German Military Photographers (1939-1945) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: German Military Photographers (1939-1945)
Historical Note: Photographers within the German army, police, or security forces.

Other Files:
RG-66.07, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, entrance to the camp
RG-66.08, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, Himmler visits the camp
RG-23.03.01, German troops in France, 1940
RG-23.03.02, German troops march into Paris, street view, June 1940
RG-23.03.03, German troops marching by the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, June 1940, German Federal Archives
RG-23.04.01, German soldiers raising the flag over Akropolis, May 1941, German Federal Archives
RG-23.04.05, Registration of the Jews of Tessaloniki, July 1942, German Federal Archives
RG-23.05.09, German troops occupying Aaberraa, South Judtland, Denmark
RG-23.06.01, An honor guard forms in the Prague Castle awaiting Hitler visit, March 1939
RG-23.06.02, Czechs watch German troops entering Prague, March 15, 1939, copyrighted
RG-23.06.04, German troops enter Prague, March 15, 1939
RG-23.06.05, Hitler reviews the honor guard inside the Prague Castle, March 1939, US National Archive
RG-23.06.06, Munich Conference on Sudetenland, a coffee break
RG-23.11.03, Bergen Belsen, open mass grave
RG-23.12.02, Deportation from Westerbork transit camp, the Netherlands, a scene depicting Jewish Auxiliary Service and prisoners near a cattle car
RG-23.12.03, The destroyed city of Rotterdam after the bombing in May 1940, German invasion of the Netherlands, Bundesarchiv
RG-23.12.04, The Netherlands, camp auxiliary faculity, with a warning sign, poison gas, Second World War.
RG-23.13.01, Serbian men digging their own grave, before the mass killing, Yugoslavia, Second World War
RG-23.13.02, Bodies in the Sava River, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Second World War
RG-23.13.03, German soldiers near a mass killing site, Europe
RG-23.13.04, A Prisoners is taken to execution, accompanied by a playing band of camp prisoners
RG-23.13.05, Ten photographs of Nazi-perpetrated atrocities, Second World War, Europe, 1939-1945
RG-23.13.11, Jews are rounded up in Sompolno, Poland, 1941.
RG-23.13.12, A former female prisoner of German concentration camp after liberation
RG-23.14.01, Mass murder scene from a Hungarian Jewish Transport
RG-23.14.02, Mass murder scene from a Hungarian Jewish Transport, at the background a concentration camp compound is seen, Second World War
RG-23.16.01, Minsk ghetto, inside view
RG-23.16.02, Minsk, Masha Bruskina with comprades-partisans before execution
RG-23.20.02, German soldiers entering Lwow (Lviv) Ukraine, passing by Zamartynow Street
RG-23.21.01, Arriving to a camp, 1943-1945
RG-23.23.01, Cracow ghetto, entrance
RG-23.23.04, A Jewish family before deportation from the Cracow ghetto, Poland, 1941-1943
RG-23.23.05, Cracow ghetto, a Jewish couple on a street, Poland, ca 1941
RG-23.23.06, Cracow ghetto, belongings of the deportees to the Belzec death camp are left on the street, March 1943
RG-23.23.07, Cracow ghetto, elderly Jewish men, completing forced labor, 1941-1943
RG-23.23.08, Cracow ghetto, hostages, ca 1943
RG-23.23.10, Cracow ghetto, Jews are deported from the ghetto
RG-23.23.12, Cracow, Poland, Jews are being deported, in the Sukienice Square, ca 1940
RG-23.23.14, Deportation of Jews from the Cracow ghetto, ca 1943
RG-23.23.17, Three elderly Jewish people near the entrance of the Cracow ghetto, German military policeman directs traffic, ca 1940
RG-23.23.17, Three elderly Jewish people near the entrance of the Cracow ghetto, German military policeman directs traffic, ca 1940
RG-23.23.21, Performance in the Cracow ghetto, German officer and a Jewish policeman sits in the front row
RG-23.24.01, Jews are rounded-up for deportation, Poland, ca 1939.
