RG-, Letter and envelope from Felix Nasrecki in Dachau concentration camp to Johanna Nasrecka in Kalisz, Poland | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-, Letter and envelope from Felix Nasrecki in Dachau concentration camp to Johanna Nasrecka in Kalisz, Poland
27 August 1941
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
Sub-Collection 3: RG-72.03, Correspondence from and to concentration camps, 1933 -- 1945
Collection of Folder-Level 2: RG-72.03.02, Dachau 3K Camp, Dachau concentration camp, 1934 -- 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-, Letter and envelope from Felix Naskrecki in Dachau concentration camp to Johanna Nasrecka in Kalisz, Poland, 27 August 1941

Felix Naskrecki, Prisoner of Dachau concentration camp, Germany, 1942 (1942)
Prisoners of Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1933--1945 (1933--1945)
Prisoners of Dachau concentration camp, Germany 1933--1945 (1933--1945)
Concentration camps, German
Correspondence in German language
correspondence to and from concentration camps
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Felix Naskrecki, Prisoner of Dachau concentration camp, Germany, 1942
Germany (1939--1945)
Personal correspondence
Prisoner of Dachau concentration camp
Correspondence in German language
correspondence to and from concentration camps
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Felix Naskrecki, Prisoner of Dachau concentration camp, Germany, 1942
Germany (1939--1945)
Personal correspondence
Prisoner of Dachau concentration camp