Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching within the finding aid for Family Histories, 1916-2009
Digital Images and Records
(322 Matches)

- RG-16.01.01,Posner Collection Polish photographs 1
- RG-16.02.05- David Kubaschka Westerbork Camp Identification
- RG-16.02.06- David Kubaschka, Polish Passport
- RG- Kubaschka Family, Dortmund, 1938
- RG- Betti Kubascha, 22 months
- RG- Betti Kubaschka, Dortmund, 1936
- RG- Friedel and Betti
- RG- Betti Gerard, an orphanage
- RG- Betti Gerard, 1940, the Netherlands
- RG- Betti Gerard, Westerbork camp, group photograph
- RG-16.02.08- Betti Gerard, Westerbork camp a group of men, David, Right
- RG-16.02.09- First Transport to Westerbork of German Jews, Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam, 1939
- RG-16.04.01- Cohen Family Papers US embassy certificate, Notorization
- RG-16.04.02- Jacobson Cohen, Matriculation Card
- RG-16.04.03- Naile Cohen Jacobson, Naturalization Certificate
- RG-16.04.04- Ruben Cohen, Citizenship Certificate
- RG-16.04.05- Naile Cohen Jacobson, List of Graduates
- RG-16.04.06- Naile Jaconson, Birth Certificate
- RG-16.04.07- Naile Cohen, Certificate of Achievement
- RG-16.04.08- Passport for Naile Cohen
- RG-16.04.09- Italian fascist party membership card
- RG-16.04.10- Italian fascist party membership card 2
- RG-16.04.11- French Language Teaching Certification, Naile Cohen Jacobson, 1937-38
- RG-16.04.12- Naile Cohen Jacobson, Italian Demographic Record
- RG-16.04.13- Correspondence from Moe Turman to Dr. Joseph Schwartz, Dec. 1948
- RG-16.04.14- Letter, Wilshire Blvd. Temple, Marriage certificate for Levi Family
- RG-16.04.15- Marriage Certificate, Attached
- RG-16.04.16- Family Tree
- RG-16.04.17- Photograph, man's portrait
- RG-16.04.18- Reprint of circumcision painting
- RG-16.04.19- Cohen, Naile, University course booklet - Pisa
- RG-16.04.20- Cohen, Naile, University course booklet - Torino
- RG-16.04.21- Copy of a University Certification
- RG-16.04.22- Italian University Certificate
- RG-16.04.23- Italian 2nd grade certificate
- RG-16.04.24, Naile Cohen, fascist association school card
- RG-16.04.25, Naile Cohen, fascist assocation card
- RG-16.04.26, Naile Cohen Jacobson passport, 1939
- RG-16.05.01- Ronie-Jontof-Hutter, Otto, letter from Dachau
- RG-16.05.02- Ronie Jontof-Hutter, Berlin
- RG-16.05.03- Jontof-Hutter 3
- RG-16.05.04- Jontof-Hutter 2
- RG-16.05.05- Jontof-Hutter 1
- RG-16.05.06- Jontof-Hutter
- RG-16.06.02- Philip Raucher, Grandfather circa 1920
- RG-16.06.03- Philip Raucher, family photograph with cousins, 1925
- RG-16.06.04- Philip Raucher, family photograph printed in Munich, 1928
- RG-16.06.05- Philip Raucher, group photograph at a city festival in Czeladz, Poland, 1931
- RG-16.06.06- Philip Raucher, family photograph, 1932
- RG-16.06.07- Philip Raucher, Uncla Aron Raucher as President of Zionist organization in Wolbrum, Poland, 1933
- RG-16.06.08- Philip Raucher, ID, 11 years old, 1938
- RG-16.06.09- Philip Raucher, Ghetto ID, 13 years old, 1940
- RG-16.06.10- Philip Raucher, Factory Workers, 1942
- RG-16.06.11- Philip Raucher, young female relative in Poland
- RG-16.06.12- Philip Raucher, female relative by water fountain
- RG-16.06.13- Philip Raucher, Red Cross Certificate+ German Ration Card Stamp, 1945
- RG-16.06.14- Philip Raucher and sister Rachela, post-war, 1945
- RG-16.06.15- Philip Raucher, two Jewish women and their children
- RG-16.06.16- Philip Raucher, Ration Card from Munich, Germany, 1947
- RG-16.06.17- Philip Raucher, R.M. Blatchford ship, 1951
- RG-16.06.18- Philip Raucher, Hotel St. Francis, 1951
- RG-16.06.19- Philip Raucher, Postcard from Bob to Randy, 2009
- RG-16.07.01- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Record for Sari Auslander
- RG-16.07.02- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society documents, Sari Auslander
- RG-16.07.03- Citizenship Course of Study, Diploma
- RG-16.07.04- Naturalization Papers
- RG-16.07.05- Death Notice, Los Angeles Times
- RG-16.07.06- Maria Altman, Postcard
- RG-16.08.01- Rosh Ha Shanah (New Year Greeting Card)
- RG-16.08.02- Hochzeit ULK, in German, November 1916
- RG-16.08.03- Wedding Poentry to Hertha Segall and Arthur Neustadt aby Kurt Neustadt, November 1916
- RG-16.08.04- Letter card from Paul Erlich
- RG-16.08.05- Ketubah (Marriage Contract), 1893
- RG-16.08.06- Letter in German, 17 February 1905
- RG-16.08.07- Letter from the Berliner Hendels Gesellschaft, 1914
