Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: German, language

- RG-, Photocopy of a Worker’s Card (Arbeitskarte) issued to Anna Lipszyc under her false name, Anna Wójcik
- RG-, Photocopy of Anna Lipszyc’s provisional foreign refugee pass
- RG-, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in German, dated June 12, 1944, Buchenwald Concentration Camp.
- RG-01.11.07, Dawid Gertler Papers 34
- RG-01.11.10, Dawid Gertler Papers, final defense
- RG-01.14.08, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Historical Commission of the Central-Committee in Munich
- RG-01.14.09, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Historical Commission of the Central-Committee in Munich, continuation
- RG-01.14.11, Henryk Gliksman, Transcript of Affidavits, in German,
- RG-01.14.14, Henryk Gliksman, Transcript of the affidavit of Dr. Josef Opatowski, in German,
- RG-01.14.17, Henryk Gliksman, postal documents
- RG-01.14.27 Henryk Gliksman, postal documents
- RG-01.16.05, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany, Memorandum, in Polish
- RG-01.16.08, Memorandum issued by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. zone of occupation in Germany
- RG-02.01.04, Displaced persons publication. The Jewish Review by and for Liberated Jews in Germany.
- RG-02.01.07, Die Bruecke (The Bridge), newspaper
- RG-02.05.08, Certificate of Compensation issued to George Werner Seemyler, 14 Feb 1967.
- RG-02.08.03, From the Last Extermination, Journal, Nr. 4, 1947, part 3
- RG-15.03.20, Auschwitz monetary signs
- RG-16.02.05- David Kubaschka Westerbork Camp Identification
- RG-16.04.16- Family Tree
- RG-16.05.01- Ronie-Jontof-Hutter, Otto, letter from Dachau
- RG-16.06.13- Philip Raucher, Red Cross Certificate+ German Ration Card Stamp, 1945
- RG-16.06.16- Philip Raucher, Ration Card from Munich, Germany, 1947
- RG-16.06.17- Philip Raucher, R.M. Blatchford ship, 1951
- RG-16.07.06- Maria Altman, Postcard
- RG-16.08.01- Rosh Ha Shanah (New Year Greeting Card)
- RG-16.08.02- Hochzeit ULK, in German, November 1916
- RG-16.08.03- Wedding Poentry to Hertha Segall and Arthur Neustadt aby Kurt Neustadt, November 1916
- RG-16.08.04- Letter card from Paul Erlich
- RG-16.08.06- Letter in German, 17 February 1905
- RG-16.08.07- Letter from the Berliner Hendels Gesellschaft, 1914
- RG-16.08.08- Arthur Neustadt, Wedding Poetry, Table Song, November 1920
- RG-16.08.09- Wedding Poetry, 4 pages, for Hertha Segall and Aarthur Neustadt, November 1916, Complete
- RG- Document certifying the release from military service after the First World War; 25 November 1918
- RG- Certificate of German citizenship for Isidor Isaak M. Kaufmann; 17 September 1918
- RG- Birth certificate for Edith Faierstein; reissued on 30 August 1976; includes translation
- RG- Confirmation of entrance to a private school for sewists in Vienna; issued for Edith Faierstein on 27 October 1934
- RG- Work certificate for Edith Faierstein; worked as sewist at M.Harpner, Schwarz & Co. in Vienna, issued 19 September 1937
- RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein; school for girls in Vienna; school year 1933-34; 10 February 1934
- RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein; issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 28 June 1935; includes grades
- RG- School Certificate for Edith Faierstein issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 30 June 1936; includes grades
- RG- Yearly school certificate for Edith Faierstein; girl's school Vienna; school year 1933-34; 7 July 1934; includes grades
- RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 23 June 1936; includes grades
- RG- School Certificate of the proficient school for sewists Vienna; issued for Edith Faierstein; 11 February 1938
- RG- Diploma for Edith Faierstein from the school for sewists Vienna; completed with good success; 3 July 1936
- RG- Copy of birth certificate for Edith Faierstein; born on 1 November 1919; issued on 29 July 1924
- RG- School Certificate for Edith Faierstein confirming that she attended a course in usage of typewriters and German short writing
- RG- Birth certificate for Martha Faierstein; issued on 1 July 1976
- RG- Confirmation about a temporary school certificate; the original will be handed out as soon as printed; 2 July 1938
- RG- School Certificate from the school of sewists Vienna for Edith Faierstein; 2 July 1938
- RG- Letter to Erich Flagg about a purchase agreement that has to be approved by the German consulate; 8 March 1999
- RG- Letter to Eric Flagg about the use of remaining property in Odenheim, Germany. 13 January 1999
- RG- Contract concerning the cigar factory in Heidelberg-Kirchheim; issued 19 December 1933
- RG- School certificate book for Isidor Flegenheimer (Father of Erich); starts 1882
- RG- Black and white picture of a couple; taken in Augsburg; probably beginning of century; not dated
- RG- Black and white picture of a bearded man; taken in Mannheim; maybe beginning of the century
- RG- Black and white photograph of a couple; taken in Augsburg; beginning of century
- RG-16.12.108, Joseph Rapaport, Album II
- RG-16.12.109, Joseph Rapaport, Album III
- RG-16.12.34, Bavarian Zugspitze railway to Schneefernerhaus Hotel in Alps, December 1945
- RG-16.12.37, Eagle exhibition, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.69, Postcard with family portrait, 1929
- RG-16.12.72, Nazi party rally grounds, Nuremberg, circa 1930s - August 1945
- RG-16.12.74, German and Belgian souvenirs, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.75, Accommodations in Preten, Germany, May 1945
- RG-16.12.77, Reich souvenirs, circa 1945
- RG-16.12.85, United States fifteenth army occupation, Bad Durkheim, June 1945
- RG-16.12.87, Bad Durkheim spa booklet, 1939 - 1940
- RG-16.12.93, Bad Schwalbach postcards, August 1945
- RG-16.12.94, Bad Schwalbach in Taunus, booklet
- RG-16.13.01, identity certificate for former political prisoners and prisoners in protective custody
- RG-16.13.02, postcard with helga blumenfeld's photograph, 26 april 1942
- RG-16.13.03, driver's license, 22 november 1948
- RG-16.13.05, registration with police authority, and excerpt of regulation of 6 january 1938, 30 august 1945
- RG-16.13.11, Photograph of a man by the car, ca 1930
- RG-17.05.02, Le Journal Paris, (A Paris Journal). Febuary 18, 1943. No 18.295
- RG-17.05.04, Le Journal Paris. November 10, 1942. No 18.212
- RG-17.06.01, Donauzeitung (the Danube Paper), July, 1988. No 167
- RG-17.06.02, Donauzeitung (the Danube Paper), January, 1944. No 4
- RG-17.06.04, Donauzeitung (The Danube Paper), August, 1943. No 3
- RG-17.07.07, Wartime newspapers, German and Hungarian articles about the pressure on Brazil to join fight at the Solomon Islands
- RG-17.07.08, Wartime newspapers, German, Hungarian; Chinese offensive, entry of Brazil into the war
- RG-17.07.10, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, German; in the hell of Stalingrad
- RG-17.07.11, Wartime newspapers,German and Hungarian; Berliner Boersen Zeitung (Berlin Stock Exchange Newspaper) 2 September 1942
- RG-17.07.14, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, Pestiujsag, arial photograph of Stalingrad, 29 September 1942
