Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Poland (1939--1945)

- Personal Memoirs, Testimonies, and Diaries
- Irena Lusky Collection, 1930-1972
- Irena Lusky Collection, 1930-1972
- Warsaw Ghetto

- RG-23.55.04, Entrance to the Judenrat in the Lublin ghetto, Poland, 1941-1944
- RG-23.55.07, Lubartowska Street in the Lublin ghetto, Poland, ca 1941
- RG-25.04.09, Adam Czerniakow, excerpt from the Diary, entry of 26 January 1940, Warsaw Ghetto
- RG-25.06.15, Warsaw Ghetto, roundup of inhabitants for deportation
- RG-, Copy of letter from Nika Fleissig to Yad Vashem, Department for the Righteous, 1979
- RG-, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in Polish, dated June 19, 1943, Miedzyrzec-Podlaski
- RG-, Postcard from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in Polish, dated July 17, 1943, sent from Miedzyrzec-Podlaski
- RG-, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in German, dated June 12, 1944, Buchenwald Concentration Camp.
- RG-, Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated 12 June, 1944 from Buchenwald Concentration Camp
- RG- Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated June 19, 1943
- RG- Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated 15 September, 1943. Censored from Lublin Castle Prison
- RG- Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated 12 June, 1944 from Buchenwald Concentration Camp
- RG-01.11.04, David Gertler, Estera Epstein, statement for the Jewish Court of Honor, translation
- RG-01.11.06, David Gertler, p. 22, translation
- RG-01.11.07, Dawid Gertler Papers 34
- RG-01.11.08, Dawid Gertler papers p. 34, translation
- RG-02.05.05, Certificate from Council of Community of Jazlowiec, 10 May 1939.
- RG-13.143, Notes on Jews in Poland, wartime, in German
- RG-13.153, List of the anti-Jewish laws in the German occupied Poland, 1939, 1940
- RG-13.155, German order published in Kurjer Krakowski in October 1939
- RG-13.156, German regulations for the Jews in Wartheland and Posen, 1939
- RG-13.163, Gazeta Zydowska, published in Krakow, January 1941
- RG-13.164, Prison Monte Lupich, Krakow, Auschwitz, factual reports, 1942
- RG-13.179, I Luber, Life and Death of the Warsaw Ghetto, essay in German
- RG-13.185, Polish Hisory in psychological retrospect
- RG-13.195, Juedische Rundschau
- RG-13.232, from Jewish community in Sanok, whereabouts of Mrs. Kuehl-Charas, 1939
- RG-13.235 Pologne 1940 publication on the Jewish perdicament in the German-occupied territories
- RG-14.05.01, Mieczyslaw Stobierski, Building of an enclosure sculptural composition, Poland
- RG-14.05.02, Mieczyslaw Koscieniak, Two camp prisoners carrying a dead body, 1946, Poland
- RG-14.05.03, Mieczyslaw Koscielniak, Forced Labor, artwork
- RG-15.03.01, Photograph, Auschwitz, unloading the prisoners' luggage
- RG-15.03.02, Auschwitz, sorting out the former possessions of prisoners
- RG-15.03.03, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
- RG-15.03.04, Auschwitz, survivor of Auschwitz, medical experiments
- RG-15.03.05, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners tooth brushes, clothing brushers, and other personal items
- RG-15.03.06, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
- RG-15.03.07, Auschwitz, a pile of shoes
- RG-15.03.08, Auschwitz, selection on the ramp after arrival
- RG-15.03.09, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
- RG-15.03.10, Auschwitz, deposit of spoons
- RG-15.03.11, Auschwitz, forced labor site
- RG-15.03.12, Auschwitz, view on a cattle car trains and German soldiers
- RG-15.03.13, Suicide on the electified barbed wire, Auschwitz
- RG-15.03.14, Jews from Western Europe upon selection, 2
- RG-15.03.15, Selection at Auschwitz
- RG-15.03.16, Before the selection at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-15.03.17, Auschwitz-Birkenau, arrival of prisoners
- RG-15.03.18, Auschwitz, the entrance gate to Birkenau
- RG-15.03.19, Arbeit macht frei, the gate at Auschwitz
- RG-15.03.20, Auschwitz monetary signs
- RG-15.03.21, Female survivor of Auschwitz with a Red Cross nurse
- RG-15.03.22, Auschwitz armband, camp number 21202, Jan, Johann Parzniewski
- RG-15.04.01, Dina Babbitt, Auschwitz scenes, male prisoners, female prisoners
- RG-15.04.02, Dina Babbitt, photograph of the sketch, Column of the Female Prisoners, Auschwitz
- RG-15.05.01, Auschwitz is liberated,film
- RG-16.06.09- Philip Raucher, Ghetto ID, 13 years old, 1940
- RG-16.06.10- Philip Raucher, Factory Workers, 1942
- RG-16.06.13- Philip Raucher, Red Cross Certificate+ German Ration Card Stamp, 1945
- RG-16.09.05, Postcard to J. Nutkowitz in Brooklyn New York, USA from Warsaw, postmarked
- RG-17.01.01- Gazeta Zydowska, 1940-1941, Krakow
- RG-17.01.02- Gazeta Zydowska, January, 1941, Krakow
- RG-17.08.48, Lublin-the town in the East, Jews in forced labor
- RG-17.08.49, Jews in Lublin
- RG-21.02.53, Lvivski Visti, May 16-17, 1943
- RG-21.04.25, Ukrainian Word, December 11, 1941, No 33
- RG-23.18.01, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish policeman regulates traffic
- RG-23.18.05, Cracow ghetto, Jewish policemen, second from the right, Simcha Spiro, head of the Jewish police
- RG-23.18.06, Jewish order police arresting two Jewish youths for smuggling in the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-23.18.06, Jewish order police arresting two Jewish youths for smuggling in the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-23.18.08, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz, Poland, ca 1942
- RG-23.18.11, Romek Kaliski, member of the Jewish order police in the Lodz ghetto, Poland, ca 1942.
- RG-23.23.07, Cracow ghetto, elderly Jewish men, completing forced labor, 1941-1943
- RG-23.23.08, Cracow ghetto, hostages, ca 1943
- RG-23.23.09, Cracow ghetto, Jewish policemen, second from the right, Simcha Spiro, head of the Jewish police, ca 1941.
