RG-90.01.04, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 4 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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RG-90.01.04, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 4
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
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National Minorities Affairs (Sprawy Narodowosciowe), scholarly quarterly, interwar Poland, 1927-1939
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-90.01.04, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 4

Sprawy Narodowosciowe, editorial board and contributors (1927 -- 1939)
Stanislaw Paprocki, Polish scholar, editor-in-chief of Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1927 – 1939
Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs, Warsaw, 1927 -- 1939
Stanislaw Paprocki, Polish scholar, editor-in-chief of Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1927 – 1939
Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs, Warsaw, 1927 -- 1939
Ambiguity of positiveness of cultural autonomy for lesser stratified minorities, Geneva, 1925
Congresses under patronage of the League of Nations, 1918 -- 1939
Congress of national minorities of Central Europe, agenda, 1925, SN
Discourse and narrative of the Second Congress of National Minorities, August 1926
Discourse with the national minorities in interwar Europe, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Divergence between cultural autonomy and loyalty to state, Ukrainian delegation, Geneva, 1925
Documents in Polish language
Geneva (Switzerland)
German ethnonational groups in Central European countries, interwar period, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
German state support to German irredentist movement in Central Europe, 1918 -- 1939, SN
Irredentist movements in interwar Europe, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Jewish delegation, National Minorities, claiming autonomy and pleading loyalty to a state, 1925
Matter of autonomy as a mean for lowering tensions between nations
Matter of national tolerance at the Congress of National Minorities, Geneva, 1925
Narratives in Polish language
Perceptions of loyalty and cultural autonomy as uncorrelated paradigms, Geneva, 1925
Preparation to the congress of national minorities of Central Europe, 1925, SN
Rejection of inherency between cultural autonomy and loyalty to state, Ukrainian delegation, Geneva
Scholarly articles in Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs), interwar Poland
Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs, publication)
Switzerland (1918 -- 1939)
The League of Nations, an international organization to maintain peace and security, 1919
Theories, principles and tendencies of state-building in interwar Europe, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Theories of the state and nationalities presented in National Minorities Affairs, Poland
The Second Congress of National Minorities, August 1926
Congresses under patronage of the League of Nations, 1918 -- 1939
Congress of national minorities of Central Europe, agenda, 1925, SN
Discourse and narrative of the Second Congress of National Minorities, August 1926
Discourse with the national minorities in interwar Europe, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Divergence between cultural autonomy and loyalty to state, Ukrainian delegation, Geneva, 1925
Documents in Polish language
Geneva (Switzerland)
German ethnonational groups in Central European countries, interwar period, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
German state support to German irredentist movement in Central Europe, 1918 -- 1939, SN
Irredentist movements in interwar Europe, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Jewish delegation, National Minorities, claiming autonomy and pleading loyalty to a state, 1925
Matter of autonomy as a mean for lowering tensions between nations
Matter of national tolerance at the Congress of National Minorities, Geneva, 1925
Narratives in Polish language
Perceptions of loyalty and cultural autonomy as uncorrelated paradigms, Geneva, 1925
Preparation to the congress of national minorities of Central Europe, 1925, SN
Rejection of inherency between cultural autonomy and loyalty to state, Ukrainian delegation, Geneva
Scholarly articles in Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs), interwar Poland
Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs, publication)
Switzerland (1918 -- 1939)
The League of Nations, an international organization to maintain peace and security, 1919
Theories, principles and tendencies of state-building in interwar Europe, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Theories of the state and nationalities presented in National Minorities Affairs, Poland
The Second Congress of National Minorities, August 1926