- RG-17.07.15, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, A Mai Nap(Daily News), “Vacating Rostov and Voroshilovgrad”,German,“The Battle of Kharkov”, February 17, 1943
- RG-17.08.01, Front in Moscow, Eastern war theatre
- RG-17.08.02, Excerpt from a German wartime newspaper, resettlement of millions
- RG-17.08.05, German wartime newspaper exerpt, wartime Moscow
- RG-17.08.06, Stalingrad is surrounded, Volkischer Beobachter, published on 11 September 1942
- RG-17.08.08, German, the Caucasus is conquered, ca 1942
- RG-17.08.10, The city of Voroshilovograd was captured by German army in short attack, Volkischer Beobachter, Vienna, published on 18 July 1942
- RG-17.08.12, Several articles about the Russian resistance. The US Air Force in England
- RG-17.08.14, Battle of Stalingrad, published on 13 September 1942
- RG-17.08.15, The German offensive in Southern Russia, published on 8 August 1942
- RG-17.08.16, Air attacks of German cities by the Royal Air Force
- RG-17.08.17, Russian defense in Novorosijsk
- RG-17.08.18, German summer campaign, 1942
- RG-17.08.19, US attacks at the Solomon islands, published on 11 August 1942
- RG-17.08.20, Naval war in the Pacific, America takes revenge for Pearl Harbour
- RG-17.08.21, The combat in Russia, published on 14 September 1942
- RG-17.08.22, Map of the Solomon Islands, Western half
- RG-17.08.23, Map of the Solomon Islands, Eastern half
- RG-17.08.24, American attacks on the Solomon Islands, published on 10 August 1942
- RG-17.08.28, German, the Caucasus front
- RG-17.08.29, German, for the Eastern Front, a harbor in England and the map of the Eastern Front
- RG-17.08.31, German and Hungarian articles about the pressure on Brazil to join fight at the Solomon Islands
- RG-17.08.32, The proceedings of the Conference, Churchill in Moscow
- RG-17.08.33, First photographs of the recon in Dieppe by the Americans and the British
- RG-17.08.34, German war planning of the landing into British Isles, 1942
- RG-17.08.37, Churchill and British military command underestimated the strength of German defense Dieppe, France
- RG-17.08.38, Military opperation at Dieppe, France, 1942
- RG-17.08.39, Several articles related to wartime developments in Germany, Hungary, and China and the possiblity of Brazil entering the war
- RG-17.08.41, German approach in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.08.42, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 1
- RG-17.08.43, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 2
- RG-17.08.44, German combat opperation in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.08.45, Soviet counter-offensive near Rzhev failed, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, published 31 August 1942
- RG-17.08.46, Die Wehrmacht, German, on route to Stalingrad, Wehrmacht, November 1941
- RG-17.08.47, Hungarian and German wartime newspapers; in the hell of Stalingrad
- RG-17.08.48, Lublin-the town in the East, Jews in forced labor
- RG-17.08.49, Jews in Lublin
- RG-17.08.51, German and Hungarian wartime newspapers; Berliner Boersen Zeitung, published on 2 September 1942
- RG-17.08.55, German map of the Caucasus, Eastern half
- RG-17.08.56, German map of the Caucasus, Western half
- RG-17.08.58, Deportation of the Jews in France
- RG-17.08.60, Photographs depicting the destroyed citiy of Stalingrad and the fate of civilian population
- RG-17.08.61, Photograph depicting 'Bunkerfabrik' ( a ruined bunker factory) in Stalingrad
- RG-17.08.62, Photograph depicting 3 of 18,300 Soviet prisoners of war, summer 1942
- RG-17.08.64, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 28 September 1942, an article titled 'The Proud Result of the War'
- RG-17.08.65, Stalingrad-a symbol, Roosevelt opens war negotiations
- RG-17.08.66, The defense of Stalingrad, Three major factories in Stalingrad
- RG-17.08.67, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech, 'Nobody Can Wrench The Victory From Us,' 2 October 1942
- RG-17.08.68, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech about the essential need for German space in Europe
- RG-17.08.69, A new method of shipbuilding in USA
- RG-17.08.70, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 2 October 1942, a hard strike for Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
- RG-17.09.01, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas taken by the Japanese, Western half
- RG-17.09.02, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas (red) taken by the Japanese, Eastern half
- RG-17.09.03, German-Soviet war, Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher, 18 August 1942
- RG-17.09.04, Swiss newspaper, information about a Second Front and the German lines of defense in Normandy
- RG-17.09.05, Swiss newspaper, Photographs of Serbian refugee children
- RG-17.09.06, Swiss newspaper, Photographs of Serbian refugee children in Switzerland
- RG-17.14.01- Illustrated News, March, 1934
- RG-17.14.02- Illustrated News, Supplement, 'A Heim' Bajlage Nr. 25
- RG-17.18.02, Front in Moscow, Eastern war theatre, 1942
- RG-17.18.03, Excerpt from a German wartime newspaper, resettlemet of millions
- RG-17.18.04, Hungarian newspaper, published on 12 July 1942
- RG-17.18.05, German wartime newspaper excerpt, wartime Moscow
- RG-17.18.06, German Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad is surrounded, published on 11 September 1942
- RG-17.18.08, German, the Caucasus is conquered
- RG-17.18.10, The city of Voroshilovograd was captured by German army in short attack, Volkischer Beobachter, Vienna, July 18,1942
- RG-17.18.100, German newspapers, London's hope for Eisenhower
- RG-17.18.101, Wartime German-language newspaper, the battle at El Alamein, Egypt
- RG-17.18.102, Clippings from wartime German-language and Hungarian newspapers, the war in Russia
- RG-17.18.103, Hungarian newspaper, Ujnemzedek, Budapest, 6 November 1942, clipping from German-language newspaper
- RG-17.18.104, Wartime German-language newspapers, at the African war theather
- RG-17.18.105, Wartime German language newspapers, the German-Russian war
- RG-17.18.106, Wartime newspapers, photograph, British in the desert in Egypt
- RG-17.18.107, Wartime German-language newspaper, Soviet airman squadron listens to instructions before task, Left-People's defense
- RG-17.18.108, Hungarian newspaper, Hetforeggel, Budapest, 9 November 1942, Wartime German-language newspaper, North Africa
- RG-17.18.109, Wartime German-language newspaper, the process of landing
- RG-17.18.110, Wartime German-language newspapers, different aerial attacks
- RG-17.18.111, Wartime German-language newspaper, the US- Americans in North Africa
- RG-17.18.112, Wartime German-language newspapers, retreat of Rommel
- RG-17.18.113, Wartime German-language newspaper, General Alexander (GB) and General Montgomery (8th army) in the Middle Orient
- RG-17.18.114, Wartime German-language newspapers, meeting in the US headquaters, General Eisenhower and his men
- RG-17.18.115, Wartime German-language newspapers, landing in North Africa, the US invasion army
- RG-17.18.116, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, speech from the Fuehrer about the 9th of November 1942, published Nov. 10
- RG-17.18.117, German newspaper, Hitler speech