- RG-23.23.10, Cracow ghetto, Jews are deported from the ghetto
- RG-23.23.11, Cracow, a sign at the public park, Jews are not allowed, in Polish and German, 1939-1945
- RG-23.23.13, Decree establishing a ghetto in Cracow, Poland, March 1941.
- RG-23.23.15, Smashed and broken tombstones in the Jewish cemetery in Cracow, Poland, ca 1942
- RG-23.23.16, Dolek Liebeskind and Shimshon Draenger, members of the Jewish resistance in the Cracow ghetto, Poland, 1941-1943
- RG-23.23.18, Prisoner inscriptions on the wall of Cell No.2 in the Gestapo prison at 2 Pomorska street, Cracow
- RG-23.23.19, Kazimierz, a Jewish community in Cracow, taking possessions to the ghetto, ca 1941
- RG-23.23.21, Performance in the Cracow ghetto, German officer and a Jewish policeman sits in the front row
- RG-23.24.01, Jews are rounded-up for deportation, Poland, ca 1939.
- RG-23.24.04, Czeladz, Poland, 1941
- RG-23.24.13, A German and a Russian officer shake hands at the end of the Invasion of Poland, September 1939
- RG-23.24.14, Polish prisoners of war captured by the Soviet Army after invasion of Poland, September 1939, public domain
- RG-23.24.16, A postcard showing Jewish deportation from a Polish town, 1942
- RG-23.33, Treblinka extermination camp, Poland, a photograph of piles of shoes left by murdered prisoners, ca 1945
- RG-23.36.04, Hans Frank, Left, Governor-General of the Generalgouvemement, Sanok, May 1943
- RG-23.36.06, Poster in German and Ukrainian appealing to join the Galizien Division, Sanok, Western Galicia, Poland
- RG-23.41.01, Shirtless woman surrounded by Nazi soldiers, Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
- RG-23.41.03, A shirtless woman sitting on the street in the Warsaw ghetto, removing or putting on her socks, 1940-1943
- RG-23.41.04, A woman standing on the street, topless, smiling for the camera, Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
- RG-23.47.02, Decree to establish Judenrat, October 1941
- RG-23.47.04, Order of curfew in Lemberg for Jews, non Jews and public establishments, August 1941. German, Polish, Ukrainian
- RG-23.47.05, Order for the Jewish population in Lwow in German, Ukrainian, Polish, April 1942, German, Polish, Ukrainian
- RG-23.47.06, Lemberg, Poland City Ordinance on the registration of alien residents, December 1941, Polish, German, Ukrainian
- RG-23.47.08, Appeal or Warning to German soldiers, Galicia, 1941
- RG-23.47.09, Announcement in German, Ukrainian, Polish, Sanok in Lisko county, Poland, October 1939
- RG-23.49.02, Orchestra in Janowska concentration camp Lwow (Lviv), 1941-1943
- RG-23.49.03, Prisoners of the Janowska Concentration Camp Orchestra, Lwow (Lviv), 1941-1943
- RG-23.49.04, Shoes of victims of the Janowska concentration camp, Lwow (Lviv), found after liquidation, ca 1944
- RG-23.51.01, Dolek Liebeskind and Shimshon Draenger, members of the Jewish resistance in the Cracow ghetto, Poland
- RG-23.51.02, Prisoner's inscrpitions on a wall of Cell No.2 in the Gestapo building at 2 Pomorska street, Cracow, Poland
- RG-23.55.01, A Jewish man is questioned by a German policeman, Lublin, Poland, December 1940
- RG-23.55.02, Nazis and Jews in the Lublin, Poland, ghetto, December 1940
- RG-23.55.03, Jewish men and Nazi guards in the Lublin Castle prison, Poland, December 1940
- RG-23.55.05, Street map and aerial view of the Lublin ghetto in 1942, Poland
- RG-25.01.01, Warsaw Ghetto Jewish Order Police. A police detail stands at attention, ca 1941
- RG-25.01.03, Warsaw Ghetto, a man on the street
- RG-25.01.04, Warsaw Ghetto, wagon of dead bodies
- RG-25.01.05, Warsaw ghetto, scene from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- RG-25.02.01, A woman without a top, surrounded by soldiers, Warsaw Ghetto
- RG-25.02.02, A soldier forcing a woman to strip, Warsaw Ghetto
- RG-25.02.03, A partially naked women with her luggage in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-25.02.04, A topless woman posing in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto, a solider stands in the background
- RG-25.02.06, A German soldier forcing a woman to strip in the street, Warsaw ghetto
- RG-25.02.07, Two German soldiers forcing two women to undress, Warsaw ghetto
- RG-25.02.08, A naked woman and two German soldiers on the street, Warsaw ghetto
- RG-25.02.09, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish women are forced to undress by German soldiers, consolidated
- RG-25.03.01, Warsaw Ghetto, Street Scene, near the watch-master, 1943
- RG-25.03.02, Warsaw Ghetto, a Labor Detail, 1942
- RG-25.03.03, Warsaw Ghetto, a Street Scene, 1942
- RG-25.03.05, Warsaw Ghetto, German policemen humiliate an old man
- RG-25.03.06, Warsaw Ghetto, German soldiers and a group of Jewish men
- RG-25.03.07, Warsaw Ghetto, aftermath of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- RG-25.03.09, German soldiers entering the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising, 1943
- RG-25.03.10, Warsaw Ghetto, wagon of dead bodies
- RG-25.03.11, Warsaw Ghetto, a man on the street, 1940-1943
- RG-25.03.12, Warsaw ghetto, a doctor visiting a dwelling at 33 Nalewki street, 1941
- RG-25.03.13, Warsaw Ghetto Jewish order police, reporting to the commander
- RG-25.04.01, Warsaw Ghetto, Official announcement of Warsaw governor, 1941. The Jews in the Ghetto are banned from leaving its territory for the rest of Warsaw.