RG-23.24.07, The Royal Castle in Warsaw burning after a German shellfier on 17 September 1939, public domain
RG-23.24.09, German soldiers march through Warsaw, 5 October 1939, Public domain
RG-23.24.11, Jews from villages in rural Poland are forced to move to a ghetto, Poland, 1939-1945
RG-23.24.13, A German and a Russian officer shake hands at the end of the Invasion of Poland, September 1939
RG-23.24.15, Zablocie, Poland, German officer takes picture of Orthodox Jews, ca 1939
RG-23.24.16, A postcard showing Jewish deportation from a Polish town, 1942
RG-23.24.17, Three young Jewish boys drag a water barrel in a ghetto in Poland, 1939-1945
RG-23.25.01, A photograph of the Riga ghetto from outside a barbed wire fence, after aktion, Riga, Latvia, 1941-1943
RG-23.25.02, Local women posing with entering German soldiers, Riga, Latvia, July 1941
RG-23.28.02, Deportation of German Jews to a concentration camp in the East, 1939-1945
RG-23.28.03, A photograph showing Jews about to be transported to Treblinka death camp, 1939-1945
RG-23.28.04, Hungarian Jews arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau, ca 1944
RG-23.29.01, Theresienstadt ghetto, musical performance. Czechoslovakia, 1941-1945
RG-23.29.02, Theresienstadt ghetto, courtyard in the small fortress, 1941-1945
RG-23.29.03, Theresienstadt ghetto, in the offices of ghetto establishments, Czechoslovakia, 1941-1945
RG-23.29.04, Entrance to the Theresienstadt Ghetto with a sign "Arbeit Macht Frei," Czechoslovakia, 1941-1945.
RG-23.30.01, Civilians of Mauthausen, Austria making coffins for the former inmates of Mauthausen concentration camp, 1938-1945
RG-23.30.02, Forced labor of inmates of Mauthausen concentration camp in the granite quarry, Austria, 1938-1945
RG-23.31.01, Jews from Sofia, Bulgaria are dispatched to countryside for forced labor, 1940-1941
RG-23.31.02, Bulgarian Jews building a road in a forced labor brigade, 1939-1945
RG-23.31.03, Bulgarian Jews work on a road construction in a forced labor brigade, 1939-1945
RG-23.33, Treblinka extermination camp, Poland, a photograph of piles of shoes left by murdered prisoners, ca 1945
RG-23.34.03, German order to Jews of Kiev to report for relocation 29 September 1941, in Russian, Ukrainian, Babi Yar massacre
RG-23.36.01, Jews digging mass grave before their execution, Storov, Ukraine, July 1941
RG-23.36.03, Galician volunteers to the 14 Waffen SS Division marching on Kosciuszko street in Sanok, Ukraine, May 1943
RG-23.36.04, Hans Frank, Left, Governor-General of the Generalgouvemement, Sanok, May 1943
RG-23.36.08, Shooting of women and children from the Mizocz ghetto, October 1942, Poland (now Ukraine)
RG-23.39.02, Crowds of Sudeten Germans to greet the entering German troops, October 13, 1938
RG-23.41.01, Shirtless woman surrounded by Nazi soldiers, Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.02, A soldier forcing a woman to strip, Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.03, A shirtless woman sitting on the street in the Warsaw ghetto, removing or putting on her socks, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.04, A woman standing on the street, topless, smiling for the camera, Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.05, A woman in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto, either undressing or re-dressing, as German soldiers stand in the background, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.06, A German soldier forcing a woman to strip in the street, Warsaw ghetto, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.07, Two soldiers forcing two women to strip in the Warsaw ghetto, 1940-1945
RG-23.41.08, Shirtless woman in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto, a soldier stands behind her, 1940-1943
RG-23.41.09, Warsaw Ghetto, Forced stripping, Consolidated
RG-23.42.01, Belzec death camp, SS and Ukrainian guards posing at the camp, Poland, 1942
RG-23.44.03, Deportation of Drohobycz Jews, 1942
RG-23.45.01, Einsatzgruppen German aiming a gun at a mother holding her child, 1941
RG-23.45.02, Jews from Lubny in Ukraine, October 1941
RG-23.48.04, Soviet prisoners of war captured near Minsk, 2 July 1941
RG-23.49.02, Orchestra in Janowska concentration camp Lwow (Lviv), 1941-1943
RG-23.49.03, Prisoners of the Janowska Concentration Camp Orchestra, Lwow (Lviv), 1941-1943