- RG-17.18.118, Hungarian newspapers, Nepszava, Magyar Nemzet, November 1942
- RG-17.18.119, Wartime French and German-language newspapers, African war theater
- RG-17.18.12, Several articles about the Russian resistance, US Air Force in England, 1942
- RG-17.18.120, German newspaper, our Wehrmacht protects the French Mediterranean coast, Voelkischer Beobachter, 12 November 1942
- RG-17.18.121, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Torpedoed British Battleship
- RG-17.18.122, Wartime German-language newspapers, Churchill's speech
- RG-17.18.126, German newspapers, German troops enter Paris-June 1940, German troops crossing into Southern France-ca 1942
- RG-17.18.129, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, London surprised by German-Italian landing in Tunisia, 18 November 1942
- RG-17.18.132, Hungarian (Amainap) and German-language newspapers, Scuttling of French fleet in Toulon, 28 November 1942
- RG-17.18.133, Hungarian (Pestiujsag) and German-language newspapers, 21 November 1942
- RG-17.18.134, German-language newspaper, a Swiss takes photographs of scuttling of the French fleet
- RG-17.18.135, German newspaper, Toulon occupied, Voelkischer Beobachter, 28 November 1942
- RG-17.18.136, German-language newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, The military action in Southern France, November 1942
- RG-17.18.14, Battle for Stalingrad, published on 13 September 1942
- RG-17.18.140, German-language newspapers, the war in North Africa
- RG-17.18.141, German-language newspaper, photographs, The port city of Dakar
- RG-17.18.142, Wartime newspapers, one year ago
- RG-17.18.143, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Italy's hatred for England caused by aerial attacks
- RG-17.18.144, Wartime newspapers, the war in North Africa, the Jews in Poland, New Russian offensive in Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.146, Wartime German-language newspapers, economic interim balance of war
- RG-17.18.148, Wartime German-language newspapers, two photographs from the Caucasus steppe
- RG-17.18.149, Swiss newspaper, Admiral Darlan killed in Algiers, Neue Zuercher, Hungarian newspaper,
- RG-17.18.15, The German offensive in Southern Russia, published on 8 August 1942
- RG-17.18.150, Wartime newspapers, certificate of the fourth war Christamas
- RG-17.18.151, German newspapers, single page from a German newspaper, The leadership, the honor, the force
- RG-17.18.152, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer slogan 1943, with full force
- RG-17.18.153, German newspaper, Hitler, A fateful year of war comes to an end
- RG-17.18.154, Swiss newspapers, German-Russian war, Neue Zuercher, December 27, 1942, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter,
- RG-17.18.155, Wartime German-language newspaper, Roosevelt's message, Hungarian newspaper, Nepszava, Soviet troops, January 1943
- RG-17.18.156, Wartime newspapers, the Russian attacks, the German in defense, Hungarian newspaper, Velikije Luki, Russia
- RG-17.18.158, German newspaper, map of the Eastern Front, The strategic situation on the Eastern Front
- RG-17.18.16, Air attacks of German cities by the Royal Air Force
- RG-17.18.160, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Failed Soviet mass attacks at Stalingrad, brave resistance of the Germans
- RG-17.18.161, Swiss newspaper, Basler Nachrichten, January 20, 1943
- RG-17.18.162, Hungarian newspaper, esti Kis Ujsag (Small Evening News), January 18 1943, German-language newspaper
- RG-17.18.163, Hungarian newspaper, 8 Orai Ujsag, military developments between Soviet Union and Hungary, 23 January 1943
- RG-17.18.164, German newspaper, Berliner Boersen Zeitung (Stock Exchange Journal), military operations on all fronts
- RG-17.18.165, Wartime newspapers, map, 1
- RG-17.18.166, Wartime newspapers, map, 2 war in Mediterranean Sea
- RG-17.18.167, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Austria, Unprecedented figting in Stalingrad, January 23, 1943
- RG-17.18.169, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Austria, Further deterioration of the situation in Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.17, Russian defense in Novorosijsk, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.170, Hungarian newspaper, map of Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.171, Wartime newspapers, street battle Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.172, Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.173, Wartime newspapers, photographs
- RG-17.18.174, Wartime German-language newspaper, increasing number of wounded soldiers. Stalingrad, a town, a term, a tragedy
- RG-17.18.175, Wartime newspapers, Comparing the Battle of Verdun 1916 to the Battle of Stalingrad 1942
- RG-17.18.176, Swiss newspaper, Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung (Swiss Illustrated Newspaper), Casablanca confernece, 1943
- RG-17.18.177, Wartime newspapers, how Roosevelt and Churchill met in Casablanca
- RG-17.18.178, Wartime German-language newspapers, Members of the conference in Casablanca conference, 1943
- RG-17.18.179, Wartime newspapers, political and military situation of Japan
- RG-17.18.18, German summer campaign 1942
- RG-17.18.180, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, The struggle of our soldiers committed to homeland, ca 1943
- RG-17.18.181, German-language newspaper, Allied Conference Casablanca, Aerial warfare, Mobilization in Italy, Report from Moscow
- RG-17.18.182, Wartime newspapers, battle for Stalingrad, photograph from a German newspaper, articles from a Hungarian newspaper ca 1942
- RG-17.18.183, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Goebbels speech, the winter battle, 1943, part 1
- RG-17.18.184, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Goebbels speech, the winter battle, 1943, part 2
- RG-17.18.185, wartime newspapers, editorial article, Volkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad, answer is battle and victory, January 1943
- RG-17.18.186, Wartime German-language newspapers, Hitler speech, published January 1943
- RG-17.18.187, Swiss newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, German rallies, Goering speech, British attacks against Berlin, Feb. 1, 1943
- RG-17.18.188, Swiss wartime newspapers, Neue Zuecher Zeitung
- RG-17.18.189, Wartime newspapers, Swiss newspaper
- RG-17.18.19, US attacks at the Solomon islands, published on 11 August 1942
- RG-17.18.190, Wartime German-language newspapers, the entire East Front in Heavy Defensive fighting, February 2, 1943
- RG-17.18.191, Wartime German-language newspapers, photographs of soldiers, the German resistance in Stalingard
- RG-17.18.194, Wartime newspapers, photographs depicting the Turkish army
- RG-17.18.195, Wartime newspapers, clippings from German newspapers, with one showing a map of Ukraine
- RG-17.18.196, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, February 4, 1943, they died in order to let Germany live
- RG-17.18.197, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad calls to act, February 4, 1943
- RG-17.18.199, Wartime newspapers, Churchills speech in the House of Commons, 1943
- RG-17.18.20, Naval war in the Pacific, America takes revenge for Pearl Harbour, 1941