- RG-25.04.04, Warsaw Ghetto, Appeal of Jewish Combat Organization (ZOB) to join arms in the Uprising against the Germans, April 1943
- RG-25.04.05, Jurgen Stroop report of the last day of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May 16 1943
- RG-25.04.06, Warsaw Judenrat informs about mass deportation to Treblinka, 22 July 1942
- RG-25.04.07, Portrait of Ludwig Fischer, Governor of the Warsaw District, 1939-1945
- RG-25.04.08, Adam Czerniakow, head of the Jewish Judenrat in Warsaw, biographical note
- RG-25.05.05, Photograph of the skyline of the Warsaw Ghetto Burning, 1943
- RG-25.05.06, Photograph from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Jews in front of German soldiers, 1943
- RG-25.05.07, A street in the Warsaw ghetto after the uprising, 1943
- RG-25.05.11, Heavily armed German troops clear Muranowski Square of Jewish Resistance Fighters, April, 1943
- RG-25.05.12, The Monument of Ghetto Heroes, Warsaw
- RG-25.05.13, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Photographs, Consolidated
- RG-25.05.14, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, two male resistance fighters, 1943
- RG-25.05.16, Ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto after it was leveled by the Germans post-uprising, May 1943
- RG-25.06.02, Tattered family in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-25.06.03, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish ghetto policeman regulates traffic
- RG-25.06.05, Warsaw Ghetto, people in the streets
- RG-25.06.07, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish funeral at the cemetery, 1940-1943
- RG-25.06.08, Warsaw Ghetto, a Jewish Boy, aftermath of the Uprising, May 1943
- RG-25.06.09, A ghetto checkpoint at the Warsaw ghetto, Poland, 1940-1943
- RG-25.06.10, Warsaw Ghetto, a ghetto entrance
- RG-25.06.11, Warsaw Ghetto, Medical examination in the ghetto
- RG-25.06.12, Warsaw Ghetto, Prayer in the ghetto
- RG-25.06.13, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish children in the classroom
- RG-25.06.14, Photograph, Warsaw ghetto, a beggar on the street
- RG-25.06.16, Warsaw Ghetto, inside a ghetto dwelling
- RG-25.06.18, Warsaw Ghetto, pedestrian bridge
- RG-25.06.19, Warsaw ghetto, a food ration card
- RG-25.06.20, Warsaw ghetto, street entertainer Rubinstein
- RG-25.06.21, Warsaw Ghetto, carting the dead out of the ghetto
- RG-25.06.22, Warsaw, Jews cleaning rubble
- RG-25.06.23, Warsaw, Jews cleaning rubble
- RG-25.06.24, Warsaw, photograph of a bearded man in forced labor detail
- RG-25.06.25, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish police
- RG-33.03.01, Soviet-Jewish partisans, former Eastern Poland
- RG-33.03.04, Soviet and Jewish partisans, Lipiczany Forest, Western Belarus
- RG-33.03.05, Soviet Partisan Unit outside Sobibor
- RG-38.01.02, Mukacevo Ghetto, April 1944, original photographs
- RG-45.02.02, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.03, Adam Czerniakow at the roll call with the Jewish order police, Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.02.04, Adam Czerniakow in his Warsaw ghetto Judenrat office at the meeting
- RG-45.02.05, Adam Czerniakow with a German official, Warsaw
- RG-45.02.07, Alexander Pecherskij, led the Sobibor revolt
- RG-45.02.09, Auschwitz, deposit of spoons
- RG-45.02.10, Auschwitz negative
- RG-45.02.100, The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow, excerpt
- RG-45.02.101, Warsaw ghetto negative
- RG-45.02.102, Warsaw ghetto wall, Jews climbing over the ghetto wall
- RG-45.02.103, Warsaw ghetto, a beggar on the street
- RG-45.02.104, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto checkpoint
- RG-45.02.105, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto entrance
- RG-45.02.106, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a Jewish boy, 1943
- RG-45.02.107, Warsaw ghetto, at the cemetery
- RG-45.02.108, Warsaw ghetto, books are being sold and exchanged on the street
- RG-45.02.109, Warsaw ghetto, dragging the dead
- RG-45.02.11, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
- RG-45.02.110, Warsaw ghetto, hungry and exhausted kids in the yard
- RG-45.02.111, Warsaw ghetto, inside a ghetto dwelling
- RG-45.02.112, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish kids in the classroom
- RG-45.02.113, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish policeman regulates traffic
- RG-45.02.114, Warsaw ghetto, man on the street
- RG-45.02.115, Warsaw ghetto, medical examining in the ghetto
- RG-45.02.116, Warsaw ghetto, pedestrian bridge
- RG-45.02.117, Warsaw ghetto, prayer in the ghetto
- RG-45.02.118, Warsaw ghetto, ration card
- RG-45.02.119, Warsaw ghetto, barter and street sale
- RG-45.02.12, pile of shoes, Auschwitz
- RG-45.02.120, Warsaw ghetto, unidentified location, perhaps a transfer
- RG-45.02.121, Warsaw ghetto, view of the ghetto wall
- RG-45.02.122, Warsaw ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- RG-45.02.124, Warsaw, first days of German occupation
- RG-45.02.13, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
- RG-45.02.14, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners' toothbrushes, cloth brushes, and other personal items
- RG-45.02.15, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
- RG-45.02.16, Auschwitz, forced labor site
- RG-45.02.17, Auschwitz, selection on the ramp after arrival
- RG-45.02.18, Auschwitz, sorting out the former possessions of prisoners
- RG-45.02.19, Auschwitz, survivor of Auschwitz medical experiments
- RG-45.02.20, Auschwitz, unloading prisoners' luggage
- RG-45.02.32, German administration in civilian diner in Lodz
- RG-45.02.33, German officer takes a photograph of the religious Jews in Zablocie, Poland
- RG-45.02.36, Group portrait of members of the Lodz ghetto police
- RG-45.02.37, Hans Biebow in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.42, Jewish order police arresting two Jewish youths for smuggling in the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.02.43, Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.44, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz
- RG-45.02.45, Jewish order police, Warsaw
- RG-45.02.46, Jewish police action in Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.02.57, Lodz ghetto, a boy feeds the small girl
- RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
- RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-45.02.60, Lodz ghetto, theatrical performance
- RG-45.02.61, Lodz ghetto, three women at work
- RG-45.02.62, Lodz ghetto, women in a sewing workshop
- RG-45.02.63, Lwow ghetto, Search for a Jewish female under false identity
- RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
- RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
- RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
- RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
- RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
- RG-45.02.79, Poland, a ghetto memorial
- RG-45.02.80, Poles at the advertisement board, beginning of the Second World War
- RG-45.02.85, Romek Kaliski, member of the Jewish order police in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.03.01, A kitchen for children in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.02, A soup kitchen in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.03, A street violinist in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.04, A woman with armband
- RG-45.03.05, A workshop in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.06, Abandoned and deprived in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.07, An elegant Warsaw lady with an armband
- RG-45.03.08, Before the deportation
- RG-45.03.09, Children in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.10, Deportation from a town
- RG-45.03.11, Deportation from the ghetto
- RG-45.03.12, Frank in Lublin
- RG-45.03.13, Freight cars near the Treblinka extermination camp former site
- RG-45.03.15, Germans convoying the Jews
- RG-45.03.16, Going to Umschlagplatz
- RG-45.03.17, In the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.03.18, Janusz Korczak, 1939
- RG-45.03.19, Jewish family, Lublin ghetto
- RG-45.03.20, Jews in Lublin ghetto
- RG-45.03.22, Jurgen Stroop, General of Combat SS and Police
- RG-45.03.23, Lublin ghetto, a line to a food shop
- RG-45.03.24, Lublin ghetto, deportees
- RG-45.03.25, Lublin ghetto, in the streets
- RG-45.03.26, Lublin ghetto, Krakowskie Przedmiescie
- RG-45.03.27, Lublin ghetto, Odkazalnia
- RG-45.03.28, Lublin ghetto, people, waiting for announcement
- RG-45.03.29, Lublin ghetto, two type of Jews
- RG-45.03.30, Lublin, 1940
- RG-45.03.31, Lublin, after the German bombardment
- RG-45.03.32, Lublin, after the German invasion, 1939
- RG-45.03.33, Lublin, entrance to the ghetto
- RG-45.03.34, Lublin, ghetto, deportation
- RG-45.03.35, Lublin, Lubartowska
- RG-45.03.36, Lublin, market square
- RG-45.03.37, Lublin, middle town gate
- RG-45.03.38, Lublin, the Castle, 1943
- RG-45.03.39, Lublin, ulica Lubartowska
- RG-45.03.40, Maharszal Synagogue in Lublin before the Germans detonaited explosion and destroyed it, 1942
- RG-45.03.41, Market in Lublin, wartime
- RG-45.03.44, Photograph of a young Jewish girl
- RG-45.03.45, Radom ghetto
- RG-45.03.46, Sabbath in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.47, Smuggling food in to the ghetto
- RG-45.03.48, Starvation and depravaiton in the ghettos
- RG-45.03.49, The last road to Belzec for the Jews of Lublin, 1942
- RG-45.03.52, Warsaw ghetto, starvation and depravation
- RG-45.03.53, Warsaw, Karmelicka street
- RG-45.03.54, Winter in the ghetto
- RG-46.01.07, A Jewish man of Kielce, ca 1939-1940
- RG-46.01.08, Announcement about regulation of Jewish residence and work card in Lwow, April 1942
- RG-46.01.102, Soviet-German negotiations in Poland, General Guderian and General Krivoshein, 22 September 1939
- RG-46.01.105, German and Soviet soldiers met at Brest-Litowsk, annexation of Poland by Germany and the USSR, September 1939
- RG-46.01.13, Capitulation of Warsaw, September 1939
- RG-46.01.14, Cracow, entrance to the ghetto
- RG-46.01.16, Execution of Polish patriots by Einsatzgruppen, Cracow, October, 2, 1939
- RG-46.01.18, Lviv (Lwow, Lemberg), District Galizien, 1943
- RG-46.01.19, German and Soviet soldiers socializing on the new German-Soviet border near Brest-Litovsk, September 1939
- RG-46.01.20, Hoffmanns, Nazi anti-British and anti-Communist propaganda after invasion of Poland
- RG-46.01.23, Invasion of Poland, Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel und Walter von Reichenau, 1939
- RG-46.01.25, A Jewish ghetto policeman, Lodz, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.27, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939
- RG-46.01.35, Hungarian Jews arrived in Auschwitz, summer 1944
- RG-46.01.37, Jewish ghetto policemen near the barracks, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.39, Jewish kids on the street of Radom, Poland, 1940
- RG-46.01.41, Jewish porters near the Railroad Station in Kielce, 1939-1940
- RG-46.01.44, Jews are arrested for illegal storing of the coffee supplies, Poland, 1939
- RG-46.01.45, Jews cleaning rubble in Warsaw, October 1939
- RG-46.01.75, Radom, Poland, ca. 1940, an old Jewish man with armband
- RG-46.01.76, Radom, Poland, Jewish man with a boy and a child, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.79, Sign, Jewish store, Poland, October 1939
- RG-46.01.90, Volksdeutschen of Lodz greet the Germans, October 1939
- RG-46.01.91, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish order police near the gate, June 1942
- RG-46.01.92, Warsaw, September, October 1939, Jews cleaning up rubble
- RG-46.02.11, Invasion of Poland, Lublin, meeting of German and Soviet soldiers, September 1939
- RG-46.02.15, Lwow, July 2, 1941, NKVD prison on Gorodocka street
- RG-46.04.13, Doctor's visit in Warsaw Ghetto, 1941
- RG-46.04.16, Elderly Jewish lady arrives in Auschwitz from Subcarpathian Ruthenia, 1944
- RG-46.04.17, Elderly Jewish woman from Carpatho-Ruthenia comforts three children, Auschwitz, 1944
- RG-46.04.25, German troops clear Muranowski Square in Warsaw of Jewish Resistance Fighters, April 1943
- RG-46.04.36, Kacowics brothers, two Soviet partisan fighters, in the area surrounding Bialystok, Poland
- RG-46.04.40, Major General Juergen Stroop, supression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, April, 1943
- RG-46.04.43, The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform, 1944
- RG-46.04.44, Old and sick Jews deported from Lodz Ghetto to Chelmno extermination center, September 1942
- RG-46.04.45, Polish Jews rounded up for deportation
- RG-46.04.60, Construction of the wall around Warsaw Ghetto, October, 1940
- RG-63.02.16, Rumkowski performs wedding ceremony after abolition of the rabbinate, ca 1943
- RG-63.02.17, Rumkowski, appeal to to submit to deportation voluntarely , August 1944, Translation
- RG-63.02.18, Street map of the Lodz ghetto
- RG-63.02.19, Lodz ghetto, Tailors at work
- RG-63.02.20, Two Jewish Ghetto Police, with elderly male
- RG-63.02.21, Rumkowski in the carriage, riding around the ghetto
- RG-63.02.22, German film crew in Lodz
- RG-63.02.23, Rumkowski General Curfew Announcement, September 5, 1942, deportations began
- RG-63.02.24, Jews near the bridge in the ghetto. The bridge connects ghetto parts
- RG-63.02.25, Jewish workers in a tayloring workshop
