Archival documents of other repositories (1939 --1945) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: Archival documents of other repositories (1939 --1945)
Historical Note: Historical documents and photographs

Other Files:
RG-23.11.04, Bergen-Belsen after liberation, view of the barracks and former inmates
RG-23.11.08, Bergen-Belsen, an emaciated female inmate after liberation
RG-23.13.04, A Prisoners is taken to execution, accompanied by a playing band of camp prisoners
RG-23.13.05, Ten photographs of Nazi-perpetrated atrocities, Second World War, Europe, 1939-1945
RG-23.13.10, A Wehrmacht soldier prepares to shoot a mother and child, Ukraine, 1941
RG-23.13.12, A former female prisoner of German concentration camp after liberation
RG-23.14.02, Mass murder scene from a Hungarian Jewish Transport, at the background a concentration camp compound is seen, Second World War
RG-23.16.01, Minsk ghetto, inside view
RG-23.18.01, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish policeman regulates traffic
RG-23.18.03, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto, Poland, ca 1942
RG-23.18.04, Cracow ghetto, a roll call of the Jewish police, Police chief S. Szapiro (Spiro) straightening a policeman hat
RG-23.18.05, Cracow ghetto, Jewish policemen, second from the right, Simcha Spiro, head of the Jewish police
RG-23.23.15, Smashed and broken tombstones in the Jewish cemetery in Cracow, Poland, ca 1942
RG-23.23.16, Dolek Liebeskind and Shimshon Draenger, members of the Jewish resistance in the Cracow ghetto, Poland, 1941-1943
RG-23.29.04, Entrance to the Theresienstadt Ghetto with a sign "Arbeit Macht Frei," Czechoslovakia, 1941-1945.
RG-23.50.08, View of the Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia, 1941-1942
RG-25.06.22, Warsaw, Jews cleaning rubble
RG-25.06.23, Warsaw, Jews cleaning rubble
RG-25.06.24, Warsaw, photograph of a bearded man in forced labor detail
RG-45.01.01, All That Remained Photo Montage
RG-46.05.01, A detail from the Friese Chronicles showing the 1349 massacre of Erfurt Jews in Germany
RG-46.09.03, Annotated guide to the documents in Polish repositories in relations to Ukrainian ethnic cleansing in Wolyn (Volhinia)
RG-46.09.04, Selected documents from the Polish repositories in relation to Ukrainian terror in Wolyn (Volhynia), 1943
RG-46.09.05, Selected documents from the Ukrainian repositories in relation to Ukrainian anti-Polish actions in Wolyn, 1943
RG-46.09.06, Wolyn -- Eastern Galicia, Ukrainian-Polish Conflict, 1943 -- 1944, Guide to Polish and Ukrainian archival sources
RG-63.02.16, Rumkowski performs wedding ceremony after abolition of the rabbinate, ca 1943
RG-63.02.17, Rumkowski, appeal to to submit to deportation voluntarely , August 1944, Translation
RG-63.02.18, Street map of the Lodz ghetto
RG-63.02.19, Lodz ghetto, Tailors at work
RG-63.02.20, Two Jewish Ghetto Police, with elderly male
RG-63.02.21, Rumkowski in the carriage, riding around the ghetto
RG-63.02.22, German film crew in Lodz
RG-63.02.23, Rumkowski General Curfew Announcement, September 5, 1942, deportations began
RG-63.02.24, Jews near the bridge in the ghetto. The bridge connects ghetto parts
RG-63.02.25, Jewish workers in a tayloring workshop
RG-63.02.26, Jewish policemen on the street, ghetto inhabitants are waiting in line
RG-63.02.27, a German policeman at the rear ghetto entrance, the sign reads, Jewish district, access denied
RG-63.02.28, a woman near the table, men and children with Jewish star
RG-63.02.29, A man with a white rag, another man and two children
RG-63.02.30, Children, Women, Men with Jewish star
RG-63.02.31, People with Jewish star behind barbwire
RG-63.02.32, Jewish worker in a tailor's workshop
RG-63.02.33, Central Prison, Awaiting Deportation
RG-63.02.34, Chaim Rumkowski before his deportation to Auchwitz
RG-63.02.35, Chaim Rumkowski oil painting
RG-63.02.36, Jewish Ghetto Firefighters brigade
RG-63.02.37, Lodz Ghetto, a mail man
RG-63.02.38, Lodz Ghetto, Jewish seamstressess at work
RG-63.02.39, Jewish women work at a tailoring shop, Lodz ghetto, 1941
RG-63.02.41, Lodz Ghetto, Malka Szulc, Request to exempt from phisical labor
RG-63.02.42, Moving into the ghetto, Lodz, March 1940
RG-63.02.44, Perla Landowicz, request to exempt from work outside the ghetto
RG-63.02.45, Lodz ghetto, labor as a deception of deportation to Auschwitz
RG-63.02.47, Lodz ghtto, Children at a gate
RG-63.02.49, Rumkowski, front row, D. Warszawaki, D.Fuchs, A. Jakubowicz, D. Gertler, S.Erlich, K. Sienicki, L.Rozenblat, H.Kaufmann, BL, Israel
RG-63.02.50, Lodz ghetto, The only way is to work