- RG-17.18.200, Swiss German-language wartime newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, one of Roosevelts speeches, 1943
- RG-17.18.201, Clippings from Hungarian and German newspapers, 1943, with a map of the Eastern Front
- RG-17.18.204, Wartime newspapers, Le Journal Paris
- RG-17.18.205, Wartime newspapers, German newspaper clippings discussing the war in China, Japan, and the ship Richelieu in New York
- RG-17.18.206, Wartime German-language newspaper, war in Tunisia, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.207, Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, 19 february 1943, Goebbels makes an appeal to act
- RG-17.18.208, Wartime newspapers, Goebbels speech
- RG-17.18.209, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachtung, 22 February 1943, England declare solidarity with Bolshevism
- RG-17.18.21, The combat in Russia, published on published on 14 September 1942
- RG-17.18.210, Wartime German-language newspaper, friendship and collaboration Germany-Russia
- RG-17.18.211, Wartime German-language newspaper, war theater Tunisia
- RG-17.18.212, Wartime newspapers, the first French newspaper from North Africa has arrived
- RG-17.18.213, Wartime German-language newspapers, aerial war in the West
- RG-17.18.214, German newspaper mentioning the German Africa corps
- RG-17.18.215, Wartime newspapers, battle for Tunisia, aerial war in the West
- RG-17.18.216, Berliner Boresn Zeitung, stock exchange newspaper, Berlin, 2 March 1943, for all one is worth uncompromising victory
- RG-17.18.217, Wartime German-language newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 4 March 1943, German-Russian war, Switzerland
- RG-17.18.218, Wartime newspapers, several newpaper articles, aerial war in the West
- RG-17.18.219, Wartime German-language and Hungarian newspapers, British attack on Nuremberg
- RG-17.18.22, Map of the Solomon Islands, 1
- RG-17.18.220, Wartime newspapers, British attack on Berlin
- RG-17.18.221, Wartime newspapers, British air offensive against Germany
- RG-17.18.222, Wartime newspapers, stock exchange newspaper, Berlin, 11 March 1943, the crest of barbarity
- RG-17.18.223, Wartime newspapers, total warfare in Italy
- RG-17.18.224, Wartime newspapers, three photographs from German newspapers, one depicting the American Spitfires
- RG-17.18.225, Wartime newspapers, Paris newspaper, 15 March 1943, Kharkov retaken
- RG-17.18.226, Wartime newspapers, British air offensive in the West
- RG-17.18.227, Wartime newspapers, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 18 March 1943
- RG-17.18.228, Wartime newspapers, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 22 March 1943, Churchill about postwar issues
- RG-17.18.229, Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, 22 March 1943, Hitler honors the fallen heroes
- RG-17.18.23, Map of the Solomon Islands, 2
- RG-17.18.230, Wartime newspapers, Hitler honors the fallen heroes
- RG-17.18.231, Wartime newspapers, stock exchange newspaper Berlin, 28 march 1943, the aerial war in West
- RG-17.18.232, Wartime newspapers, Neue Zuercher newspaper, 28 March 1943, the battle against the submarine
- RG-17.18.24, American attacks on the Solomon Islands, published on 10 August 1942
- RG-17.18.25, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas taken by the Japanese, 1
- RG-17.18.26, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas (red) taken by the Japanese, 2
- RG-17.18.28, German, the Caucasus front, 1942
- RG-17.18.29, German, for the Eastern front, a harbor in England and the map of the Eastern Front, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.30, German-Russian war, Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher, 18 August 1942
- RG-17.18.31, German and Hungarian articles about the pressure on Brazil to join fight at the Solomon Islands
- RG-17.18.32, German the proceedings of the Conference , Churchill in Moscow
- RG-17.18.33, German, first photographs of the recon in Dieppe by the Americans and the British, 1942
- RG-17.18.34, German war planning of the landing into British Isles, 1942
- RG-17.18.35, Swiss, information about a Second Front and the German lines of defense in Normandy
- RG-17.18.36, German newspapers, Churchill denies invasion intentions (yesterday major offensive - today dress rehearsal), Voelkischer Beobachter Vienna, 21 August 1942
- RG-17.18.37, German-language, Churchill and British military command underestimated the strength of German defense Dieppe, France
- RG-17.18.38, Wartime German-language newspaper, Military opperation at Dieppe, France, 1942
- RG-17.18.39, Several articles related to wartime developments in Germany, Hungary, and China and the possiblity of Brazil entering
- RG-17.18.41, Wartime German-language newspapers, German approach in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.18.42, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 1
- RG-17.18.43, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 2
- RG-17.18.44, Wartime German-language newspapers, German combat opperation in Stalingrad, August 1942
- RG-17.18.45, Soviet counter-offensive near Rzhev failed, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, published 31 August 1942
- RG-17.18.46, Wartime German-Language newspaper, Die Wehrmacht, German, on route to Stalingrad, November 1941
- RG-17.18.47, Hungarian and German wartime newspapers; in the hell of Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.48, Wartime German-language newspaper, Lublin-the town in the East, Jews in forced labor, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.49, Wartime German-language newspapers, Jews in Lublin, ca 1942
- RG-17.18.50, Swiss newspaper, photographs of Serbian refugee children
- RG-17.18.51, German and Hungarian wartime newspapers; Berliner Boersen Zeitung, published on 2 September 1942
- RG-17.18.52, Swiss newspaper, Photographs of Serbian refugee children in Switzerland
- RG-17.18.55, German map of the Caucasus, Eastern half
- RG-17.18.56, German map of the Caucasus, Western half
- RG-17.18.58, Deportation of the Jews in France
- RG-17.18.60, Photographs depicting the destroyed citiy of Stalingrad and the fate of civil population
- RG-17.18.61, Photograph depicting a Bunkerfabrik ( a ruined bunker factory) in Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.62, Photographs depicting 3 of 18,300 Soviet prisoners of war, summer 1942
- RG-17.18.64, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 28 September 1942, an article The proud result of the war
- RG-17.18.65, Stalingrad-a symbol, Roosevelt opens war negotiations
- RG-17.18.66, The defense of Stalingrad, Three major factories in Stalingrad
- RG-17.18.67, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech, Nobody can wrench the victory from us, 2 October 1942
- RG-17.18.68, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech about the need for Germans space in Europe
- RG-17.18.69, A new method of shipbuilding in USA
- RG-17.18.70, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 2 October 1942, a hard strike for Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
- RG-17.18.73, The 80 days of critical decision, 1
- RG-17.18.74, The 80 days of critical decision, 2