- RG-16.08.08- Arthur Neustadt, Wedding Poetry, Table Song, November 1920
- RG-16.08.09- Wedding Poetry, 4 pages, for Hertha Segall and Aarthur Neustadt, November 1916, Complete
- RG-16.09.01, Birth certificate in Russian
- RG-16.09.02, Birth certificate in Polish, dated 16 June 1916
- RG-16.09.03, Proof of name in Polish, dated 14 March 1922
- RG-16.09.04, Identification card for Szlama Nutkiewicz issued 3 June 1938
- RG-16.09.05, Postcard to J. Nutkowitz in Brooklyn New York, USA from Warsaw, postmarked
- RG-16.09.06, Identification card for Rebeka Gumener in Polish, dated 11 October 1937
- RG-16.09.07, Hebrew school identification card in Poland for Gumener in Hebrew, dated 1937
- RG- Document certifying the release from military service after the First World War; 25 November 1918
- RG- Certificate of German citizenship for Isidor Isaak M. Kaufmann; 17 September 1918
- RG- Birth certificate for Edith Faierstein; reissued on 30 August 1976; includes translation
- RG- Document in Dutch for Edith Stein
- RG- Marriage certificate for Edith Faierstein and Erich Simon Flegenheimer; 28 May 1947; includes translation from 23 July 1976
- RG- Dutch document for Edith Feuerstein; July 1946
- RG- Receipt of application for naturalization for Edith Flegenheimer; issued by the US department of justice
- RG- Certificate of Naturalization for Edith Flagg Issued 11 November 1954
- RG- Document in Yiddish
- RG- Dutch document for Edith Stein
- RG- Piece of paper with numbers and writing in Yiddish on it
- RG- Confirmation of entrance to a private school for sewists in Vienna; issued for Edith Faierstein on 27 October 1934
- RG- Work certificate for Edith Faierstein; worked as sewist at M.Harpner, Schwarz & Co. in Vienna, issued 19 September 1937
- RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein; school for girls in Vienna; school year 1933-34; 10 February 1934
- RG- Translation of marriage certificate for Edith Faierstein and Erich Flegenheimer; 23 July 1976
- RG- Certificate for Edith Feuerstein written in Romanian
- RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein; issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 28 June 1935; includes grades
- RG- School Certificate for Edith Faierstein issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 30 June 1936; includes grades
- RG- Yearly school certificate for Edith Faierstein; girl's school Vienna; school year 1933-34; 7 July 1934; includes grades
- RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 23 June 1936; includes grades
- RG- School Certificate of the proficient school for sewists Vienna; issued for Edith Faierstein; 11 February 1938
- RG- Diploma for Edith Faierstein from the school for sewists Vienna; completed with good success; 3 July 1936
- RG- Dutch Marriage Certificate for Erich Simon Flegenheimer and Edith Faierstein; issued 30 May 1947
- RG- Copy of birth certificate for Edith Faierstein; born on 1 November 1919; issued on 29 July 1924
- RG- Document in Dutch for Edith Faierstein issued on 18 April 1947
- RG- Naturalization (Romania) for Osie Itic Feuerstein and his family; 4 June 1938
- RG- Document in Romanian for Edith Flagg, 8 February 1927
- RG- School Certificate for Edith Faierstein confirming that she attended a course in usage of typewriters and German short writing
- RG- Document in Dutch for Edith Feuerstein; issued March 1946
- RG- Birth certificate for Martha Faierstein; issued on 1 July 1976
- RG- Notice of approval of relative immigrant visa petition for Edith Flagg; 23 February 1977
- RG- Confirmation of Naturalization for the Feuerstein family; translation from Romanian; 22 July 1976
- RG- Confirmation about a temporary school certificate; the original will be handed out as soon as printed; 2 July 1938
- RG- School Certificate from the school of sewists Vienna for Edith Faierstein; 2 July 1938
- RG- Marriage certificate for Erich Simon Flegenheimer and Edith Flegenheimer
- RG- Official Dues Card of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union; 1949
- RG- Document for Edith Feuerstein written in Romanian
- RG- Certificate of identification for Erich Flegenheimer
- RG- Identity certificate for Erich Flegenheimer; 1946
- RG- Document for tuberculosis checks for Pieter Feenstra
- RG- Document in Dutch for Erich Flegenheimer; 29 April 1945
- RG- Letter to Erich Flagg about a purchase agreement that has to be approved by the German consulate; 8 March 1999
- RG- Letter to Eric Flagg about the use of remaining property in Odenheim, Germany. 13 January 1999
