Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: mass graves

- RG-02.08.01, From the Last Extermination, Journal, Nr. 4, 1947
- RG-02.08.02, From the Last Extermination, Journal, Nr. 4, 1947, part 2
- RG-09.03.01, Photographs, Majdanek, mass grave
- RG-09.06.01, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, May 1945
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page one
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page two
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page three
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page four
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page five
- RG-09.08.03, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, US soldiers oversee Germans digging graves
- RG-09.08.06, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, mass graves organized after the war
- RG-09.08.07, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, mass graves of crosses and Jewish stars
- RG-09.08.08, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, mass grave dug by Germans at order of the American military
- RG-09.08.09, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, German civilians place corpses into mass grave
- RG-09.12.01, Kurt Wittler, Nazi crimes in the camps, photo-documents
- RG-14.02.06, A Farewell, See You again in the Mass Grave
- RG-14.06.10, A Legacy of the Dead
- RG-16.11.31, mass grave of jews who died in ghetto and buried in synagogue yard
- RG-16.12.66, Concentration camp, Gardelegen massacre, 1945
- RG-17.02.08, Pages form the Soviet periodicals . No 45
- RG-17.20.01, Time, plight of prisoners in Buchenwald, Belsen, Erla, Nordhausen, 30 April 1945, (5)
- RG-17.20.09, Life, Atrocities, capture of the german concentration camps piles up evidence of barbarism, circa 1945 (7)
- RG-23.11.03, Bergen Belsen, open mass grave
- RG-23.14.01, Mass murder scene from a Hungarian Jewish Transport
- RG- A Farewell, See You Again in the Mass Grave
- RG- Consolidated file-Leskly Photos with captions
- RG- A Farewell, See You again in the Mass Grave
- RG-45.01.05, Captions only, starting with November 1938 Aryanization
- RG-45.01.07, Corpses in Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau, Photo Montage, 1945
- RG-45.01.11, Jewish Federation Titles and Captions
- RG-45.02.52, Killing by a German Labor Serviceman, Ukraine, 1941
- RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
- RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
- RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
- RG-46.04.08, Bulldozer pushing corpses into a communal grave, Bergen-Belsen, April 14, 1945
- RG-46.04.09, Corpses in mass grave, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp,
- RG-46.04.19, German civilians carry the bodies of the concentration camp prisoners to the grave
- RG-46.04.41, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp
- RG-46.04.42, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp, and two Allied soldiers
- RG-46.04.61, The former SS female concentration camp guards remove bodies from trucks into mass graves
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 22 of 22
- RG-63.03.04, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-67.33, Camps, Jasenovac, USHMM, Ustasa militia execute prisoners near concentration camp
- RG-80.02.01, Mausner, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the U.S, short version
- RG-80.02.02, Mausner, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the US, full version
- RG-80.10.01, US v. Serge Kowalchuk - Government's Pre-Trial Memo.Mausner
- RG-80.10.03, Philadelphia Daily News - March 27 1978
- RG-80.10.04, Philadelphia Daily News Oct 23, 1981
- RG-80.10.05, Newspaper Articles 1
- RG-80.10.06, Newspaper Articles 2
- RG-80.10.07, U.S. v. Kowalchuk, 571 F.Supp 72.2
- RG-80.10.08, U.S. v. Kowalchuk, 571 F.Supp 72
- RG-80.10.09, Govt Brief at 3d Cir.Mausner
- RG-80.10.10, Transcript of Oral Argument before 3d Cir, April 23 1984.Mausner
- RG-80.10.11, US v. Kowalchuk 744 F.2d 301 - 3d Cir Decision which was vacated
- RG-80.10.12, Newspaper Articles 3
- RG-80.10.13, Govt Petition for Rehearing with a Suggestion for Rehearing In Banc.Mausner
- RG-80.10.14, Order for Rehearing In Banc
- RG-80.10.15, Govt's Supplemental Brief for Rehearing in Banc.Mausner
- RG-80.10.16, U.S. v. Kowalchuk, 773 F.2D 488-3d Cir In Banc Order Denaturalizing Kowalchuk
- RG-80.10.17, US v. Kowalchuk No. 83-1571.Mausner
- RG-80.12.02, Govt Brief on Appeal of Order of Deportation.Mausner