RG-25.01.04, Warsaw Ghetto, wagon of dead bodies
RG-25.02.01, A woman without a top, surrounded by soldiers, Warsaw Ghetto
RG-25.02.02, A soldier forcing a woman to strip, Warsaw Ghetto
RG-25.02.03, A partially naked women with her luggage in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto
RG-25.02.04, A topless woman posing in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto, a solider stands in the background
RG-25.02.05, A woman gets dressed in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto, men stand in the background
RG-25.02.06, A German soldier forcing a woman to strip in the street, Warsaw ghetto
RG-25.02.07, Two German soldiers forcing two women to undress, Warsaw ghetto
RG-25.02.08, A naked woman and two German soldiers on the street, Warsaw ghetto
RG-25.02.09, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish women are forced to undress by German soldiers, consolidated
RG-25.03.02, Warsaw Ghetto, a Labor Detail, 1942
RG-25.03.05, Warsaw Ghetto, German policemen humiliate an old man
RG-25.03.06, Warsaw Ghetto, German soldiers and a group of Jewish men
RG-25.03.07, Warsaw Ghetto, aftermath of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-25.03.08, Warsaw Ghetto, two men at the forced labor
RG-25.03.09, German soldiers entering the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising, 1943
RG-25.03.10, Warsaw Ghetto, wagon of dead bodies
RG-25.05.02, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, A Jewish resistance member surrenders, May 1943, Warsaw
RG-25.05.03, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Hehalutz women captured with weapon, 1943. On the photograph, from left to right, Malka Zdrojewicz (Horenstein), Bluma Wyszogrodzka and Rachela Wyszogrozka
RG-25.05.05, Photograph of the skyline of the Warsaw Ghetto Burning, 1943
RG-25.05.06, Photograph from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Jews in front of German soldiers, 1943
RG-25.05.07, A street in the Warsaw ghetto after the uprising, 1943
RG-25.05.08, Jewish captives surrendering after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943
RG-25.05.09, A column of Jewish captives in the aftermath of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May 1943
RG-25.05.11, Heavily armed German troops clear Muranowski Square of Jewish Resistance Fighters, April, 1943
RG-25.05.13, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Photographs, Consolidated
RG-25.05.15, German soldiers watching buildings in the Warsaw ghetto burn during the uprising, 1943
RG-25.05.16, Ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto after it was leveled by the Germans post-uprising, May 1943
RG-25.06.08, Warsaw Ghetto, a Jewish Boy, aftermath of the Uprising, May 1943
RG-25.06.22, Warsaw, Jews cleaning rubble
RG-25.06.23, Warsaw, Jews cleaning rubble
RG-25.06.24, Warsaw, photograph of a bearded man in forced labor detail
RG-45.02.08, Arriving to a camp
RG-45.02.10, Auschwitz negative
RG-45.02.106, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a Jewish boy, 1943
RG-45.02.11, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
RG-45.02.115, Warsaw ghetto, medical examining in the ghetto
RG-45.02.116, Warsaw ghetto, pedestrian bridge
RG-45.02.120, Warsaw ghetto, unidentified location, perhaps a transfer
RG-45.02.122, Warsaw ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-45.02.124, Warsaw, first days of German occupation
RG-45.02.126, Warsaw, Jews are not allowed into the park
RG-45.02.13, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
RG-45.02.16, Auschwitz, forced labor site
RG-45.02.17, Auschwitz, selection on the ramp after arrival
RG-45.02.18, Auschwitz, sorting out the former possessions of prisoners
RG-45.02.20, Auschwitz, unloading prisoners' luggage
RG-45.02.22, Babi Yar, USHMM, 28363
RG-45.02.25, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, arrival of prisoners
RG-45.02.26, Bergen-Belsen, prisoners by barracks are lined up
RG-45.02.32, German administration in civilian diner in Lodz
RG-45.02.33, German officer takes a photograph of the religious Jews in Zablocie, Poland
RG-45.02.35, Germany, early 1930s, Book burning
RG-45.02.36, Group portrait of members of the Lodz ghetto police
RG-45.02.37, Hans Biebow in the Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.39, Hitler and a child in SA uniform, 1942
