Search Results for "Anton Karl" | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Search Results for Language: German [ger]
- Personal Memoirs, Testimonies, and Diaries
- Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996
- Irena Lusky Collection, 1930-1972
- Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996
- Irena Lusky Collection
- Irena Lusky Collection, 1930-1948
- Irena Lusky Collection, 1930-1948
- Anna Lipszyc Papers
- Anna Lipszyc Papers, 1941-1946
- Anna Lipszyc Papers, 1941-1946
- Jewish Courts of Honor, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany
- Displaced Person Camps: Publications, Documents, Cultural Life, and Post-War Jewish Periodicals
- Allied Administration in Germany, Austria, and France
- Literature and Arts in Camps and Ghettos
- Rise of Nazism, Nazi Propaganda and the Nazi Party
- Ghetto and Camp Scripts, Correspondence and Related Artifacts
- Postwar Publications and Scholarship on the Holocaust
- Identification Papers and Related Documents
- Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps and Camp Site Memorials
- Hungarian Labor Battalions
- Hungarian Labor Battalions, 1940-1943
- Hungarian Labor Battalions, 1940-1943
- Lodz Ghetto
- Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1949
- Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1949
- Prewar History and Jewish Life in Europe
- Dr. Julius Kühl Collection
- Dr. Julius Kühl Collection, 1935-1982
- Dr. Julius Kühl Collection, 1935-1982
- Holocaust-Related Art
- Holocaust-Related Art, 1942-1989
- Holocaust-Related Art, 1942-1989
- Auschwitz Camps and the Memorial Museum of Auschwitz
- Family Histories
- Family Histories, 1916-2009
- Family Histories, 1916-2009
- Prewar and Wartime Periodicals
- Prewar and Wartime Periodicals, 1918-1945
- Prewar and Wartime Periodicals, 1918-1945
- Ukrainian Auxiliary Police in the City of Lviv and Lviv Region
- Elisabeth Mann (Erszebet Mohr), wartime art, 1944 -- 1949
- Atrocities and Perpetration, Collection of Photodocuments
- Jewish Religious Texts and Sacramental Objects
- Warsaw Ghetto
- Erich Lichtblau Papers
- Erich Lichtblau Papers, 1940-1984
- Erich Lichtblau Papers, 1940-1984
- Schoenberg, Zeisl, and Aberbach Families Papers
- Dachau Concentration Camp
- Dachau Concentration Camp, 1941-1946
- Dachau Concentration Camp, 1941-1946
- Liberation of Paris and German Atrocities
- Postwar Trials for the Crimes Against Peace, Humanity, and War Crimes in Germany, 1945-1949
- Theresienstadt Ghetto
- Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942-1945
- Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942-1945
- Werner Schleyer Papers
- Werner Schleyer Papers, 1930-1939
- Werner Schleyer Papers, 1930-1939
- Charles Millett Papers
- Charles Millett (Karl Sinai) Papers, 1930-1982
- Charles Millett (Karl Sinai) Papers, 1930-1982
- German Literature
- German Literature, 1922-1945
- German Literature, 1922-1945
- Kurt Wittler Papers
- Kurt Wittler Papers, 1944-1945
- Kurt Wittler Papers, 1944-1945
- Bernd Stevens Collection
- Bernd Stevens (Steinitz) Collection, 1920-1960
- Bernd Stevens (Steinitz) Collection, 1920-1960
- John Glass Collection
- John Glass Papers, 1937-2012
- John Glass Papers, 1937-2012
- Rescue and Aid in France
- Rescue and Aid in France, 1940-1944
- Rescue and Aid in France, 1940-1944
- Photo Archive of the Holocaust
- Photo Archive of the Holocaust, 1939-1945
- Photo Archive of the Holocaust, 1939-1945
- Vera Laroche Papers
- Vera Laroche Papers, 1900-2000
- Vera Laroche Papers, 1900-2000
- Lewis Lax Papers
- Lewis Lax (Lutek Laks) Papers, 1939-1945
- Lewis Lax (Lutek Laks) Papers, 1939-1945
- Wachsner Family Collection
- Wachsner Family Collection, 1900-1946
- Wachsner Family Collection, 1900-1946