- RG- Contract concerning the cigar factory in Heidelberg-Kirchheim; issued 19 December 1933
- RG- School certificate book for Isidor Flegenheimer (Father of Erich); starts 1882
- RG- Information of Eric Flagg and his life. Dated July 1992
- RG- Document of identification for Edith Feuerstein; 'J' remark; Document for Alida Gertruida Voskuilen
- RG- Different documents of identity for Edith Feuerstein; Edith Van Stein and Alida Gertruida Voskuilen
- RG- Documents of identity for Erich Simon Flegenheimer, Pieter Fink and Pieter Feenstra
- RG- Identity Card from Kromhout Motoren Fabriek in Amsterdam for Pieter Feenstra
- RG- Document in Dutch for Erich Simon Israel Flegenheimer
- RG- Passport for Pieter Feenstra
- RG- Picture of a woman in dress and hat, taken in Bad Homburg
- RG- Raymond D. Massier posing in military uniform; obviously taken in Paris; not dated.
- RG- Postcard of three men playing cards; text on the back; addressed to Flegenheimer in Heidelberg; beginning of the century.
- RG- Black and white picture of a couple; taken in Augsburg; probably beginning of century; not dated
- RG- Black and white picture of a bearded man; taken in Mannheim; maybe beginning of the century
- RG- Black and white picture of a soccer team; not dated
- RG- Black and white picture of a soccer team
- RG- Edith's first husband Hans at a farm; pre-war; black and white photograph
- RG- Edith and her first husband Hans; pre-war; black and white; taken in Amsterdam
- RG- Edith and her son Michael; black and white; after the war
- RG- Edith at a farm; pre-war; black and white
- RG- Edith workin on farm; pre-war; black and white
- RG- Black and white picture of Edith; pre-war
- RG- Edith and her first husband Hans; pre-war; black and white
- RG- Black and white photograph of Erich Flegenheimer at the beach
- RG- Edith's son Michael; black and white; end of war
- RG- Black and white picture of Edith's second husband Erich
- RG- Black and white photography of Edith and her first husband Hans; pre war
- RG- Black and white photograph of presumably Edith's second husband Erich
- RG- Black and white photograph of presumably Edith's second husband Erich; pre-war
- RG- Black and white photograph of a couple; taken in Augsburg; beginning of century
- RG- Black and white photograph of a boy; maybe Edith's son Michael; post war
- RG- Black and white photograph of Edith's first husband Hans in the mountains; pre war
- RG- Edith working on farm; pre-war; black and white
- RG- Colored photograph of the interior of a church
- RG- Black and white photograph of maybe Hans Stein, pre-war
- RG- Black and white photograph of maybe Hans Stein with a child on a bike; pre-war
- RG- Black and white picture showing maybe Edith Flagg and Eric Flagg at the beach
- RG-16.11.01, view from the royal palace
- RG-16.11.02, view from fishers bastion, ministry of finances
- RG-16.11.03, ruined german staff cars before royal palace
- RG-16.11.04, view from the missions building
- RG-16.11.05, interior of coronation room in royal palace, ruins of ancient palace on castle hill
- RG-16.11.06, barricade before the entrance of tunnel under castle hill
- RG-16.11.07, bombardment damage to house and national archives in budapest
- RG-16.11.08, wrecked german glider and german tank in budapest
- RG-16.11.09, apartment house wrecked by bombing, population doing forced labour
- RG-16.11.10, tramcar hit by a bomb
- RG-16.11.11, overturned locomotive in free harbour of csepel
- RG-16.11.12, blown up cemetery used as ammunition depot by germans, street scene in pest during siege
- RG-16.11.13, bombardment aftermath, trapped civilians and ruble
- RG-16.11.14, shell oil plant burning after bombardment
- RG-16.11.15, bombardment aftermath, homes and victims
- RG-16.11.16, house burning after night bombing
- RG-16.11.17, unexploded bomb, ss massacre of jewish woman
- RG-16.11.18, german tiger tanks entering budapest
- RG-16.11.19, heaps of arms taken by germans from hungarian troops
- RG-16.11.20, german anti aircraft battery in action at night
- RG-16.11.21, women searching belongings after bombardment
- RG-16.11.22, famous white horse of horthy
- RG-16.11.23, view from fishers bastion of margaret and chain bridges
- RG-16.11.24, view from castle hill
- RG-16.11.25, beautiful iron gate in royal palace, ruins of german motor vehicles
- RG-16.11.26, monument of artillery
- RG-16.11.27, bombardment aftermath, damaged home and ruined street