- RG-63.02.26, Jewish policemen on the street, ghetto inhabitants are waiting in line
- RG-63.02.27, a German policeman at the rear ghetto entrance, the sign reads, Jewish district, access denied
- RG-63.02.28, a woman near the table, men and children with Jewish star
- RG-63.02.29, A man with a white rag, another man and two children
- RG-63.02.30, Children, Women, Men with Jewish star
- RG-63.02.31, People with Jewish star behind barbwire
- RG-63.02.32, Jewish worker in a tailor's workshop
- RG-63.02.33, Central Prison, Awaiting Deportation
- RG-63.02.34, Chaim Rumkowski before his deportation to Auchwitz
- RG-63.02.35, Chaim Rumkowski oil painting
- RG-63.02.36, Jewish Ghetto Firefighters brigade
- RG-63.02.37, Lodz Ghetto, a mail man
- RG-63.02.38, Lodz Ghetto, Jewish seamstressess at work
- RG-63.02.39, Jewish women work at a tailoring shop, Lodz ghetto, 1941
- RG-63.02.41, Lodz Ghetto, Malka Szulc, Request to exempt from phisical labor
- RG-63.02.42, Moving into the ghetto, Lodz, March 1940
- RG-63.02.44, Perla Landowicz, request to exempt from work outside the ghetto
- RG-63.02.45, Lodz ghetto, labor as a deception of deportation to Auschwitz
- RG-63.02.47, Lodz ghtto, Children at a gate
- RG-63.02.49, Rumkowski, front row, D. Warszawaki, D.Fuchs, A. Jakubowicz, D. Gertler, S.Erlich, K. Sienicki, L.Rozenblat, H.Kaufmann, BL, Israel
- RG-63.02.50, Lodz ghetto, The only way is to work
- RG-63.02.52, Order from the German civil administration of Lodz about forced labor
- RG-63.02.54, Order for the establishment of a ghetto in the city of Lodz
- RG-63.02.55, Police Ordinance, implementary regulations and time schedule for the habitation and residence rights of Jews in Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.56, Preliminary discussions regarding the expropriation of Jewish factories and businesses at the erection of the Lodz ghetto, 1940
- RG-63.02.57, Correspondence and decrees regarding the issues with unlawful confiscations as well as “proper” confiscation of Jewish property, Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.58, Empowerment and restriction of Chaim Rumkowski in his function as head of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.59, Report about the restructuring of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations by Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.60, Streep map and listing of the businesses in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-63.02.61, Supervision, gateway regulations and restrictions in the ghetto of Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.62, Operational issues regarding the Kriminalpolizei (criminal police) in the Lodz ghetto, 1940
- RG-63.02.63, Administrative agreements between Nazi authorities of the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1941
- RG-63.02.64, Ordinance about the handling of the confiscated goods and the role of Chaim Rumkowski in the aforementioned
- RG-63.02.65, Coordination of and responsibilities for the usage of confiscations
- RG-63.02.66, Financial documents regarding statements of financial position of the ghetto administration
- RG-63.02.67, Listing of confiscated goods and goods handed over to Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1941 -- 1942
- RG-63.02.68, Financial documents regarding the processing and transfer of valuable confiscated goods
- RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.70, Determination of the category of persons who will be transferred to the Lodz ghetto, 1940
- RG-63.02.71, File memo of day to day matters in the ghetto of Lodz, 1941
- RG-63.02.72, Letter from the mayor of Lodz to the Wartheland authorities about issues of the city after creation of the ghetto, Lodz, 1941
- RG-63.02.73, Correspondence between the German authorities of Lodz and Wartheland regarding the transfer of Jews into the Lodz ghetto, 1941
- RG-63.02.74, Documents regarding financial issues of transferring Jews to the Lodz ghetto, 1941--1942
- RG-63.02.75, Document showcasing the police forces and safety installations of the Lodz ghetto, 1942
- RG-63.02.76, Financial documents showcasing effort, costs and bureaucracy of the Nazi authorities handling of Jews in Lodz and surrounding area, 1942
- RG-63.02.77, Announcement of Hans Biebow to resume work after a deportation, Lodz, 1942
- RG-63.02.78, Documents about requesting a special ration of alcohol for the ghetto administration of Lodz, 1943
- RG-63.02.79, Documents reflecting the food situation in the Lodz ghetto from the viewpoint of the Nazi authorities, 1940--1943
- RG-63.02.80, Documents constituting the application process and first months of Hans Biebow as head of the ghetto administration Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.81, Documents showing Biebow`s central role for the ghetto and his usage of it for personal gain, Lodz, 1940--1942
- RG-63.02.82, Speech by Hans Biebow justifying and explaining the resettlement of the ghetto (deportation), Lodz, August 1944
- RG-63.02.83, Announcements and documents regarding deportations and resolving the Lodz ghetto, 1944
- RG-63.02.84, Documents regarding acquisitions for the Chelmno extermination camp by authorities of Lodz, 1942--1943
- RG-63.05.01, Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland 1942, Note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10, 1942, Part 1
- RG-63.05.02, Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland 1942, Note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10, 1942, Part 2
- RG-63.05.03, Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland 1942, Note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10, 1942, Part 3
- RG-66.48, Warswaw, Jews cleansing rubble, 1939
- RG-66.51, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish police, ca 1942
- RG-66.54, Transport of Jews, Opatow, 1939
- RG-66.83, Radom ghetto, photograph by Wisniewski, ca 1942
- RG-68.21, Notorious camp orchestra in Janowska camp played, whilst inmates were tortured and executed, in 1943
- RG-68.23, Women inmates in bunks at Auschwitz
- RG-68.25, Transport bound for Treblinka. Picture taken secretly at Siedlce station in August 1942
- RG-68.26, Children arriving at the orphanage in the Lodz Ghetto
- RG-68.27, Geography lesson in the Lodz ghetto in 1941, The boy points out Haifa on map of Palestine
- RG-68.28, Three boys in the Lodz ghetto wearing the Yellow Star
- RG-69.04, Brzeziny, Poland, Deportation of Jews from the ghetto to Chelmno, May 1942.
- RG-69.06, Chelmno, Poland, German soldiers guarding victims alighting a train at Chelmno extermination camp
- RG-69.07, Chelmno, Poland, auxiliary guard unit, playing music
- RG-69.16, Sobibor, Poland, A party of the camps staff.