- Kurt Horwitz Papers
- Kurt Horwitz Papers, 1933-1946
- Kurt Horwitz Papers, 1933-1946
- Liselotte Melhorn Papers
- Liselotte Melhorn Papers, 1936-1970
- Liselotte Melhorn Papers, 1936-1970
- Anton Karl Papers
- Anton Karl Papers, 1933-1944
- Anton Karl Papers, 1933-1944
- Masha Loen Papers
- Masha Loen Papers, 1915-1961
- Masha Loen Papers, 1915-1961
- German Crimes in Poland
- German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
- German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
- Bundesarchiv Photographs
- Bundesarchiv photo documents, 1933-1945
- Bundesarchiv photo documents, 1933-1945
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo-Documents
- Ed Victor Papers
- Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
- Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
- Correspondence from and to ghettos
- Correspondence from and to ghettos, 1939-1945
- Correspondence from and to ghettos, 1939-1945
- Correspondence from and to concentration camps
- Correspondence from and to concentration camps, 1933-1945
- Correspondence from and to concentration camps, 1933-1945
- Identification documents
- Identification documents, 1933-1945
- Identification documents, 1933-1945
- Red Cross papers
- Red Cross Papers, 1939 -- 1945
- Red Cross Papers, 1939 -- 1945
- Correspondences from and to German labor service
- Correspondences from and to German labor service, 1939-1945
- Correspondences from and to German labor service, 1939-1945
- Proofs of incarcerations under German-Nazi and Axis regimes
- Proofs of incarcerations under German-Nazi and Axis regimes, 1933-1945
- Proofs of incarcerations under German-Nazi and Axis regimes, 1933-1945
- Rachel Green Papers
- Rachel Green Papers, 1900-1960
- Rachel Green Papers, 1900-1960
- Herbert and Nancy Bernhard Papers
- Herbert and Nancy Bernhard Papers, 1872-1970
- Herbert and Nancy Bernhard Papers, 1872-1970
- Volkischer Beobachter (The National Observer), Collection of Nazi-German newspapers, the Munich edition
- Die Wehrmacht, The magazine of the Nazi-German Army
- European periodicals of the wartime period, 1939 -- 1945
- Jeffrey Mausner Papers of postwar collaboration trials
- Captain A.V. Feldser Collection
- Captain A.V. Feldsner Collection, 1939-1945
- Captain A.V. Feldsner Collection, 1939-1945
- Der Stuermer, Illustrierter Beobachter, Die Sirene
- Documents related to the Holocaust in Lviv (Lwow) and Lviv (Lwow) Region, personal narratives, 1941 -- 1944
- Ukrainian Auxiliary Police in Tarnopol (Ternopil) district, East Galicia, documents, wartime
- Synagogues of Europe, Northern Africa , Middle East Asia, America and Australia in postcards and photographs
- Steiger Affair, reflected in Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian periodicals, 1924, 1925
- Sofia Dutka, Correspondence from Ravensbrueck (Ravensbruck) female concentration camp
- Correspondence from prisoners in Dachau 3K Concentration Camp, prewar and wartime
- Ron Laby Collection, wartime correspondence and related documents
- Weimar Republic, Monetary coupons, regional. Notgeld
- George F. Tagliapietra Collection
- George F. Tagliapietra Collection, 1933-1945
- George F. Tagliapietra Collection, 1933-1945
- Kindertransport
- Kindertransport
- Kindertransport
- No Classification

- RG-59.03.01, Anton Karl, prayer book, St. Antonius
- RG-59.03.02, Anton Karl, portraits and postcard
- RG-59.03.04, Anton Karl, religious texts and prayer cards
- Rg-59.03.05, Anton Karl, Der rote Kampfflieger (The Red Fighter Pilot), Manfred von Richthofen
- RG-59.03.06, Anton Karl, National Socialist Official Newspaper (NSBZ), Hermann Neef
- RG-59.03.07, Anton Karl, German literature, Die Beiden Straeflinge (The Two Convicts)