- RG-80.12.14, Proposed Mausner Op-Ed for L.A. Times re Maikovskis and Linnas cases
- RG-80.12.15, Wiesenthal Center Press Release and News Conference re Linnas
- RG-80.12.16, Persian language magazine.Mausner
- RG-80.12.17, Deportation of Karl Linnas to USSR.Mausner
- RG-80.12.18, Mausner Letter to Panama re Linnas
- RG-80.12.19, Articles re Deportation to USSR
- RG-80.12.20 NY Times - Linnas Arrives in USSR
- RG-80.12.21, Linnas Israel
- RG-80.12.22, Law Tribune.Mausner
- RG-80.12.23, Century City Lawyer.Mausner
- RG-80.13.01, New York Post Article - May 15 1974
- RG-80.13.02, Maikovskis Wartime Photo
- RG-80.13.03, Newsday Article - May 15 1974
- RG-80.13.04, New York Times Article - February 28 1974
- RG-80.13.05, Govt Brief re Taking Depositions in Latvia - March 19 1980.Mausner
- RG-80.13.06, Oral Argument Before the BIA, re Depositions in Latvia.Mausner
- RG-80.13.07, BIA Order reversing Immigration Judge and Ordering Depositions in Latvia.Mausner
- RG-80.13.08, Deposition of Anton Zhukovskis taken by Mausner on May 18 1981
- RG-80.13.09, Pictures of Justice Dept, Latvian Officials, and Defense Counsel.Ryan.Mausner
- RG-80.13.10, Picture of U.S. Justice Department, State Department, and Latvian Officials.Ryan.Mausner
- RG-80.13.11, Newsday Article - July 22 1981
- RG-80.13.12, Nazi Murderers Have No Rights Article
- RG-80.13.13, Newsday Article -Tape Details Latvian Massacre - July 23 1981.Mausner
- RG-80.13.14, Newsday Article - July 25 1981
- RG-80.13.15, Newsday Article
- RG-80.13.16, Newsday Article - July 24 1981
- RG-80.13.17, Newsday Article - September 1 1981
- RG-80.13.18, Newsday Article Sept 2, 1981 - Maikovskis Attacked
- RG-80.13.19, Daily News Article - September 23 1981
- RG-80.13.20, Daily News Article - July 8 1983
- RG-80.13.21, New York Times Article - July 8 1983
- RG-80.13.22, Immigration Judge Decision finding Maikovskis Not Deportable - June 30 1983
- RG-80.13.23, Oral Argument before BIA - January 31 1984.Mausner
- RG-80.13.24, Decision of the BIA Reversing Immigration Judge and Ordering Maikovskis Deported-August 1984.Mausner
- RG-80.13.25, DOJ Press Release - Maikovskis Ordered Deported
- RG-80.13.26, Newsday Article - Maikovskis Ordered Deported
- RG-80.13.27, Daily News Article - August 15 1984
- RG-80.13.28, Daily News Article - August 16 1984
- RG-80.13.29, New York Post Article - August 15 1984
- RG-80.13.30, The Jewish Week American Examiner Article - August 24 1984
- RG-80.13.31, Deportation Documents
- RG-80.13.32, Govt Brief in the 2d Circuit.Mausner
- RG-80.13.33, Ruling of 2d Circuit Affirming Deportation, 773 F.2d 435.Mausner
- RG-80.13.34, New York Times Article - July 19 1985
- RG-80.13.35, Tribune Article - August 27 1988.Deport Maikovskis to USSR.Mausner
- RG-80.13.36, Newsday Article - August 30 1983
- RG-80.13.37, Associated Press Article - Maikosvkis
- RG-80.13.38, Letter from Oberstaatsanwalt to Mausner
- RG-80.13.39, Letter from Landgericht to Mausner
- RG-80.13.40, Certified Translation from German to English re Mausner testimony
- RG-80.13.41, German Articles re Mausner Testimony at Maikovskis Trial
- RG-80.13.42, Munster Zeitung - Mausner testimony
- RG-80.13.43, LA Times
- RG-80.13.44, Proposed Mausner Op-Ed for L.A. Times re Maikovskis and Linnas cases
- RG-80.13.45, Law Tribune.Mausner
- RG-80.13.46, Century City.Mausner
- RG-80.13.47, Article re Maikovskis
- RG-97.01.10, General view of mass grave, aftermath of liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
- RG-97.01.11, General view of a mass grave, aftermath of liberation of Bergen-Belsen camp. April 1945
- RG-97.01.12, S.S. soldier covers grave with dirt and lime, Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
- RG-97.01.13, General view of mass grave, aftermath of liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
- RG-97.01.14, Allied soldier unloads corpse from military truck, Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
- RG-97.01.15, Close-up view of mass grave, Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
- RG-97.01.16, Allied soldiers carry corpse to mass grave, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
- RG-97.01.17, General view of mass graves from guard tower, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
- RG-97.01.18, View from guard tower of mass graves, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
- RG-97.01.26, Far view of partially-dug mass grave, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
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