RG-45.02.40, Holland, deportation, a street scene
RG-45.02.41, Janowska Camp, Lwow, Camp Orchestra
RG-45.02.43, Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.44, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz
RG-45.02.45, Jewish order police, Warsaw
RG-45.02.46, Jewish police action in Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.02.49, Jews from villages are forced to a ghetto
RG-45.02.52, Killing by a German Labor Serviceman, Ukraine, 1941
RG-45.02.53, Kristallnacht, a synagogue in flame
RG-45.02.54, Kristallnacht, nighttime, a synagogue in flame
RG-45.02.55, Kristallnacht, a burning synagogue
RG-45.02.57, Lodz ghetto, a boy feeds the small girl
RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
RG-45.02.61, Lodz ghetto, three women at work
RG-45.02.62, Lodz ghetto, women in a sewing workshop
RG-45.02.86, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, ca. 1936
RG-45.02.96, the Netherlands, poison gas chamber with a warning sign, poison gas
RG-45.02.98, Vienna under the Nazi authorities
RG-45.03.08, Before the deportation
RG-45.03.10, Deportation from a town
RG-45.03.11, Deportation from the ghetto
RG-45.03.12, Frank in Lublin
RG-45.03.14, From the Auschwtiz Album, deportation from Carpathian-Ruthenia
RG-45.03.15, Germans convoying the Jews
RG-45.03.16, Going to Umschlagplatz
RG-45.03.21, Jews, staying before the sign, Jews are not allowed
RG-45.03.22, Jurgen Stroop, General of Combat SS and Police
RG-45.03.24, Lublin ghetto, deportees
RG-45.03.31, Lublin, after the German bombardment
RG-45.03.32, Lublin, after the German invasion, 1939
RG-45.03.38, Lublin, the Castle, 1943
RG-45.03.43, Odilo Globocnik, who led the Operation Reinhard, the annihilation over one million Jews
RG-46.01.01, 25000 Soviet prisoners of war are guarded by the German mounted soldiers, near Minsk, July 1941
RG-46.01.02, 25000 Soviet prisoners of war located in this camp near Minsk, 5 July 1941
RG-46.01.03, A brothel for German soldiers in Brest, France, 1940 housed in a former Jewish synagogue
RG-46.01.04, A brothel for German soldiers in Brest, France in the former Jewish Synagogue ca 1940
RG-46.01.05, A column of young Belorussian volunteers to the national military formation, July 1944
RG-46.01.06, A column of young Belorussians volunteers to the a national military formation, July 1944
RG-46.01.07, A Jewish man of Kielce, ca 1939-1940
RG-46.01.100, Yugoslavia, police operation, men and women with suitcases are led from a village, 1943, 1944
RG-46.01.101, Soviet partisans captured in Minsk, October 1941
RG-46.01.102, Soviet-German negotiations in Poland, General Guderian and General Krivoshein, 22 September 1939
RG-46.01.103, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940, Jews on the sidewalk, a cart with barrels on the street
RG-46.01.104, Jews being transported by German police, September 1939
RG-46.01.105, German and Soviet soldiers met at Brest-Litowsk, annexation of Poland by Germany and the USSR, September 1939
RG-46.01.11, Austria, German troops in Vienna, December 1938
RG-46.01.12, British soldiers surrender, 1940
RG-46.01.13, Capitulation of Warsaw, September 1939
RG-46.01.14, Cracow, entrance to the ghetto
RG-46.01.16, Execution of Polish patriots by Einsatzgruppen, Cracow, October, 2, 1939
RG-46.01.17, French military prisoners of war, France, ca 1940
RG-46.01.18, Lviv (Lwow, Lemberg), District Galizien, 1943
RG-46.01.19, German and Soviet soldiers socializing on the new German-Soviet border near Brest-Litovsk, September 1939
RG-46.01.20, Hoffmanns, Nazi anti-British and anti-Communist propaganda after invasion of Poland
RG-46.01.21, Nazi Germanym concentration camp Oranienburg, 1933
RG-46.01.22, In the soldier brothel, Brest, France, 1940, the brothel located in the former synagogue,
RG-46.01.23, Invasion of Poland, Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel und Walter von Reichenau, 1939
RG-46.01.24, Romanian Jews are rounded up, Bessarabia, Romania, September 1941
RG-46.01.25, A Jewish ghetto policeman, Lodz, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.26, A Jewish man in forced labor, Mogilev, July 1941
RG-46.01.30, Calais, France, May 1940, German corporal amidst ruined building
RG-46.01.31, Danzig, on board of the German warship Schleswig-Holstein, 1939