- RG-72.02.01, Postcard from Amalia Lehser in Krakow Ghetto to Fratllie Kreh in Genova, Italy , 28 September 1941
- RG-72.02.03, Postcard from L. Rudy in Kosow Lacki ghetto to A. Rudy in Paris, 9 August 1942
- RG-72.02.04, Postcard from Chawa Pejorel in Kosow Lacki ghetto to A. Rudy in Paris 16 April 1942
- RG-72.02.05, Postcard from Marien Hersig in Krakow to Ms. Austern in La Chaux de Fonds Switzerland, 24 February 1942
- RG-72.02.06, from Berta Morgen in Stanislawow ghetto to Filipo Kowner in Chichi, Italy, 7 September 1942
- RG-72.02.07, Postcard from J. Nowak in Zloczow ghetto to J. Taborsky in Vienna, 13 October 1942
- RG-72.02.08,Postcard from Regina Perlmutter from Slalat, Poland to the Judenrat of Lodz, inquiry 16 October 1941
- RG-72.02.09, Inquiry from Otto Tuchmayer in Nancy, France to the Jewish Council of Lodz, 13 October 1941
- RG-72.02.17, Postcard from Warsaw ghetto to Lisbon, Portugal, written from Abram Zelmans to Bernardino Szwarzbard, 20 April 1942
- RG-, From Adam Jozwik to Kazimir Jozwik, Auschwitz, 18 October 1942
- RG-, From Ignatz Rokosz, Auschwitz, 10 February 1941
- RG-, From Ignatz Rokosz [camp number 508, one of the first prisoners at Auschwitz], 9 December 1940
- RG-, From Zdislaw Holzhacker to Emilie Holzhacker, Auschwtiz, envelope 15 June 1941
- RG-, Postcard to Wilhelm Hauser, dated 7 November 1943
- RG-, Postcard from Marian Baranowski to Martin Baranowski, dated 22 March 1942
- RG-, Polish prisoner Stanislaw Wojciechowski transfered from Auschwitz to Buchenwald, 11 December 1944
- RG-, Letter sent from Arnold Nikolaus in Auschwitz to Wanda Arnold in Vienna, 4 July 1943
- RG-, Postcard sent from D. Lederer in Birkenau to Karl Goldmann, 25 March 1944
- RG-, Letter from Ignatz Roken in Auschwitz, 10 February 1941
- RG-, Letter from Gustav Schwarz in labor camp Birkenau to Zdenek Justic in Prague, 25 March 1944
- RG-, Letter from Auschwitz concentration camp to Krakow, 6 March 1944
- RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz to Bystrica, Slovakia written by Else Lustig
- RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz-Birkenau to Bratislava, Slovakia, written from Else Grun to Eugen Herzog
- RG-, Letter to Krakow from Jaworzno (Auschwitz), written to Maria Talach from Josef Talach. 28 August 1943
- RG-, Postal confirmation on transfer from Nowy Sacz to Auschwitz, send from A. Russek to E. Russek
- RG-, Letter from Auschwitz to Breuberg, Germany, written from Sophie Koslowski to Janina Swikla
- RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz to Krakow, written from Stanislaw Panek to Kazimiera Panek, 14 February 1941
- RG-, Letter from Auschwitz, written from Edward Matysik to his Mother, 12 January 1941
- RG-, Envelope from Auschwitz to Zakopane, Poland, written from Franc Myszkowski to Johanna Liszbowa
- RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz to Tarnow, Poland, written from Kazimir Gbal to Stanislawa Gbal
- RG-, Letter from Auschwitz to Rybnik, Poland, 28 May 1944
- RG-, Telegram to Maria Okupny Staszycastr in Lublin from Auschwitz, undated
- RG-, Telegram to Antonina Porowski Gorna in Lublin from Auschwitz, undated
- RG-, Postcard from Anton Reitler in Birkenau to Ernst Havlik in Prague, dated 15 December 1943
- RG-, Letter from Marta Wijas in Auschwitz to Franciska Sladmarczyk in Nowy Sacz, postmarked 17 December 1942
- RG-, Postcard from Boleslaw Myslakowski in Germany to Handa Myslakowska in Auschwitz
- RG-, Envelope from Wykrst Anton Johann in Auschwitz to Wykrst Anton in Nawojowa, Poland, postmarked 17 Oct 40
- RG-, Letter from Maria in Auschwitz Concentration Camp to an unknwon, 7 October 1943
- RG-, Auschwitz envelope from Zdiscaw Holzhocker June 15, 1941
- RG-, From Jerzyslaw Weslowski to Josefa Wesotowska, Waffen SS Lublin 2 March 1944
- RG-, Letter from Gleiwitz, Germany to Dombrowa, Poland, written to Sophie Tilriakowski, 6 August 1944
- RG-, Letter from Stutthof Camp to Gotenhafen, Poland, written from Leo to Zosia Staikieurier, 12 July 1944
- RG-, Letter from Mieczyslaw Kuziora in Gross Rosen to Anna Kuziorowa in Dukla, 14 February, 1943
- RG-, Postcard to Krakow, Poland from Waldenburg, written from Josef Sokotowski to R.G.O, 11 January 1945
- RG-, Letter from Franz Ikrobowek in Gross Rosen to Bozenka Ikrobowek in Bohemia, dated 12 October 1941
- RG-, Letter from Johann Liebner, Gross Rosen to Leonie Liebner, Kempen, dated 3 September 1944
- RG-, Envelope from Bendsburg, Germany to Lausanae, Switzerland. Envelope 1. December 1943
- RG-, Envelope from Bendsburg, Germany to Lausanae, Switzerland. Envelope 2. December 21, 1943
- RG-, Notification of postal reception from Eugenia Szarzynska to Janus Zsarzynski, 2 February 1944, Majdanek
- RG-, Postcard from Wiktor Turiemski in Majdanek to his wife Adela Turiemska, postmarked 17 December 1943
- RG-, Postcard from Miecryslaw Wesolowski in Majdanek to Jozefa Wesolowska in Opole-Lubelskie, postmarked 4 March 1944
- RG-, Parcel card from Pulawy to Majdanek, postmarked 31 January 1944
- RG-, Parcel receipt from District 2 Lublin to an SS officer in the camp, postmarked 10 January 1944
- RG-, Package receipt from Zamosc to Majdanek, postmarked 13 January 1944
- RG-, Postcard from Gejrel Kimacryriski in Majdanek to Josefa Kotron in Szczebrzenyn, postmarked 20 January 1944
- RG-, Postcard from Josef Besman in Majdanek to Josef Magilnicki in Wolkowysk, postmarked 3 January 1944
