Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Germany (1871 -- 1914)

- RG- School certificate book for Isidor Flegenheimer (Father of Erich); starts 1882
- RG- Black and white picture of a couple; taken in Augsburg; probably beginning of century; not dated
- RG- Black and white picture of a bearded man; taken in Mannheim; maybe beginning of the century
- RG- Black and white photograph of a couple; taken in Augsburg; beginning of century
- RG-24.01.01, Sidur (Prayer Book) for the First Day of Passover, Rodelheim, Germany, 1885
- RG-24.01.02, Sidur (Prayer Book) for Passover Second Day in Hebrew and German, published in 1872, Rodelheim, Germany
- RG-24.06.01, Pocket size Hebrew-German Sidur, Vienna, 1876_Page_1
- RG-24.06.03, Pocket size Hebrew-German Sidur, Vienna, 1876
- RG-27.01.20, Arthur Schoenberg, Photograph of the postcard to Gisela Cohn in Vienna, 1884
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner Small Pox vaccination 9 July 1898
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner note vaccination
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1892 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1893 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner, matriculation 1893
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1893 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1894 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1894 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1894 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1894 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1895 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1895 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1895 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1895 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1896 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1896 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1896 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1896 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1897 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1897 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1897 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1898 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1898 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1898 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1898 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1899 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1899 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1899 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1899 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1900 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1900 Viertel 2
- RG-, Frtiz Wachsner matriculation, 1900 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1900 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1901 Viertel 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1901 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1901 Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1902 Summer
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1902 Viertel 4 and 1
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1902-1903 Winter
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1903 Summer
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1903-1904
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1904 Viertel 2
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1904, Viertel 3
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1904 Viertel 4
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation, 1905 Summer
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner school fees, 1905
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner school fees, 1904-1905
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner school fees, 1906
- RG-, Excursion to the Gas Works, 1906 Sophien-Gymnasium
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner entering University written in Latin
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner form in Latin
- RG-, School trip to Bornholm, 1906
- RG-, Past, Present, and Future. Humurous School Newsletter
- RG-, Outing of Chemical Class, Berlin 1908
- RG-, Lecture Pamphlet University of Jena
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner Doctoral Exams
- RG-, Student Field Trip to the Mineralog. Institute, 1910
- RG-, Songbook for the Jena student body, 27 January 1910
- RG-, Group photo, Jena 1911
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner certificate for oral tests, May 1911
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner ceritificate for oral tests, May 1911
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner, newsletter for teacher seminars
- RG-, Registration for Institute of Jewish Sciences, 1911
- RG-, Wachsner class schedule, Winter semester 1911-1912
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner certificate mineralogy
- RG-, Fritz Wacshner student plan work schedule
- RG-, School of the Lute, Music sheets
- RG-, Fritz Wachsner matriculation 1897 Viertel 1
- RG-, Sophien Gymnasium memorial service for Professor Heinrich Peter, 25 April 1901
- RG-, Sophien Gymnasium Graduation program, 22 March 1902
- RG-, Sophien Gymnasium Graduation program, 27 September 1902
- RG-, Sophien Gymnasium Graduation program 1 April 1903
- RG-, Booklet with list and Yiddish song
- RG-, Cielito Lindo handwritten Spanish song
- RG-, Handwritten Song, 2
- RG-, Handwritten song, 3
- RG-, Handwritten song, 4
- RG-, Handwritten song or poem about a potato
- RG-, Spanish songs
- RG-, Announcement that a new restaurant is opening
- RG-, Beer newspaper
- RG-, Birth certificate Julius Lachmann, 20 February 1901
- RG-, Marriage certificate issued to Julius Lachman, 1 September 1923
- RG-72.13.30, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish patent for an automobile', Germany, 1898
- RG-73.01.01, German municipal citizenship paper, Moses Forchheimer, 1899
- RG-73.02.05, Vaccination certificate, Emil Forchheimer
- RG-73.02.06, Vaccination certificate, Bertha Kaiser
- RG-73.02.07, Vaccination Certificate, Emil Forchheimer
- RG-75.01.176, Antisemitic caricatures, six photographs, Germany, 1880.
98 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.