RG-46.01.32, French colonial soldier, prisoner of war, France, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.34, Greece, German soldiers raising Nazi flag near Acropolis, May 1941
RG-46.01.35, Hungarian Jews arrived in Auschwitz, summer 1944
RG-46.01.36, Jewish camp policeman, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.37, Jewish ghetto policemen near the barracks, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.38, Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.39, Jewish kids on the street of Radom, Poland, 1940
RG-46.01.40, Jewish men, women, and children on a village street, Mogilev, July 1941
RG-46.01.41, Jewish porters near the Railroad Station in Kielce, 1939-1940
RG-46.01.42, Jewish prisoner is punished in the concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.43, Jewish women and children on a village street, July 1941
RG-46.01.44, Jews are arrested for illegal storing of the coffee supplies, Poland, 1939
RG-46.01.45, Jews cleaning rubble in Warsaw, October 1939
RG-46.01.46, Jews of Minsk at snow-cleaning, February 1942
RG-46.01.48, Latvian national SS legion's armored vehicles parade in Riga, April-May 1944
RG-46.01.49, Latvian volunteers to the SS legion, November 1943
RG-46.01.50, Latvian volunteers to the national Waffen SS division, 1943, 1944, Latvia
RG-46.01.51, Lemberg (Lviv, Lwow), General-Gouvernement, 1943
RG-46.01.53, Lodz ghetto, 1940, Jewish men and children
RG-46.01.54, Lodz ghetto, young Jewish women with Jewish stars, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.55, Mass killing of Jews near Kaunas, at the Fort 9, October 1941
RG-46.01.56, Minsk, destructed buildings, 1941-1943
RG-46.01.57, Minsk, July 1941, a street scene
RG-46.01.58, Minsk, July 1941, captured by the German army
RG-46.01.59, Minsk, view of a Polish Cathedral, 1941-1943
RG-46.01.60, Mogilev, 1941, Jewish women and children
RG-46.01.61, Mogilev, July 1941, a column of Jewish men marching by the street to a forced laboar site
RG-46.01.62, Mogilev, July 1941, Jews in forced labor resting
RG-46.01.63, Mogilev, July 1941, Jews in forced labor
RG-46.01.64, Parade in Cracow, General Government, ca 1939
RG-46.01.65, Paris, 1940, A civilian with a sign, unwanted Jews in this restaurant
RG-46.01.66, Photograph of a Jewish man in the siege of Warsaw, September 1939
RG-46.01.67, Police parade, Cracow, General Governement, ca 1939
RG-46.01.68, Polish criminal prisoners in front of the Montelupich Prison, Cracow, ca 1939-1940
RG-46.01.69, Polish Jews in a camp, Cracow, end of 1939
RG-46.01.70, Polish Jews in the prison, Lublin, November 1939
RG-46.01.71, Polish Jews on the way to forced labor, 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.73, Poster, To Arms, appealing to join Gazien Waffen SS division, 1943
RG-46.01.74, Punishment of the Jewish prisoner, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.75, Radom, Poland, ca. 1940, an old Jewish man with armband
RG-46.01.76, Radom, Poland, Jewish man with a boy and a child, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.77, Registration of the civilian population with the German military command, Mogilev, July 1941
RG-46.01.78, Romanian Jews are rounded up, Bessarabia, Romania, September 1941
RG-46.01.80, Soldiers' brothel in Brest, France, ca. 1940
RG-46.01.81, Soviet and German officers discussing the border demarcation, Bialystok, 21 September 1939
RG-46.01.82, Soviet-German talks, Brest-Litovsk, 22 September 1941, Bundesarchiv
RG-46.01.83, TA placard against corruption, election campaign of Sudeten Nazi Home Front, 1935
RG-46.01.84, Thessaloniki, deportation of Jews, July 1942
RG-46.01.85, Thessaloniki, Jewish men are at the collection point, July 1942
RG-46.01.86, Thessaloniki, Round up of Jews, July 1942
RG-46.01.87, Turkmenian volunteers in German army, north of France, 1943
RG-46.01.88, Two German soldiers on a street of Paris, France under German occupation
RG-46.01.89, Two Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
RG-46.01.90, Volksdeutschen of Lodz greet the Germans, October 1939
RG-46.01.91, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish order police near the gate, June 1942
RG-46.01.92, Warsaw, September, October 1939, Jews cleaning up rubble
RG-46.01.99, Young Jewish boy with armband and Jewish stars selling armbands, Radom, Poland, ca 1940
RG-46.02.01, An arrest scene of Romanian Jews, winter 1941