- RG-72.10.01, Postcard from Lwow, Ukraine, USSR to Vienna, Austria, Germany, 14 May 1940
- RG-72.10.02, Envelope to Jan Hirschfeld in Przemyslany from Wanda in Szczucin near Tarnow, 26 October, 1940
- RG-72.10.03, Postcard from Ruchel Iskowicz in Brzesko, Poland to Leon Lackter in Brooklyn, USA, August 1941
- RG-72.10.04, Postcard fragment with Krakau, December 9, 1941
- RG-72.10.05, Postcard from Dabrow to Charles Math in New York, 24 September ca 1941
- RG-72.10.06, Postcard from Dr. Horowitz in Krakau to Simon Sprecher in Zurich, 31 May 1940
- RG-72.10.07, Postcard from Ida Rath in Krakau to B. Greenfield in Brooklyn, USA, 14 July 1940
- RG-72.10.101, Postcard from Przemyśl, Poland to Milan, Italy, written to M. Fornorini, 7 October 1942
- RG-72.10.103, Postcard from the Judenrat in Krakow to Genova, Italy, written to Gustavo Kreh, 23 October 1941
- RG-72.10.105, Postcard from Poland to Italy, written to Leo, 18 December 1941
- RG-72.10.106, Postcard from Płońsk, Poland to Puiseaux, France, written from Gitla-Faja Ajzenberg to Buki Fraukleich, 8 January 1942
- RG-72.10.14, Postcard from Meuderer in Warschau to Mrs. Maximilian Klejman in New York, 8 April 1941
- RG-72.10.15, Envelope from Haus Roenig in Krakau to Alex Potell in New York, 13 December 1940
- RG-72.10.19, Postcard from R. Menore in Krakau to Mr. Leon Lachter in Brooklyn, 8 May 1940
- RG-72.10.20, Postcard from Fanny Frankel in Krakow to Simon Sprecber in Zurich, 17 June 1940
- RG-72.10.21, Postcard from Fanny Frankel in Krakow to Simon Sprecber in Zurich, 24 May 1940
- RG-72.10.22, Postcard from Fanny Lewin in Lodz to Paul Kinsberg in New York, 23 October 1939
- RG-72.10.23, Postcard from M. Herschthal Kieke to Willi Herschthal, 2 January 1942
- RG-72.10.24, Postcard from F. Lewin in Lodz to Paul Kinsberg in New York, 20 February 1940
- RG-72.10.25, Postcard to Alfredo Schick in Lisbon from Modliborzyce, Lublin province, Poland, 23 May 1941
- RG-72.10.26, Envelope from Wojciech Gawlik in Poland to Jan Gawlik in America, May 1940
- RG-72.10.27, Postcard from Jetty Biegeleisen in Tarnow to New York, 11 September 1940
- RG-72.10.60, Postcard sent from Stanislaw Turski in Krawow to Stockholm, 29 June 1943
- RG-72.10.62, Postcard sent from Mino Bucchev in Potok Zloty, Poland to Rosa Sans in Basel, 15 January 1942
- RG-72.10.63, Postcard sent from Antoni Buszek in Warsaw to P.T. Firma Jozef Barecki in Lisbon, 26 April 1943
- RG-72.10.65, Postcard sent from R. Kohane in Siewierz, Poland to Artur Roth in Milan, 14 April 1942
- RG-72.10.69, Postcard sent from Janow-Lubelski, Poland to the Relief Committee in Geneva, Switzerland, 28 May 1942
- RG-72.10.70, Postcard sent from Hana Lovy in Jzbica, Poland to Zdenek Karny in Prague, 15 April 1942
- RG-72.10.86, Envelope sent from Teper Tadeusz in Warschau to Juao Alves in Lisboa, 19 February 1942
- RG-72.10.87, Envelope sent to Louis G. Spooner in New York from Natan Mingelanin in Bochnia, 30 May 1941
- RG-72.10.94, Envelope to Kraków, Poland from Crikvenica, Croatia, written to Jüdische Soziale Selbsthilfe
- RG-72.10.95, Postcard from Chmielnik, Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from M. Pasamonik to Max Plocker, 30 May 1942
- RG-72.10.96, Postcard from Zduńska Wola, Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from J. Abramowicz to M. Plocker, 18 June 1942
- RG-72.10.97, Postcard from Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from Felicia Bernstein to M. Plocker, 16 June 1942
- RG-72.10.98, Postcard from Opatow, Kielecki, Poland to Lausanne, Switzerland, written from D. Zarnowiecka to Alfred Szwarcbaum, 21 May 1941
- RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, 1942
- RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, April 1942
- RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, August 1941
- RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter
- RG-, Stanislaw Dutka letter, 4 october 1940, 5 February 1942
- RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, July 1943
- RG-, Certificate issued to Jarema Stanislaus by the SS in Rawa Ruska, Poland, 21 May 1943
- RG-, Litgation letter sent from Nowum Targu, Dunajec (Poland), 29 July 1944
- RG-72.16.01, Letter to Judenrat in Tarnow from the city Polish police of Tarnow regarding Ascher Stieglitz, 21 September 1941
- RG-72.16.02, An inquiry about Abram Kliger family in the Lodz Ghetto, sent on the behalf of Hersz Kliger by the Jewish Council of Lowicz, Poland, November 8, 1941
- RG-72.16.05, Envelope sent from the Judenrat in Rzeszow to Watler Markusiewicz in New York, 25 October 1941
- RG-72.16.06, Envelope sent from the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in Opole in General Government, Poland to the Jewish Cultural Community in Prague, 7 March 1942
- RG-72.16.07, Postcard sent from Jewish aid committee in Ozorkow, Poland to the Jewish Council (Judenrat) in Lodz regarding Harry Warszawski associated with the Sparkling Water factory located on Zydowska Street 10, 20 February 1941
- RG-72.16.11, Postcard from Judenrat in Tarnogrod to Karol Fein in Lodz informing him of the family Polatschek, in Tranogrod, 1942
- RG-72.16.13, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Pacanow to the Judenrat in Lodz, 29 September 1942
- RG-72.16.14, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Muhlental (Kolo) to Rumkowski in Lodz, informing about the Jews in Kolo and the Jewish Hospital in Poznan (Posen), 27 September 1941
