Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Maps and border lines

- RG-02.08.01, From the Last Extermination, Journal, Nr. 4, 1947
- RG-02.08.02, From the Last Extermination, Journal, Nr. 4, 1947, part 2
- RG-17.04.03, LIFE Magazine November 20, 1939, the war-map
- RG-17.04.04, LIFE Magazine November 20, 1939
- RG-17.05.02, Le Journal Paris, (A Paris Journal). Febuary 18, 1943. No 18.295
- RG-17.08.15, The German offensive in Southern Russia, published on 8 August 1942
- RG-17.08.22, Map of the Solomon Islands, Western half
- RG-17.08.23, Map of the Solomon Islands, Eastern half
- RG-17.08.29, German, for the Eastern Front, a harbor in England and the map of the Eastern Front
- RG-17.08.34, German war planning of the landing into British Isles, 1942
- RG-17.08.41, German approach in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.08.42, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 1
- RG-17.08.43, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 2
- RG-17.08.44, German combat opperation in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.08.55, German map of the Caucasus, Eastern half
- RG-17.08.56, German map of the Caucasus, Western half
- RG-17.09.01, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas taken by the Japanese, Western half
- RG-17.09.02, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas (red) taken by the Japanese, Eastern half
- RG-17.18.101, Wartime German-language newspaper, the battle at El Alamein, Egypt
- RG-17.18.102, Clippings from wartime German-language and Hungarian newspapers, the war in Russia
- RG-17.18.111, Wartime German-language newspaper, the US- Americans in North Africa
- RG-17.18.129, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, London surprised by German-Italian landing in Tunisia, 18 November 1942
- RG-17.18.135, German newspaper, Toulon occupied, Voelkischer Beobachter, 28 November 1942
- RG-17.18.14, Battle for Stalingrad, published on 13 September 1942
- RG-17.18.140, German-language newspapers, the war in North Africa
- RG-17.18.15, The German offensive in Southern Russia, published on 8 August 1942
- RG-17.18.154, Swiss newspapers, German-Russian war, Neue Zuercher, December 27, 1942, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter,
- RG-17.18.155, Wartime German-language newspaper, Roosevelt's message, Hungarian newspaper, Nepszava, Soviet troops, January 1943
- RG-17.18.158, German newspaper, map of the Eastern Front, The strategic situation on the Eastern Front
- RG-17.18.160, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Failed Soviet mass attacks at Stalingrad, brave resistance of the Germans
- RG-17.18.162, Hungarian newspaper, esti Kis Ujsag (Small Evening News), January 18 1943, German-language newspaper
- RG-17.18.165, Wartime newspapers, map, 1
- RG-17.18.166, Wartime newspapers, map, 2 war in Mediterranean Sea
- RG-17.18.170, Hungarian newspaper, map of Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.189, Wartime newspapers, Swiss newspaper
- RG-17.18.195, Wartime newspapers, clippings from German newspapers, with one showing a map of Ukraine
- RG-17.18.201, Clippings from Hungarian and German newspapers, 1943, with a map of the Eastern Front
- RG-17.18.204, Wartime newspapers, Le Journal Paris
- RG-17.18.206, Wartime German-language newspaper, war in Tunisia, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.215, Wartime newspapers, battle for Tunisia, aerial war in the West
- RG-17.18.217, Wartime German-language newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 4 March 1943, German-Russian war, Switzerland
- RG-17.18.22, Map of the Solomon Islands, 1
- RG-17.18.23, Map of the Solomon Islands, 2
- RG-17.18.25, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas taken by the Japanese, 1
- RG-17.18.26, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas (red) taken by the Japanese, 2
- RG-17.18.29, German, for the Eastern front, a harbor in England and the map of the Eastern Front, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.34, German war planning of the landing into British Isles, 1942
- RG-17.18.35, Swiss, information about a Second Front and the German lines of defense in Normandy
- RG-17.18.41, Wartime German-language newspapers, German approach in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.18.42, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 1
- RG-17.18.43, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 2
- RG-17.18.44, Wartime German-language newspapers, German combat opperation in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.18.55, German map of the Caucasus, Eastern half
- RG-17.18.56, German map of the Caucasus, Western half
- RG-17.18.73, The 80 days of critical decision, 1
- RG-17.18.76, Fight for the Solomon islands
- RG-17.18.77, England report, bomb attack of the armament center Schneider& Co in Le Creusot
- RG-17.18.80, Swiss newspaper, map, 1
- RG-17.18.81, Swiss newspaper, map, 2, Caucasus
- RG-17.18.92, Clippings from Hungarian (Pestiujsag) and German newspapers, 26 October 1942
- RG-17.18.93, German newspapers, fight in Egypt
- RG-17.18.96, Hungarian newspaper, Budapest, 29 October 1942, German newspaper clippings, the war in Russia
- RG-17.18.97, German newspapers, fight in Egypt, German-Italian counter charges
- RG-23.36.07, Map showing Ukraine under Reichskommissariat control and the boundaries of Generalbezirke and Kreisgebiete as of September 1943
- RG-23.39.04, Map of Post-Munich Agreement Europe in 1938
- RG-23.39.05, Explanation of the map of post-Munich Agreement Europe
- RG-23.55.05, Street map and aerial view of the Lublin ghetto in 1942, Poland
- RG-27.01.15, Arthur Schoenberg, Electrical network map of Yugoslavia
- RG-43.02.40, Picture of the office clerks with the map of Europe on the wall
- RG-45.03.49, The last road to Belzec for the Jews of Lublin, 1942
- RG-59.05.01, Anton Karl, city map of Amsterdam 1936
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 1
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 2
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 3
- RG-59.05.02, Anton Karl, Divisions Maneuver of 1926, map of Bavaria region, Germany, Part 4
- RG-59.05.03, Anton Karl, German military map of the Orel (Oryol) region, Russia, 1941
- RG-59.05.04, Anton Karl, political map of Europe, 1940, Part 1
- RG-59.05.04, Anton Karl, political map of Europe, 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.05.04, Anton Karl, political map of Europe, 1940, Part 3
- RG-59.05.05, Anton Karl, military map of Munich and surrounding region
- RG-59.05.06, Anton Karl, military map of Regensburg and surrounding region
- RG-59.05.07, Anton Karl, political map of the USSR, wartime, Part 1
- RG-59.05.07, Anton Karl, political map of the USSR, wartime, Part 2
- RG-59.05.08, Anton Karl, military map of the Ternopil region, Ukraine, wartime
- RG-63.02.18, Street map of the Lodz ghetto
- RG-63.02.60, Streep map and listing of the businesses in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-77.07, Die Wehrmacht, The Army, March 1943, No 7, Part 1
- RG-77.08, Die Wehrmacht, The Army, March 1943, No 7, Part 2
- RG-77.13, Die Wehrmacht, The Army, June 1943. No 12, Part 1
- RG-77.17, Die Wehrmacht, The Army, June 1943. No 14, Part 1
- RG-77.20, Die Wehrmacht, The Army, July 1943. No 15, Part 2
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