- RG-59.03.08, Anton Karl, German military literature, Eine Kompanie marschiert (The Company is Marching On)
- RG-59.03.09, Anton Karl, envelope with Max Fleischmann funeral prayer card and photographs
- RG-59.03.10, Anton Karl, German literature, Ereignisse an der Grenze (Events at the Border)
- RG-59.03.11, Anton Karl, German military literature, Fliegerhorst im Erlenbusch (Aerodrome in the alder bush)
- RG-59.03.12, Anton Karl, prayer book, Gottesdienst
- RG-59.03.13, Anton Karl, German military literature, Holle uber Frankreich (Hell over France)
- RG-59.03.14, Anton Karl, letter from military informing Margarete Karl of Anton Karl's death
- RG-59.03.15, Anton Karl and Margarete Karl Wedding Announcement
- RG-59.03.16, Anton Karl, anti-Semitic message to Franz from Kreis II district (copy)
- RG-59.03.17, Anton Karl, anti-Semitic message to Franz from Kreis II district
- RG-59.03.18, Anton Karl, German military biography, Prien Greift An (Prien Attacks)
- RG-59.03.19, Anton Karl, German military literature, Flug ins Schicksal (Flight into Destiny)
- RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 1
- RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 2
- RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 4
- RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 5
- RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, Germany military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 3
- RG-59.03.21, Anton Karl, German military literature, Sturzkampfflieger ran an den Feind (fighter pilot, close in on the Enemy!)
- RG-59.03.22, Anton Karl, German military literature, Unternehmen Osel (Operation Osel)
- RG-59.03.23, Anton Karl, Vom Schiffsjungen zum Fallschirmjaegergeneral (From the ship's boy to paratroopers General)
- RG-59.03.24, Anton Karl, German military literature, Wir erobern die Krim (We conquer Crimea)
- RG-59.04.01, Anton Karl, card from Nazi comrades
- RG-59.04.02, Anton Karl, letter from Margarete Karl dated 12 March 1944
- RG-59.04.03, Anton Karl, official letter notifying Margarete Karl of husband's death
- RG-59.04.04, Anton Karl, Death Notice to wife Margarete Karl
- RG-59.04.05, Anton Karl, Regensburg Cathedral postcard addressed to Erich Karl
- RG-59.04.06, Anton Karl, postcard of Brandenburg Gate sent to Margarete Karl, 29 Jan 1933
- RG-59.04.07, Anton Karl, postcard, view of Hohenfels, Germany
- RG-59.04.08, Anton Karl, photograph of wife, Margarete Karl
- RG-59.05.01, Anton Karl, city map of Amsterdam 1936
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 1
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 2
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 3
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 4
- RG-59.05.03, Anton Karl, German military map of the Orel (Oryol) region, Russia, 1941
- RG-59.05.04, Anton Karl, political map of Europe, 1940, Part 1
- RG-59.05.04, Anton Karl, political map of Europe, 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.05.04, Anton Karl, political map of Europe, 1940, Part 3
- RG-59.05.05, Anton Karl, military map of Munich and surrounding region
- RG-59.05.06, Anton Karl, military map of Regensburg and surrounding region
- RG-59.05.07, Anton Karl, political map of the USSR, wartime, Part 1
- RG-59.05.07, Anton Karl, political map of the USSR, wartime, Part 2
- RG-59.05.08, Anton Karl, military map of the Ternopil region, Ukraine, wartime
- RG-59.06.01, Anton Karl, newspaper clipping
- RG-59.06.02, Anton Karl, newspaper clipping, SA social evening
- RG-59.06.03, Anton Karl, scrapbook with German propaganda postcards, Part 1
- RG-59.06.03, Anton Karl, scrapbook with German propaganda postcards, Part 2

- Anton and Margarete Karl, photograph, Munich, 1920s
