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Searching for Subject: Krakow, Poland

- Henry Schwab, Correspondences and related documents of the wartime and postwar and modern periods, Poland

- RG-, Copy of letter from Nika Fleissig to Yad Vashem, Department for the Righteous, 1979
- RG-07.02.02, Dokumenty Materialy Getto Lodzkie
- RG-112.49, Inquiry to Polish Red Cross about Fajwel Mairawe from Lodz, July 22, 1940
- RG-12.01.15, Cracow, a group of Jewish students after the tour
- RG-12.01.17, Cracow, coeducational Jewish gymnasium, 1936-1937, female graduates
- RG-12.06.03, Georg Anker, Photo Album 2, France, Krakow, Eastern Galicia, the First World War
- RG-13.163, Gazeta Zydowska, published in Krakow, January 1941
- RG-13.164, Prison Monte Lupich, Krakow, Auschwitz, factual reports, 1942
- RG-13.207, a letter to Kuehl from Herman Lenteschik, Zuerich, 1944
- RG-13.71, Report of a Krakow Jewish support organization, 1944
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
- RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
- RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
- RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
- RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
- RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
- RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), January 5, 1924, No. 1
- RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), January 26, 1924, No. 4
- RG-, Chwila, March 16, 1919, No. 62
- RG-23.24.05, German police patrol at Wawel Castle, Cracow, 1939, Bundesarchiv, 121-0293, copyrighted
- RG-45.02.27, Cracow, a group of Jewish students after the tour
- RG-45.02.28, Cracow, school photograph, Jewish coeducational gymnasium, female graduates
- RG-46.01.16, Execution of Polish patriots by Einsatzgruppen, Cracow, October, 2, 1939
- RG-46.01.33, Front page of the Polish newspaper Nowiny published in Cracow, 1943
- RG-46.01.47, Katyn massacre of the Polish prisoners of war, perpetrated by the Soviets in April 1940, Russia
- RG-46.01.64, Parade in Cracow, General Government, ca 1939
- RG-46.01.67, Police parade, Cracow, General Governement, ca 1939
- RG-46.01.68, Polish criminal prisoners in front of the Montelupich Prison, Cracow, ca 1939-1940
- RG-46.01.69, Polish Jews in a camp, Cracow, end of 1939
- RG-, Georg Anker, photographs of cathedrals in Northern France and Cracow
- RG-, Georg Anker, cathedrals in Cracow
- RG-63.03.03, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.04, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-66.117, Krakow, Cracow, police watch, 1939
- RG-66.118, Krakow, Cracow, police parade, Daluege and Frank
- RG-66.119, Krakow, Cracow police parade
- RG-72.04.23, Krakow Kennkarte (ID card) for a Jew, Mechel Bandler, valid until 23. February 1942, Krakow, Poland
- RG-72.05.07, Envelope sent to the International Red Cross in Geneva from Kraow, Poland, 16 December 1943
- RG-, Postcard, from Krakow to Lodz Ghetto, Inquiry about Blima Kruszel from Szulim Redlich, 23 January 1941
- RG-72.08.03, Postcard from Hanisiawa Jamroz in Chemnitz, Germany to Anastazja Jamroz in Krakow, Poland, 12 December 1944
- RG-72.08.04, Postcard from Chemnitz, Germany to Anastazja Jamroz in Krakow, Poland, 14 December 1944
- RG-72.08.16, Postcard sent from Hanna Stawinska in a labor camp Neeislecht, Germany to Main of Aid Council (Polish Rada Glowna Opiekuncza) in Krakow, 2 January 1945
- RG-72.08.17, Postcard sent from Dora Kaszuba in a labor camp Nowa Wola near Lodz to Polish Red Cross in Krakow, 29 July 1940
- RG-72.08.18, Postcard sent from Konrad Slaski in Burgweide transit camp to Jan Ziolbcowski in Krakow, 13 October 1944
- RG-72.08.19, Postcard sent from Regina Piesmiak in Augsburg, Germany to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 15 January 1945
- RG-72.08.32, Postcard sent from Maryan Kaminski in a work camp (wiring) in Kornwestheim, Germany to the Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 10 January 1945
- RG-72.08.33, Postcard from Maria Lwowska in Germany to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 1 January 1945
- RG-72.08.35, Postcard sent from Lucjan Szkarkowski in a labor camp, Berlin-Spandau to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 28 December 1944
- RG-72.08.44, Postcard sent from Jozef Sokolowski from a labor camp Ida in Waldenburg to Polish Main Aid Council (R.G.O.) in Krakow, 11 January 1945
- RG-72.08.57, Envelope from Maria Zbroja from Kocmyrzow, Poland to Jochan Zbroja in a labor camp Wahtlager in Lebenstadt, Germany, 26 May 1940
- RG-72.10.04, Postcard fragment with Krakau, December 9, 1941
- RG-72.10.06, Postcard from Dr. Horowitz in Krakau to Simon Sprecher in Zurich, 31 May 1940
- RG-72.10.07, Postcard from Ida Rath in Krakau to B. Greenfield in Brooklyn, USA, 14 July 1940
- RG-72.10.10, Postcard from Maryla Selinger in Krakau to Josefine Beer in Fiume, 16 March 1940
- RG-72.10.103, Postcard from the Judenrat in Krakow to Genova, Italy, written to Gustavo Kreh, 23 October 1941
- RG-72.10.15, Envelope from Haus Roenig in Krakau to Alex Potell in New York, 13 December 1940
- RG-72.10.16, Envelope from Maria Szewczyk in Krakau to Mrs. Sara Shirisch in New York, 18 February 1944
- RG-72.10.19, Postcard from R. Menore in Krakau to Mr. Leon Lachter in Brooklyn, 8 May 1940
- RG-72.10.20, Postcard from Fanny Frankel in Krakow to Simon Sprecber in Zurich, 17 June 1940
- RG-72.10.21, Postcard from Fanny Frankel in Krakow to Simon Sprecber in Zurich, 24 May 1940
- RG-72.10.60, Postcard sent from Stanislaw Turski in Krawow to Stockholm, 29 June 1943
- RG-72.10.81, Postcard sent from Krakow to Jewish Relief Committee in Geneva, 17 September 1941
- RG-72.10.94, Envelope to Kraków, Poland from Crikvenica, Croatia, written to Jüdische Soziale Selbsthilfe
- RG-72.13.15, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are adulterous', America, 1910
- RG-72.13.16, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talk with hands', Germany, 1914
- RG-, Summons to appear at the security police in Krakow, Poland, issued to Mathias Schubert, 25 February 1943, German and Polish
- RG-72.16.18, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Siedliszcze to R. Abrahamer in Krakow, 19 June 1941
- RG-72.16.21, Envelope sent from the Judenrat in Nowy Sacz in Poland to the charcoal distribution office in Krakow, 30 August 1940
- RG-72.21.06, Postcard sent from Gyla Ferhier in Krakow to Rut Schretler in Kamiensk-Gomunice, Poland, 8 October 1941
- RG-72.21.33, Postcard to Kraków, Poland from Wrocław (Burgweide, Breslau), Poland, written from Jan Liolkowski from Konrad Slaski, 14 October 1944
- RG-72.22.31, Envelope from Jozel Koziol in Krakow-Podgorze, Poland to Jan Sztol in Meerdorf concentratin camp, Germany, 14 March 1940
- RG-72.22.35, Postcard from Weimar to Rada Glowna Opiekuncza in Krakow, postmarked 3 January 1945
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