- RG-17.18.75, wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 6 October 1942, Goering's speech destroys England's illusion, space, time guarantee for victory
- RG-17.18.76, Fight for the Solomon islands
- RG-17.18.77, England report, bomb attack of the armament center Schneider& Co in Le Creusot
- RG-17.18.78, Voelkischer Beobachter, Goebbels speech in Munich, have-nots became owners
- RG-17.18.79, Germany report, advancement in Stalingrad, tractor factory Dscherschinski occupied
- RG-17.18.80, Swiss newspaper, map, 1
- RG-17.18.81, Swiss newspaper, map, 2, Caucasus
- RG-17.18.82, Swiss newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, photograph of Churchill in Egypt
- RG-17.18.83, Swiss newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 13 December 1942, British cruiser on the Mediterranean Sea
- RG-17.18.84, Swiss newspaper, instead of 22,000 km, only 12,000 km left
- RG-17.18.85, German newspaper, Will the economy decide the war
- RG-17.18.86, German newspaper, flying monster
- RG-17.18.87, Swiss newspapers, Neue Zuercher Zeitung
- RG-17.18.88, Wartime newspapers, Goebbels speech in Munich, today we are the ones who blockade
- RG-17.18.89, Hungarian newspaper and clippings from German newspaper, circa 1941
- RG-17.18.90, German newspapers, British offensive in Egypt
- RG-17.18.91, German newspapers, British offensive in Egypt
- RG-17.18.92, Clippings from Hungarian (Pestiujsag) and German newspapers, 26 October 1942
- RG-17.18.93, German newspapers, fight in Egypt
- RG-17.18.94, Wartime German-language newspaper, biggest loss of the British near El Alamein, 104 tanks so far
- RG-17.18.95, German newspaper, Berliner Boersen-Zeitung, stock exchange newspaper Berlin, 27 October 1942
- RG-17.18.96, Hungarian newspaper, Budapest, 29 October 1942, German newspaper clippings, the war in Russia
- RG-17.18.97, German newspapers, fight in Egypt, German-Italian counter charges
- RG-17.18.98, Photographs from French wartime magazine depicting Alaska
- RG-17.18.99, German newspaper, Berliner Boersen-Zeitung, stock exchange newspaper, Berlin, Global strategy
- RG-17.19.01, Fall of Brest
- RG-17.20.19, Aufbau, Walter Winchell and enemy aliens, Jews in the English army, 3 July 1942
- RG-17.20.21, Aufbau, the west coast, the case of enemy alien
- RG-17.20.22, Aufbau, new arrangement for the employment of aliens, 17 July 1942
- RG-17.20.23, Aufbau, 3 July 1942
- RG-17.20.24, certified and friendly aliens, new proposal for so-called council of democracy
- RG-17.20.32, Aufbau, how Palestine upgraded, a call to all men and women - two front war possible, 26 June 1942
- RG-17.20.35, truth from the world disappeared, teste Wahrheit aus der Welt verschwinde
- RG-17.20.36, Aufbau, the watchman, punishment, issue of where to settle the Jews, 17 July 1942
- RG-17.20.38, Jewish units in Palestine
- RG-17.20.39, Aufbau, the Nazi agenda, routine and venture, 24 July 1942
- RG-17.21.01, radio world, illustrated weekly magazine for everyone, a look at the vienna radio program, 17 august 1935
- RG-17.21.02, radio world, illustrated weekly magazine for everyone, a look at the vienna radio program, 17 august 1935
- RG-17.21.03, radio vienna, official weekly magazine of the austrian radio, merry christmas, 17 december 1937
- RG-17.21.04, austrian radio programs, 1937
- RG-17.21.05, austrian radio programs
- RG-17.21.06, austrian radio programs, 1935
- RG-17.21.07, vienna radio programs, 1936
- RG-17.21.08, vienna radio programs, 1935-1936
- RG-17.21.09, great hall of the musikverein, vienna commercial singing club and female choir, orchestra concert, 27 march 1931
- RG-17.21.10, the little cinema and radio leaf, page five, zampa ravel remembered and brudner felt
- RG-17.21.11, new vienna conservatory pamphlet
- RG-17.21.12, business card of annie krisch
- RG-17.22.01, Austrian newspaper, Tagespost, March 12, 1938, Liberated homeland
- RG-17.22.02, Austrian newspaper, Tagespost, March 12, 1938, Declaration of the Fuhrer
- RG-17.22.03, Austrian newspaper, Tagespost, March 12, 1938, Austria-nationalistic
- RG-23.08.01, Transport list from Gross-Rosen to Bruenlitz concentration camp - male and female
- RG-, Transport list from Gross-Rosen to Bruenlitz - male and female_Page_01
- RG-23.35.04, Warning sign at Breendonk internment camp, Belgium, 1940-1943
- RG-, Erich Lichtblau, Illness in the ghetto
- RG-, Fata Morgana from Jorn
- RG-, November 1942 arrival by Jorn
- RG- sketch
- RG-, A 7406, list 30, tr.sezn.Cd 2, Transport List
- RG-, Cropped transport list, Lichtblaus at center
- RG-, Erich Lichtblau, Wartime ID, used in postwar period
- RG-, Else Lichtblauvova, Wartime ID, used in postwar period
- RG-, Lichtblau notebook
- RG- Abstract by Jörn Wendland
- RG- Erich Lichtblau-Leskly introductory article
- RG- A Cheap Cake for Birthday
- RG- A Dream, Home for Weary Halutzim
- RG- A Farewell, See You Again in the Mass Grave
- RG- A Good Czech Gendarme
- RG- A Halutz in the Ghetto and his Three Points
- RG- A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
- RG- A Wool Vest for a Half of Bread
- RG- Baptized Jews are Coming
- RG- Competitors for Potatoes
- RG- Death Rate 150 Daily
- RG- Do Not Built in the Goles (Diaspora)
- RG- Doctors are Hungry Too
- RG- Encephalitis in the Ghetto
- RG- Encounter of the Carriages
- RG- Everyone's Dream, Privacy in his own Closet
- RG- Good Morning Herr Doktor
- RG- Hambo, the Singer
- RG- Head Count
- RG- Impetigo in the Ghetto
- RG- In Beth Halutzoth, in the Hamburg Barracks
- RG- Jewish Anti-Semite in the Ghetto
- RG- Jewish Order Police from the Westerbork Camp
- RG- Leisure Activity
- RG- Light Control
- RG- Mission of the Economic Department
- RG- Permit Stamp
- RG- Planks for a Kumbal
- RG- Polenschutz or Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
- RG- Prague is Free of Jews
- RG- Prisoner's Disease
- RG- Return after Disinfection
- RG- Rumors (Bonke) by Latrine B IV
- RG- Running Low
- RG- Schleusst und Stiehlt
- RG- Senior Inmates often were Thieves
- RG- Six Companions
- RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
- RG- Sylvester 1942, New Year Eve Prophecy
- RG- Terezinka - a Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Camp Commander Ridicules
- RG- The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
- RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, The Ghetto Girl
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Beautified Decorated and Phony
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, A Happy Ghetto
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, the Dining Room
- RG- Three Kings in the Ghetto, Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
- RG- Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
- RG- Transport Sorrows
- RG- Consolidated file-Leskly Photos with captions
- RG- A Cheap Cake for a Birthday
- RG- A Wool Vest for a Half of Bread
- RG- Rumors from the Front Lines
- RG- Building the Railroad to the Ghetto
- RG- Encephalitis in the Ghetto
- RG- Encounter of the Carriages
- RG- Exhibition of Lichtblau-Leskly
- RG- Hambo, the Singer
- RG- Her Business with Soup
- RG- In Beth Chalutzoth
- RG- Title Cards with Translations
- RG- Exhibit sizing and source information
- RG- Advertisement, Portraiture of Ghetto Life
- RG- Exhibit Title Page, 2