- Anton Karl, Captain (Hauptmann) of the German Army (Wehrmacht), 1902 -- 1944
- Anton Karl, personal belongings
- Anton Karl, personal books and publications
- Anton Karl, personal library
- Anton Karl, photo-documents
- Anton Karl, photographs
- Anton Karl, religious beliefs
- Anton Karl, Roman Catholic
- Battle for Ternopil (Tarnopol), Western Ukraine, 1944, Anton Karl
- Birthday greetings, Anton Karl
- Birthday greetings to Anton Karl from his fellow officers, 1940
- Boot greift wiederan (The Boat is Attacking), Anton Karl
- Captain (Hauptmann) Anton Karl, fallen in action near Ternopil, 21 February 1944, Ukraine
- Catholic rite and traditions, first communion, sister of Anton Karl
- Der rote Kampfflieger (The Red Fighter Pilot), Anton Karl
- Die beiden Straeflinge (The Two Convicts), Anton Karl
- Eine Kompanie marschiert (The Company is Marching On), book, Anton Karl
- Eine Kompanie marschiert (The Company Marches On), Anton Karl
- Ereignisse an der Grenze (Events at the Border), book, Anton Karl
- Erich Karl, son of Anton Karl
- Fallen soldiers, German, Captain (Hauptam) Anton Karl
- Family photographs, Anton Karl
- Flug ins Schicksal (Flight into Destiny), Anton Karl
- funeral prayer card, Anton Karl
- German military campaign in Ukraine, Anton Karl
- German military campaign in Western Europe, Anton Karl
- German military campaign in Western Europe, Anton Karl, photographs
- German military operations in the Ternopil region, Anton Karl
- German military operations in Western Ukraine, Anton Karl
- German military operations in Western Ukraine, Anton Karl, photographs
- Gottesdienst, prayer book, Anton Karl
- Holle uber Frankreich (Hell over France), Anton Karl
- Margarete Karl, wife of Anton Karl
- Memorial service for the fallen soldiers, German, Captain Anton Karl
- military comradeship, German Army, Anton Karl
- Military comradeship, German Army, Anton Karl, photographs
- Military identification documents, German, Anton Karl
- Military photographs, German, 1920 -- 1945, Anton Karl
- Military service in Nazi-German Army, the Wehrmacht, 1939 -- 1944, Anton Karl
- Military service in the German Army (Wehrmacht), Anton Karl, photographs
- Military service records, German, Anton Karl
- Nazi-German military campaign in the Eastern Front, 1941 -- 1944, Anton Karl
- Nazi-German military campaign in the Second World War, Anton Karl
- Nazi Party, membership, Anton Karl
- Official correspondence with regard to Anton Karl
- Parents of Anton Karl, photograph
- Passports, German, Anton Karl
- Personal correspondence, Anton Karl
- Photographs, portrait, Anton Karl
- Photographs of children, two male children of Anton Karl
- Photographs of family members, Anton Karl
- Pocket calendars, wartime, Anton Karl
- Political and military and city street plans in the possession of Anton Karl
- Prien Greift An (Prien Attacks), Anton Karl
- religious text, St. Antonius (St. Anthony), Anton Karl
- Selection of German political appeals, collected by Anton Karl
- Selection of German political caricatures, collected by Anton Karl
- Service in the Reichswehr, the army of the Weimar Republic, Anton Karl
- Service in the Reichswehr, the army of the Weimar Republic, Anton Karl, photographs
- Sister of Anton Karl, photographs
- Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Anton Karl
- souvenirs collected during military service, Anton Karl
- Sport contest certificates, German, 1931, Anton Karl
- Sturzkampfflieger ran an den Feind (Fighter pilot, close in on the Enemy!), Anton Karl
- Unternehmen Osel (Operation Osel), Anton Karl
- Wedding photographs, Anton and Margarete Karl, ca 1920
- Wir erobern die Krim (We conquer Crimea), Anton Karl
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