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Office of Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Office of Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1940 -- 1944) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Office of Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1940 -- 1944)
Digital Content Created by Office of Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Other Files:
RG-63.02.65, Coordination of and responsibilities for the usage of confiscations
RG-63.02.66, Financial documents regarding statements of financial position of the ghetto administration
RG-63.02.67, Listing of confiscated goods and goods handed over to Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1941 -- 1942
RG-63.02.68, Financial documents regarding the processing and transfer of valuable confiscated goods
RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.71, File memo of day to day matters in the ghetto of Lodz, 1941
RG-63.02.73, Correspondence between the German authorities of Lodz and Wartheland regarding the transfer of Jews into the Lodz ghetto, 1941
RG-63.02.74, Documents regarding financial issues of transferring Jews to the Lodz ghetto, 1941--1942
RG-63.02.76, Financial documents showcasing effort, costs and bureaucracy of the Nazi authorities handling of Jews in Lodz and surrounding area, 1942
RG-63.02.77, Announcement of Hans Biebow to resume work after a deportation, Lodz, 1942
RG-63.02.78, Documents about requesting a special ration of alcohol for the ghetto administration of Lodz, 1943
RG-63.02.79, Documents reflecting the food situation in the Lodz ghetto from the viewpoint of the Nazi authorities, 1940--1943
RG-63.02.81, Documents showing Biebow`s central role for the ghetto and his usage of it for personal gain, Lodz, 1940--1942
RG-63.02.83, Announcements and documents regarding deportations and resolving the Lodz ghetto, 1944
RG-63.02.84, Documents regarding acquisitions for the Chelmno extermination camp by authorities of Lodz, 1942--1943
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