- RG-16.11.28, coronation church, ruins of royal palace gardens
- RG-16.11.29, wrecked german gliders and aircraft gun
- RG-16.11.30, viennese gate in budapest
- RG-16.11.31, mass grave of jews who died in ghetto and buried in synagogue yard
- RG-16.11.32, russian war memorial in liberty square
- RG-16.11.33, marshal malinovsky on mayday parade
- RG-16.11.34, russian traffic directing girls
- RG-16.11.35, album identification
- RG-16.11.36, D.R. Webster Collection, Album of Budapest, 1944 - 1945, full almbum
- RG-16.12.01, Military registration, 1942 - 1943
- RG-16.12.02, Order to report for induction, 18 December 1942
- RG-16.12.03, Joseph Rapaport in uniform, c. 1943
- RG-16.12.04, Joseph Rapaport in training, circa 1943
- RG-16.12.05, Joseph Rapaport in training, circa 1943
- RG-16.12.06, Regulations for students of the army specialized training program, Carleton College, circa 1943
- RG-16.12.07, Carleton College campus
- RG-16.12.08, Carleton College campus
- RG-16.12.09, Joseph Rapaport in training at Carleton College, circa 1943
- RG-16.12.10, Joseph Rapaport in training at Carleton College, circa 1943
- RG-16.12.100, Stalag XIII-D, Langwasser Nuremberg, prisoner screening, 1945
- RG-16.12.101, A German general has chow
- RG-16.12.102, Leisure in Nuremberg, August 1945
- RG-16.12.103, Calumet, history of 1263rd engineer combat battalion, receipt
- RG-16.12.104, Report of separation from armed forces, 4 January 1954
- RG-16.12.105, Report of separation from the armed forces of the United States, 1954
- RG-16.12.106, Letter from president Harry Truman
- RG-16.12.107, Joseph Rapaport, Album I
- RG-16.12.108, Joseph Rapaport, Album II
- RG-16.12.109, Joseph Rapaport, Album III
- RG-16.12.11, Postcard from Joseph Rapaport to Private Benno Rapaport, August 1943
- RG-16.12.12, Minneapolis skyline, circa 1943
- RG-16.12.13, Graduation from army specialized training program at Carleton College, November 1943
- RG-16.12.14, Demolition work, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, July 1944
- RG-16.12.15, Pitching tents, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
- RG-16.12.16, Marching, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
- RG-16.12.17, Demolition work, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
- RG-16.12.18, Break for lunch, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
- RG-16.12.19, Rapaport lecture on poison gas, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, July 1944
- RG-16.12.20, Lecture and demonstration on poison gas, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, July 1944
- RG-16.12.21, Poison gas demonstration, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
- RG-16.12.22, Engineer Combat Battalion memorandum, good conduct medal, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, 11 October 1944
- RG-16.12.23, Group photograph, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, 1944
- RG-16.12.24, Accomodations in London, England, 1944
- RG-16.12.25, Historic sites in London, England
- RG-16.12.26, Amusements in London, England, 1944 - 1945
- RG-16.12.27, Westminster Abbey
- RG-16.12.28, Dachau concentration camp, after liberation, 1945
- RG-16.12.29, United States army occupation, Dessau and Preten, Germany, April 1945
- RG-16.12.30. United States army occupation, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.31, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Bahnhofhotel, December 1945
- RG-16.12.32, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, December 1945
- RG-16.12.33, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, December 1945
- RG-16.12.34, Bavarian Zugspitze railway to Schneefernerhaus Hotel in Alps, December 1945
- RG-16.12.35, Bavarian Zugspitze railway to mountain peak, December 1945
- RG-16.12.36, Postcard, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, December 1945
- RG-16.12.37, Eagle exhibition, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.38, Summit of the Bavarian Zugspitze railway, December 1945
- RG-16.12.39, Bavarian sites, December 1945
- RG-16.12.40, Tegernsee, Bavaria, December 1945
- RG-16.12.41, Danube at Inglostadt, Bavaria, October - December 1945
- RG-16.12.42, Building in a German city, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.43, Buildings in a German city, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.44, Buildings in a German city, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.45, Joseph Rapaport playing with a dog, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.46, Final days abroad, circa 1945 – 1946