- RG- Prospective exhibition, Prague is Free of Jews
- RG- Ten prospective exhibits
- RG- Permit Stamp for 10 kilo Packages
- RG- Shared Joy is Double Joy
- RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
- RG- New Year’s Eve Prophecy
- RG- Terezinka, A Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Chaluz
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, A Happy Ghetto
- RG- A Transport Aid
- RG- Halutz in the Ghetto
- RG- Terezinka, a Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, the Ghetto Girl
- RG- A Baptized Jew is a Jew
- RG- A Cheap Cake for Birthday
- RG- A Child's Dream
- RG- A Clean Ghetto for the Gentlemen from the Red Cross
- RG- A Dream, A Home for Weary Halutsim
- RG- A Farewell, See You again in the Mass Grave
- RG- A Good Czech Gendarme
- RG- A Halutz in the Ghetto and his three points
- RG- A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
- RG- A wool-vest for a half of bread
- RG- Arrival of the Jews from Denmark to Terezin
- RG- Bonke, Rumors from the Front-lines
- RG- Building a Railroad to the Ghetto
- RG- Coffin Factory
- RG- Cook and cleaning crew is a good catch in the Ghetto
- RG- Death Rate, 150 Daily
- RG- Do not Build in the Diaspora
- RG- Doctors are Hungary Too
- RG- Encounter of the Carriages- Aryan and Jewish Carriages
- RG- Everyone's dream-Privacy in his own Kumbal (closet)
- RG- Exclusion from the Transport
- RG- Father is Stealing, Son is Stealing
- RG- Ghettoized
- RG- Grandma's Hand Luggage for the Journey to the East
- RG- Hambo, the Singer
- RG- Head Count
- RG- Her Business with the Soup
- RG- In Beth Chaluzoth, Hamburg Barracks, Room No. 305
- RG- Jewish Order Police from Westerbork Camp's Trasport Arrivied
- RG- Leisure Activity
- RG- Let me smoke a bit, a cigarette from mouth to mouth
- RG- Lunch time in Beth Chalutzot
- RG- Mission of the Economy Department
- RG- Night Quietness in the Hanover Barracks
- RG- Not enough water, too many Ghetto inmates
- RG- Only for hard workers - added small rations
- RG- Permit Stamp for 10 kg Packages from Friends and Relatives...but only a few got
- RG- Planks for the Kumbal (for a private closet)
- RG- Prague is free of Jews
- RG- Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
- RG- Rumors from Latrine BIV
- RG- Return after Disinfection
- RG- Risky Apple Stealing
- RG- Senior Inmates are Often Mean Thieves
- RG- Shared Joy is Double Joy
- RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
- RG- Stealing and Schleussing (Organizing)
- RG- Sylvester 1942, New Years' Eve Prophecy
- RG- Terezinka, a Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Light Control
- RG- The Morning Salute of the Ghetto Guard
- RG- The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
- RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, The Ghetto Girl
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, a Happy Ghetto
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Beautified, Decorated, and Phony
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Dining room
- RG- Three Kings of the Ghetto-Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
- RG- Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
- RG- Transport Sorrows
- RG- View through the Window
- RG-27.01.03, Arnold Schoenberg obituary, Arbeiter-Zeitung, Vienna
- RG-27.01.06, Arthur and Eveline Schoenberg marriage certificate
- RG-27.01.09, Arthur Schoenberg to the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior on the question of retaining his German citizenship
- RG-27.01.10, Arthur Schoenberg to the City Council of Munich on the question of retaining his German citizenship
- RG-27.01.12, Arthur Schoenberg, Diagrams, Scheme of electricity distribution in Yugoslavia
- RG-27.01.13, Arthur Schoenberg, Diploma of Recognition by the German Museum in Munich, 1930
- RG-27.01.14, Arthur Schoenberg, Diploma, 1926
- RG-27.01.15, Arthur Schoenberg, Electrical network map of Yugoslavia
- RG-27.01.18, Arthur Schoenberg, Group photograph on the visit to the Economy and Society Museum in Duesseldorf, 1931 (backside)
- RG-27.01.19, Arthur Schoenberg, Inheritance
- RG-27.01.20, Arthur Schoenberg, Photograph of the postcard to Gisela Cohn in Vienna, 1884
- RG-27.01.21, Arthur Schoenberg, Postcard to his daughter from Eisenach
- RG-27.01.22, Arthur Schoenberg, Postcard to his wife from Bamberg
- RG-27.01.23, Arthur Schoenberg, Postcard to his wife Eva from Eisenbach
- RG-27.01.24, Arthur Schoenberg, Project for a New Electrical Distribution for Yugoslavia
- RG-27.01.25, Arthur Schoenberg, Royal Bavarian Diploma, His service for the war effort is recognized
- RG-27.01.26, Arthur Schoenberg, Royal Bavarian Diploma, 1906
- RG-27.01.27, Arthur Schoenberg, Royal Bavarian Diploma, 1910
- RG-27.01.28, Arthur Schoenberg, Weimar Republic state diploma, 1925
- RG-27.01.29, Else Schoenberg, Notification from the government of Upper Bavaria of revocation of her German citizenship
- RG-27.01.33, Else Schoenberg, Letter from Rudolf Miller with regard to Arthur prewar plan on Yugoslavian electrical project
- RG-27.01.34, Eveline Schoenberg, Inheritance
- RG-27.01.36, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg's acquaintance from Theresienstadt to Martin Bach in Zuerich
- RG-27.01.37, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg in Munich to Martin Bach in Zuerich
- RG-27.01.39, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg to Ewald Schniewind with request for help to his daughter Else
- RG-27.01.40, Lotte Ernst, Inheritance
- RG-27.02.01, Letter written on 26 April 1940
- RG-27.02.02, Letter, written on January 13, 1940. From Ida to Frieda
- RG-27.02.03, Graduation certificate of Edith Aberbach from a girls' junior high school in Berlin-Schoeneberg
- RG-27.02.04, Letter to Frieda from Kaethe and Oskar, 13 January 1940
- RG-27.02.05, Letter written to Edith from her parents, 12 February 1941
- RG-27.02.06, Certificate of Good Conduct
- RG-27.02.07, Graduation certificate from a domestic science school in Berlin
- RG-27.02.08, Postcard sent on 24 August 1938 from Berlin to Lansdale, Pennsylvania
- RG-27.02.09, Postcard sent on 11 November 1938 to Brooklyn, New York
- RG-27.02.10, Postcard sent on 13 November 1938 to Brooklyn, New York
- RG-27.02.11, Postcard sent on 18 November 1938 to Brooklyn, New York
- RG-27.02.12, Letter written on 27 November 1938
- RG-27.02.13, Letter written on 3 December 1938
- RG-27.02.15, Postcard written on 4 September 1939
- RG-27.02.16, Postcard written on 15 December 1939
- RG-27.02.17, Letter written on 23 December 1939
- RG-27.02.18, Letter written on 14 January 1940
- RG-27.02.19, Letter written on 9 April 1940
- RG-27.02.20, Letter written on 11 April 1940
- RG-27.02.21, Envelope addressed to Edith Aberbach
- RG-27.02.22, Letter written on 10 May 1940
- RG-27.02.23, Postcard written on 1 August 1940
- RG-27.02.24, Postcard written on 1 August 1940
- RG-27.02.25, Postcard written on 5 August 1940
- RG-27.02.26, Letter written on 6 August 1940
- RG-27.02.27, Postcard written on 7 August 1940
- RG-27.02.29, Letter written on 17 September 1940
- RG-27.02.30, Letter written on 11 October 1940
- RG-27.02.31, Letter written on 19 November 1940
- RG-27.02.32, Letter written on 24 November 1940