- RG-72.16.15, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Pfeeilstett (Pajeczno) to the Jewish Council) (Judenrat) in Lodz regarding Lelek Buchman, 4 February 1941
- RG-72.16.16, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Praschkau (Praszka) to the Judenrat in Lodz, 12 February 1941
- RG-72.16.20, Envelope sent from E. Lustig, Lublin Judenrat to Hans Pick in Prague, 21 April 1942
- RG-72.16.22, Envelope sent to the district head of Reichshof from Jewish Community in Ranizow, Poland, 5 June 1943
- RG-72.16.23, Postcard sent from Judenrat in Siedlce to the Jewish Relief Committee in Geneve
- RG-72.16.24, Envelope sent from Judenrat in Koniecpol to Road construction field office in Czestochowa, Poland, 26 December 1940
- RG-72.16.25, A Postcard sent from Presov, Slovakia to Judenraete in Lublin, Poland
- RG-72.16.26, A Postcard sent from Bratislava, Slovakia to Judenraete in Lublin, Poland, 19 August 194
- RG-72.16.27, Jewish Council, Krzepice, Poland, postal receipt, 5 March 1941
- RG-72.21.01, Postal receipt from Wilanow to Lublin, 12 April 1942
- RG-72.21.16, Postal receipt of parcel from Sz. Krajek in Sanok to J. Krajek in Warsaw, General Government, Poland, 9 May 1944
- RG-72.21.17, Envelope to Malwine Sara Fincberg through Jewish Cultural community in Vienna from Poland about her deported relatives , 22 July 1941
- RG-72.21.75, From ghetto's. Postcard from L. Rudy in Kosow-Lacki ghetto to Ch. Ruda in Paris. September 7, 1942
- RG-72.22.03, Envelope sent from Maria Zbroja in Kocmyrzow, Poland to Jocham Zbroja in a labor camp in Lebenstadt, Germany
- RG-72.22.30, Postcard from Maria Kowalska in Graefenham to Sliwa Stanislaw in Warsaw, postmarked 18 December 1944
- RG-72.22.31, Envelope from Jozel Koziol in Krakow-Podgorze, Poland to Jan Sztol in Meerdorf concentratin camp, Germany, 14 March 1940
- RG-72.22.34, Postcard with a Christmas greeting from Rauschenwalde, Germany, now Poland to Jerzy Wronczyk in Lowicz, Poland, 19 March 1940
- RG-72.22.36, Postcard from Lolt in Poland to Henriette Gruenthal in Vienna, 10 April 1940
- RG-72.22.37, Inquiry from Braue Kronisch in Leslau (Wloclawek), Poland to the official of prison Schrottersburg in Plock about the release of husband, 1941
- RG-72.26.03, Postcard from Lyla Stark in Przemysl (Poland) to the Relico in Geneve (Switzerland), 2 March 1942
- RG-72.26.07, Envelope from Sosnowitz, Germany to New York, USA, written from Majer Israel Szlezynger to American Joint Distribution Committee, 21 March 1941
- RG-72.26.08, Postcard from Kolomyia, Poland to Relief Committee in Geneva, confirming receipt of food parcel, sent by B. Morgenstern, 30 December 1941
- RG-72.26.09, Postcard from Brzeszcze, Upper Silesia, Poland to Relief Committee in Geneva, sent from Abraham Margel, confirming receipt of food parcel, 24 June 1944
- RG-72.26.10, Postcard from Kielce, Poland to Relief Committee in Geneva, confirming receipt of a food parcel
- RG-72.26.11, Message from Sosnowiec, Poland to American Joint Distribution in Lisbon, 1941
- RG-72.26.12, Postcard from Wildeshausen, Germany to R.G.O (Rada Główna Opiekuńcza - the Central Welfare Council) in Krakow, written from Hanna S., 3 January 1945
- RG-72.26.17, Postcard from Krakow, Poland to Committee for Relief of the Jewish Population in Geneva, Switzerland, written by B. Grossman, 24 August 1940
- RG-72.26.18, Postcard from Sanok, Poland to Zurich from Regina Riabner to B. Riabner, 5 May 1941
- RG-72.26.19, Postcard to Committee for Assistance to the Jewish Population Struck by the War in Geneva, Switzerland from Lublin, Poland, 20 October 1941
- RG-72.26.21, Postcard from I. Amgar in Birkenau to the Relief Committee in Geneva, postmarked 14 November 1944
- RG-72.26.23, Postcard. Forced labor camp. The Bartold Factory Militsch near Breslau. 1945
- RG-72.26.25, Postcard by Merresck Lenon from Reppen (Rzepin) to the Polish central welfare council in Cracow, 29 December 1944
- RG-72.26.27, Postcard from Pawel Pistka from Watenstedt labor camp, Germany, to the Polish central welfare council (Rada Główna Opiekuńcza) Krakow, 11 January 1945
- RG-72.27.01, Envelope from Jan Jablonski in Sulkowo, Poland to W. Jablonski in prison, 1 November 1943
- RG-72.27.03, Postal confirmation of reception from Grzegorz in Slawatycze, Poland to Aoloun Gowluk in Lublin Prison, 8 September 1941
- RG-72.27.04, Letter and envelope from Josef Lehrin in Breslau prison to Maria Lehrinova, 26 September 1943
- RG-72.27.06, Letter and envelope from Franz Fojtik in Bobrek labor prison to Frantiska Loucka, 6 April 1941
- RG-72.27.08, Letter from Aleksander Lendzion in Zweibruecken Prison to his mother and sister in Warsaw, 5 October 1941
- RG-72.27.09, Official response from Murau prison sent to Josefa Lendzon about her son Aleksander, 30 April 1943
- RG-72.27.10, Inquiry made by Stanislaw Rymer to Schroettersburg prison, 29 June 1944
- RG-72.27.12, Letter from Breslau Prison from Ludmila Porizkovoi to Henrik Poriz, 1940
- RG-72.27.19, Postcard from German Prison in Sangerhausen to Kraków, written from Marian Woclumiak to Maria Anyozowa, 14 January 1945
- RG-72.27.20, Postcard from Poland to German prison in Sangerhausen, written from Czelawa Rozycka to Zbigniew Rozycki, 6 December 1944
- RG-72.27.21, Letter from Stettin prison, written by Josef Szymanski, 2 March 1941
553 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.