-Collection 1: RG-46.01, Bundesarchiv, 1933 -- 1945, archival samples
Sub-Collection 2: RG-46.02, Bundesarchiv, 1939 -- 1945, archival samples
Sub-Collection 3: RG-46.03, Jewish-Polish daily Chwila, Jewish politics, 1926 --1928
Sub-Collection 4: RG-46.04, Holocaust Photographs Various topics, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 5: RG-46.05, Jewish History, midieval and early modern periods
Sub-Collection 6: RG-46.06, The Holocaust as reflected by contemporaneous photographers, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 7: RG-46.07, Lviv in the Second World War, 1941 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 8: RG-46.08, Theresienstadt, photo-documents, 1942 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 9: RG-46.09, Polish Wolynian Tragedy, 1943 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 10: RG-46.10, Twenty Years after Liberation, a magazine, circa 1965
Sub-Collection 11: RG-46.11, African-American soldiers, April 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-46.09.03, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn (Volhynia), archival guide in the Polish archives, Part 2, 1942 -- 1956
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-46.09.04, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, selected documents, Part 3, 1942 -- 1943
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-46.09.05, Polish Tragedy in Wolyn, selection of the Ukrainian documents, Part 5, 1942 -- 1943
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-46.09.06, Wolyn-Eastern Galicia, Ukrainian-Polish Conflict, Archival guide 1943-1944, 1943 -- 1944