- RG-27.02.34, Letter written on 4 December 1940
- RG-27.02.35, Letter written on 11 December 1940
- RG-27.02.36, Letter written on 30 December 1940
- RG-27.02.37, Very short or possibly part of a letter, written on 20 January 1941
- RG-27.02.38, Letter written on 20 January 1941
- RG-27.02.39, Letter written on 7 May 1941
- RG-27.02.40, Correspondence from the Belgian Red Cross, 11 May 1942
- RG-27.02.41, Letter written on 7 June 1941
- RG-27.02.43, Letter written on 13 September 1941
- RG-27.02.46, Undated letter from Kaethe Aberbach to Edith's roommates
- RG-27.02.61, Letter, written on December 9, 1939. Probably from parents to Edith and or Erich in the US
- RG-27.02.62, Letter, written on August 7, 1940. From Frieda Schuele (possibly an aunt) to Edith
- RG-27.02.63, Letter, written on August 7, 1941. From Ester to her cousins Erich and Joseph in Morocco
- RG-27.03.01, Birth Certificate of Egon Zeisl, Vienna, issued in 1907
- RG-27.03.02, Letter from Siegfried Zeisl (Vienna) to Egon Zeisl (San Francisco), 11 December 1950
- RG-27.03.03, ID for mailing affairs, issued in Vienna, 19 August 1938
- RG-27.03.05, Baptism certificate, issued in Vienna, 16 August 1938
- RG-27.03.07, Certificate of tax innocuousness, issued by tax administration responsible for the 2, 20, and 21 district of Vienna, 21 July 1938
- RG-27.03.10, Letter from the chairman of the Jewish cultural community of Vienna, 15 June 1937
- RG-27.03.14, Certificate of Residence, 20 January 1936 (Copy)
- RG-27.03.15, Certificate of Residence, 20 January 1936 (Original)
- RG-27.03.16, Confirmation that Egon Zeisl is able to purchase and sell for a stock company
- RG-27.03.17, House accounting, 12 December 1950
- RG-27.03.18, House accounting, 18 December 1950
- RG-27.03.19, Repertoire of songs of Egon Zeisl
- RG-27.03.20, Letter from Siegfried to Egon Zeisl, 30 March 1952, Vienna
- RG-27.03.22, Letter from Siegfried to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 18 November 1946
- RG-27.03.23, Repertoire of songs of Egon Zeisl
- RG-27.03.24, Letter from the Credit Association, Vienna, 18 January 1954
- RG-27.03.25, Letter from the Credit Association, Vienna, 15 January 1954
- RG-27.03.26, American Red Cross message, 24 July 1942
- RG-27.03.27, Parcel delivery paper, Vienna, 10 March 1941
- RG-27.03.28, Repertoire of songs and characters of Egon Zeisl
- RG-27.03.29, Repertoire of songs and characters of Egon Zeisl
- RG-27.03.30, House accounting papers, March-December 1952
- RG-27.03.31, Letter from Siegfried and Lilly to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 6 November 1952
- RG-27.03.32, Letter from Siegfried to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 10 January 1953
- RG-27.03.33, Poem for Egon Zeisl's 40th birthday
- RG-27.03.34, Letter from or to Eric Zeisl, 15 February 1958
- RG-27.03.35, Egon Zeisl, Mail ID
- RG-27.03.36, Association for German Stage members
- RG-27.03.37, Graduation Certificate of Trading school for Egon Zeisl, 5 July 1919 (inside)
- RG-27.03.38, Graduation Certificate of Trading school for Egon Zeisl, 5 July 1919 (front)
- RG-27.03.39, Confirmation that Egon Zeisl is authorized to carry through purchases and sales for this company
- RG-27.03.42, Article about Egon Zeisl after he died, 27 February 1959
- RG-27.03.43, Article about Egon Zeisl due to his 50th birthday, 1956
- RG-27.03.44, Birth certificate of Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 4 February 1907
- RG-27.03.46, Membership card of the German Stage Association, 1931
- RG-27.04.01, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 14, 1920 for the school year 1919-20
- RG-27.04.02, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 12, 1921 for the school year 1920-21 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.03, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on July 6, 1921 for the school year 1920-21 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.04, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on July 6, 1922 for the school year 1921-22 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.06, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on June 28, 1923 for the school year 1922-23 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.07, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 15, 1923 for the school year 1922-23 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.08, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 1, 1924 for the school year 1923-24 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.09, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on July 5, 1924 for the school year 1923-24 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.10, Certificate, issued on October 6, 1926. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
- RG-27.04.11, Contract, signed on July 13, 1927. Contract between the Israeli Temple Club and Wilhelm Zeisl
- RG-27.04.12, Certificate, issued on October 12, 1927. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
- RG-27.04.13, Contract, signed on February 9, 1928. Contract between the Israeli Temple Club and Wilhelm Zeisl
- RG-27.04.14, Certificate, issued on July 23, 1928. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
- RG-27.04.15, Contract, signed on April 15, 1929. Contract between Wilhelm Zeisl and the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
- RG-27.04.16, Letter, sent on October 14, 1929. From the Israeli Temple Club to Wilhelm Zeisl
- RG-27.04.17, Certificate, issued on June 16, 1930. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
- RG-27.04.18, Contract, on June 3, 1931. Contract between Wilhelm Zeisl and the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
- RG-27.04.19, Letter, written on February 8, 1932. From the Israeli Temple Club to Wilhelm Zeisl
- RG-27.04.20, Certificate, issued on April 30, 1932. From the Israeli Temple Club to Wilhelm Zeisl
- RG-27.04.21, Letter, written on October 10, 1932 to Wilhelm Zeisl from the head of the National Academy for Music and Performing Art
- RG-27.04.23, Willy Zeisl, Membership card, Austrian music educator association. Issued on November 1, 1936 in Vienna
- RG-27.04.24, Certificate from the 'Association of Austrian Performing Artists'
- RG-27.04.25, Correspondence, May 21, 1938, updated on July 22, 1938. To Zeisl from the tax authority in Berlin-Schoeneberg
- RG-29.03, The Jews under the Occupation, a publication
- RG-34.01.01, Werner Schleyer, A Diary of the sea voyage from England to New York, 1940
- RG-34.02.04, A note to Werner in German, a letter from Florence to Werner in English
- RG-34.02.05-RG-34.02.11, Correspondences between S. Meyer, B. Schleyer, Mrs. Sachs in England and Werner Schleyer in Germany
- RG-34.02.12, US Consulate in Frankfurt to Werner Schleyer, official communication
- RG-34.02.13, Official communication from Swiss Consulate in Frankfurt to Ms. Susanna Schleyer in Wiesbaden
- RG-34.02.16, Information on Material claim on the part of Werner Schleyer to Wiesbaden, 1967
- RG-34.02.21, Official communication from American Consulate General in Frankfurt dated by 22 July 1939
- RG-34.02.26, Letter from the American Consulate in Stuttgart to Werner Schleyer in Frankfurt am Main dated 4 November 1938