RG-46.02.04, Arrested Romanian Jews, Winter 1941
RG-46.02.05, Atrocities in the Jewish quarter of Lwow, 1941
RG-46.02.07, France, 1944, Civilians before starting a day business
RG-46.02.11, Invasion of Poland, Lublin, meeting of German and Soviet soldiers, September 1939
RG-46.02.12, Jewish women and children arrested, winter 1941
RG-46.02.13, Jews from Kishinev in forced labor, Bessarabia, August 1941
RG-46.02.14, Kiev under German occupation, July 1943
RG-46.02.15, Lwow, July 2, 1941, NKVD prison on Gorodocka street
RG-46.02.19, Romanian Jewish men are arrested, winter 1941
RG-46.02.20, Romanian Jews sorting out captured Soviet weapons, summer 1941
RG-46.02.21, German soldier capturing a young Soviet partisan, the USSR, July-August 1943
RG-46.02.22, German soldiers capturing a young Soviet partisan, the USSR, July-August 1943
RG-46.02.24, Two Soviet women arrested on a suspicion of partisanshipp by German miliatary police, 1942
RG-46.02.25, Ukrainian Security auxiliary police post , district Sarig, Volhynia, 1942
RG-46.02.26, Ukrainian Security policeman, Volhynia, Ukraine, 1942
RG-46.02.29, Warsaw Uprising, Polish women reading the messages on the wooden fence, August 1944, Warsaw
RG-46.02.31, The 17 year old apprentice mechanic Gotthard R. is called up to Volkssturm, Frankfurt, February 1945
RG-46.02.32, Dr. Hans Globke, 1941 in Bratislava. Minister of the Interior Dr. Frick, Secretary of State Dr. Stuckart, 1941
RG-46.02.33, Goebbels state visit to Poland, from left to right Hans von Moltke, Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Goebbels, Josef Beck
RG-46.04.01, (left to right) Rudolf Hess, Hitler, Bormann, Goering and Ribbentrop attending a Wagnerian opera
RG-46.04.02, Great Synagogue in Oranienburgerstrasse in Berlin burning on Kristallnacht
RG-46.04.04, A street in Lodz ghetto, scene under a footbridge
RG-46.04.05, Coffee break at Munich Conference, September 1938
RG-46.04.06, Adolf Hitler portrait, September 1926
RG-46.04.16, Elderly Jewish lady arrives in Auschwitz from Subcarpathian Ruthenia, 1944
RG-46.04.17, Elderly Jewish woman from Carpatho-Ruthenia comforts three children, Auschwitz, 1944
RG-46.04.21, German soldier shooting with a machine gun
RG-46.04.22, German soldier shoots woman and child, Ivangorod, Ukraine, 1942
RG-46.04.23, German soldiers saluting to King Christian X of Denmark
RG-46.04.24, German troops occupying Aabenraa, South Jutland, Denmark, April 1940
RG-46.04.25, German troops clear Muranowski Square in Warsaw of Jewish Resistance Fighters, April 1943
RG-46.04.26, Himmler (right) and Von Ribbentrop (left) chat during a Nazi rally
RG-46.04.27, Hitler in the car, accompanied by the high-ranking SS officials
RG-46.04.29, Jewish women and children from Carpatho-Ruthenia on the platform at Auschwitz, 1944
RG-46.04.30, Jews are being shipped to an extermination camp
RG-46.04.31, Jews hiding in a bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto are being captured by the Germans, May 1943
RG-46.04.33, Jews from Hungarian territories arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
RG-46.04.34, Jews transported in a cattle car to extermination camps
RG-46.04.40, Major General Juergen Stroop, supression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, April, 1943
RG-46.04.43, The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform, 1944
RG-46.04.44, Old and sick Jews deported from Lodz Ghetto to Chelmno extermination center, September 1942
RG-46.04.45, Polish Jews rounded up for deportation
RG-46.04.46, Railroad sabotage in Denmark, January 1943
RG-46.04.48, Selection at the ramp, the Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia, Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
RG-46.04.49, Slave laborers working at the granite works near Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-46.04.54, Boycott of Jewish stores by the Storm Troopers (SA), April 1933
RG-46.04.55, Survivors of the Warsaw ghetto convoyed by the Germans to deportation, May, 1943
RG-46.04.57, Two members of the Jewish Fighters Organization are captured in Warsaw, May, 1943
RG-46.04.59, Members of the Einsatzgruppen preparing to execute Jewish women, Latvia, 1941
RG-46.04.60, Construction of the wall around Warsaw Ghetto, October, 1940
RG-46.06.03, Workshop in Wilno ghetto
RG-46.06.12, Deportation from Olkusz, Poland