- RG-16.12.47, Allied forces base camp, circa 1945 - 1946
- RG-16.12.48, Dog in a tent at allied base camp, circa 1945 - 1946
- RG-16.12.49, Preparing to head home from allied base camp, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.50, Shipyard, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.51, Bon voyage, shipyard in France, heading back to United States
- RG-16.12.52, Atlantic agony, the Landlubber’s journal, SS Gustavus victory, 14 April 1946
- RG-16.12.53, Ship dock, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.54, Atlantic agony, the Landlubber's journal, SS Gustavus victory, 15 April 1946
- RG-16.12.55, Ship departing, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.56, Ship on voyage, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.57, Camp Kilmer booklet, returning soldiers, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.58, Transportation corps, United States Army, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.59, Joseph Rapaport back home, United States, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.60, Joseph Rapaport back home, United States, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.61, Joseph Rapaport back home, United States, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.62, Shipment schedule
- RG-16.12.63, Building in Europe
- RG-16.12.64, Children at Allied base camp
- RG-16.12.65, Ship departing, circa 1946
- RG-16.12.66, Concentration camp, Gardelegen massacre, 1945
- RG-16.12.67, Allied base camp
- RG-16.12.68, Boating on a lake
- RG-16.12.69, Postcard with family portrait, 1929
- RG-16.12.70, Joseph Rapaport in uniform in Europe, circa 1944
- RG-16.12.71, Dachau, September 1945
- RG-16.12.72, Nazi party rally grounds, Nuremberg, circa 1930s - August 1945
- RG-16.12.73, Nuremberg street scene, August - September 1945
- RG-16.12.74, German and Belgian souvenirs, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.75, Accommodations in Preten, Germany, May 1945
- RG-16.12.76, Joseph Rapaport with comrades in Preten, Germany, May 1945
- RG-16.12.77, Reich souvenirs, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.78, Accommodations in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany, June 1945
- RG-16.12.79, Accommodations in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany, June 1945
- RG-16.12.80, Cologne Cathedral, June 1945
- RG-16.12.81, Wartime destruction in Cologne, Germany, June 1945
- RG-16.12.82, Wartime destruction, sites on the Rhine, June 1945
- RG-16.12.83, Sites along the Rhine, June 1945
- RG-16.12.84, Sites along the Rhine, summer 1945
- RG-16.12.85, United States fifteenth army occupation, Bad Durkheim, June 1945
- RG-16.12.86, Bad Durkheim, June - July 1945
- RG-16.12.87, Bad Durkheim spa booklet, 1939 - 1940
- RG-16.12.88, Sites in Paris, France, prewar
- RG-16.12.89, Sites in Paris, France, prewar
- RG-16.12.90, Sites of Paris, postcards, circa 1942
- RG-16.12.91, Paris by metro, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.92, Bad Schwalbach, August 1945
- RG-16.12.93, Bad Schwalbach postcards, August 1945
- RG-16.12.94, Bad Schwalbach in Taunus, booklet
- RG-16.12.95, Swimming in Wiesbaden, August 1945
- RG-16.12.96, Recreation in Wiesbaden, August 1945
- RG-16.12.97, Interrogation teams, first United States infantry division, August 1945
- RG-16.12.98, Sites in Nuremberg, Germany, September 1945
- RG-16.12.99, Nazi behind Malmedy slayings of 100 yanks found by 1st division, 19 August 1945
- RG-16.13.01, identity certificate for former political prisoners and prisoners in protective custody
- RG-16.13.02, postcard with helga blumenfeld's photograph, 26 april 1942
- RG-16.13.03, driver's license, 22 november 1948
- RG-16.13.04, A permit for unrestrictive movement, 11 August 1945
- RG-16.13.05, registration with police authority, and excerpt of regulation of 6 january 1938, 30 august 1945
- RG-16.13.06, photograph sent to helga blumenfeld
- RG-16.13.07, Family photograph, ca 1930s
- RG-16.13.08, photograph of family
- RG-16.13.09, photograph of two children playing with dolls
- RG-16.13.10, photograph of Helga Blumenfeld, 16 February 1939
- RG-16.13.11, Photograph of a man by the car, ca 1930
- RG-16.13.12, photograph of man on sled in snow
- RG-16.13.13, helga blumenfeld with her mother
322 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.