RG-46.06.17, A Jewish boy caught by the German guard while smuggling bread int the ghetto
RG-46.08.10, Deportation to the East, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.11, Deportation of Jews from Southern Moravia, Uhersky Brod, 30 January 1943
RG-46.08.14, Emil Ulitz attending a lecture, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' August 1944
RG-46.08.15, Entrance gate with a slogan 'work sets you free', Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
RG-46.08.16, Fourth courtyard where prisoners were executed, Theresienstadt Ghetto
Rg-46.08.17, Interior of barracks, Theresienstadt, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.18, Leaving the bathhouse, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.19, Leo Baeck (left) and Otto Zucker (right) at the meeting of the Council of Elders, Theresienstadt Ghetto
RG-46.08.21, Library circulation desk, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', August 1944
RG-46.08.22, Library, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', August 1944
RG-46.08.24, On the way to work, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.25, Orchestra, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.26, Prisoners entering the main gate, Theresienstadt, 1942
RG-46.08.27, Prisoners entering the main gate, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943-1944
RG-46.08.28, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.29, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.31, Tailoring workshop, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
RG-46.08.32, Theresienstadt, interior of the barracks
RG-46.10.02, Torture of prisoners at a Nazi concentration camp
RG-46.10.03, (upper image) Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky and roll call in a concentration camp
RG-46.10.04, (upper) June 1940 Nazi troops marching to Champs-Elysees; (lower) Hitler, Keitel, and Speidel on Montmarte
RG-46.10.08, What happened to the Nazi criminals
RG-46.10.09, Women performing forced hard labor
RG-46.10.10, Young Spanish Republican killed by a hit of a shovel by at Mauthausen concentration camp, 1941
RG-63.01.07, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 7
RG-63.01.08, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 8
RG-63.01.10, Stroop Report, A member of the Uprising taking prisoner, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.11, Stroop Report, An assault squad, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.12, Stroop Report, Hehalutz women captured with weapons, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.13, Stroop Report, Jews fallen in the Battle, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.14, Stroop Report, Jews pulled from a bunker, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.15, Stroop Report, Jurgen Stroop and other commanders of the opertion, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.16, Stroop Report, Non-German auxiliary police assigned to the operation, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.17, Stroop Report, prisoners of the Uprising 1, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.18, Stroop Report, prisoners of the Uprising, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.19, Stroop Report, Search and interrogation by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.20, Stroop Report, The Brauer firm by the German photographer Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.21, Stroop Report, To the transshipping place by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.22, Stroop Report, Forcibly pulled out of dug-outs by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.23, Stroop Report, The Jewish department heads of the armament firm Brauer by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.24, Stroop Report, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-66.05, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, German administration and the roll-call
RG-66.06, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, prisoners at the attention
RG-69.06, Chelmno, Poland, German soldiers guarding victims alighting a train at Chelmno extermination camp
RG-69.07, Chelmno, Poland, auxiliary guard unit, playing music
RG-69.08, Six German soldiers standing inside armored railroad car
RG-69.09, Five German Officers stand near armored railroad car