- RG-34.02.34, Letter to Werner Schleyer, handwriting in German, 23 February 1939
- RG-34.02.35, A handwritten letter to Werner Schleyer in German, undated
- RG-34.02.36, Letter to Werner Schleyer, handwriting in German, 21 July 1938
- RG-34.02.37, Letter to Werner Schleyer in German, 22 March 1939
- RG-34.02.38, Letter to Werner Schleyer in German, 20 January 1938
- RG-34.02.46, Telegram from Werner sent from Germany, August 16 1938
- RG-36.01.02, A ribbon, Squadron Boelcke
- RG-36.01.03, Badges and pin with swastika
- RG-36.01.08, German African Corps buckle
- RG-36.01.09, German Field Gendarmerie Gorget
- RG-36.01.10, German Military Epaulette, Wehrmacht
- RG-36.01.12, Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend) buckle
- RG-36.01.21, Non-commissioned officer's steel buckle
- RG-36.01.22, Painted NSDAP (Nazi Party) Pin
- RG-36.01.23, Police officer's dress buckle
- RG-36.01.24, Russian campaign medal with ribbon
- RG-36.01.25, Russian campaign medal, front and rear view, 1941-1942
- RG-36.01.28, SS badge for the SS Gruppe West of Frankfurt am Main, inscription Deployment on Section XI
- RG-36.01.36, Ich Hatt Einen Kameraden Medallion (I had a comrade)
- RG-36.01.42, Black armband
- RG-36.01.43, Red Nazi armband with sticker
- RG-36.01.45, Yellow Deutsche Wehrmacht armband
- RG-36.01.55, Einsatzsturm der NSDAP
- RG-36.02.01, Third Reich Paratrooper Knife
- RG-36.02.10, SS dagger donated by Rosenthal. Marked with “SS,” state emblem, and motto, “Meine Ehre heiβt Treue”
- RG-36.04.01, Reichspfennig Coin, dated 1932 (1)
- RG-36.04.02, Reichspfennig Coin, dated 1932 (2)
- RG-36.06.01, Adolf Hitler Poster (1). Torn from a store window in Munich, Germany by Lyle Stathem Bettger on August 19, 1934
- RG-36.06.02, Adolf Hitler Poster (2). Torn from a store window in Munich, Germany by Lyle Stathem Bettger on August 19, 1934
- RG-36.09.01, Soldbuch zugleich Personalausweis (SS ID booklet). Issued to Karl Meyer
- RG-36.09.02, Urkunde booklet. Sports society membership booklet
- RG-36.09.05, Addition to NSDAP membership booklet. Blank
- RG-37.01.01, Karl Sinai, Birth Certificate
- RG-37.01.02, Grete Sinai, Contract of apprenticeship with the family business Reiss Brothers, 1930
- RG-37.01.03, Notice for Compensation, Application
- RG-37.01.04, Grete Sinai, Divorce Settlement Papers, German translation
- RG-37.01.05, Grete Sinai, Certificate of completion of the apprenticeship training, 1932,
- RG-37.01.15, Letter to Federal Ministry for Property of Austria, 1947
- RG-37.01.17, Grete Sinai, Gebrueder Reiss firm, job verification (copy)
- RG-37.03.01, Karl Sinai, Album 1
- RG-38.01.01, Mukacevo Ghetto, five original photographs, date taken 4 April 1944
- RG-38.01.02, Mukacevo Ghetto, April 1944, original photographs
- RG-43.02.100, Postcard of Stradttheater in Posen
- RG-43.02.101, Advertisement of the opera, Hoftheater, 1 May 1917
- RG-43.02.105, Photograph of a 3-story building and garden in Altenburg
- RG-43.02.108, Theatrical article in a newspaper
- RG-43.02.109, Handwritten notes
- RG-43.02.110, Advertisement of the drama Salome by Oscar Wilde, Alfred Glass performing
- RG-43.02.111, German newspaper clipping, Theater und Mulif
- RG-43.02.114, Handwritten note
- RG-43.02.115, Business card of Dr. Hellpach with handwritten note
- RG-43.02.116, A New Year's best wishes card
- RG-43.02.117, Handwritten note
- RG-43.02.118, Typed note to Herr Glass, 1925
- RG-43.02.119, Clipping
- RG-43.02.12, Oval framed picture of Elsa Glass Sant
- RG-43.02.120, Newspaper clipping
- RG-43.02.121, Newspaper clipping 1925
- RG-43.02.122, Image of Schweidnitzer Street, Breslau
- RG-43.02.123, Image of Stadttheater, Breslau
- RG-43.02.124, Newspaper clipping of an image of Professor Josef Turnau
- RG-43.02.125, Newspaper clipping, article on Breslauer Theater
- RG-43.02.138, Newspaper clipping of an image of Alfred Glass
- RG-43.02.139, Newspaper clipping of an image of Alfred Glass
- RG-43.02.173, Three images of a street scene and a factory
- RG-43.02.177, Two images, portrait of a man and an actor with guitar
- RG-43.02.178, Two images, photograph of a man and building facade
- RG-43.02.180, Three images, musicians and a portrait of a man
- RG-43.02.181, Three images, portrait of a child and facade of a building
- RG-43.02.182, Three images, newspaper clipping and portraits of a man and woman
- RG-43.02.184, Three images, newspaper clippings and photographs of an actor
- RG-43.02.185, Two images, building facade and portrait of a child and dog
- RG-43.02.186, Four images, newspaper clippings, photographs of a child
- RG-43.02.187, Three images, newspaper clippings, photographs of a man
- RG-43.02.190, Four images, newspaper clipping, photographs of a building, a man, and woman
- RG-43.02.192, Five images, photographs of man, outdoor scene, and building
- RG-43.02.25, Concert advertisement 27 January 1906, Elsa Sant performing W.A. Mozart
- RG-43.02.26, Portrait of a Composer
- RG-43.02.27, Portrait of a Composer
- RG-43.02.40, Picture of the office clerks with the map of Europe on the wall
- RG-43.02.43, Picture showing a room full of flowers in the memoriam
- RG-43.02.44, Picture showing a street in Breslau
- RG-43.02.61, Picture of the building in Charlottenburg
- RG-43.02.71, Picture of the Museum of Kaiser Friedrich-Denkmal, Breslau, beginning of the 20th century
- RG-43.02.72, Letter signed by Alfred Glass, 26 January 1924
- RG-43.02.73, Advertisement of Ariadne auf Naxos, music of Richard Strauss, Alfred Glass included as a performer
- RG-43.02.74, Advertisement of Der Rosenkavalier, music of Richard Strauss, Alfred Glass included as a performer
- RG-43.02.75, Advertisement of Richard Strauss festival, 1-7 June 1924
- RG-43.02.76, Articles from the newspapers
- RG-43.02.79, Advertisement of an opera week, 15 May 1923
- RG-43.02.80, Letter from the Director of the State Theatres, Saarbrucken, dated 19 May 1923
- RG-43.02.82, Advertisement of the opera Figaro, Alfred Glass performing as Figaro 10 September 1922
- RG-43.02.85, Advertisement of an opera, 2 October 1921 with Alfred Glass performing
- RG-43.02.86, Note addressed to Alfred Glass, opera singer, 18 January 1921
- RG-43.02.88, Telegram to Alfred Glass
- RG-43.02.89, Advertisement of the opera, Alfred Glass performing
- RG-43.02.90, Picture of Trier
- RG-43.02.91, Colored picture of the bridge in Trier
- RG-43.02.92, Postcard of the city Trier
- RG-43.02.95, Picture showing a scene from the opera, Alfred Glass performing
- RG-43.02.96, Article in the newspaper, Alfred Glass's name is mentioned, 15 August 1918
- RG-43.02.97, Article on opera Don Juan
- RG-43.02.98, Postcard of the city Posen
- RG-45.01.18, Police Officer Hoffmann Report to Gestapo concerning the Jewish Question, 1943
- RG-45.01.20, Selection at Auschwitz
- RG-45.01.22, Theresienstadt Ghetto gate with Arbeit macht frei sign
- RG-45.02.118, Warsaw ghetto, ration card
- RG-45.02.126, Warsaw, Jews are not allowed into the park
- RG-45.02.71, Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
- RG-46.01.08, Announcement about regulation of Jewish residence and work card in Lwow, April 1942
- RG-46.01.20, Hoffmanns, Nazi anti-British and anti-Communist propaganda after invasion of Poland
- RG-46.01.93, Weimar Republic, a map appeal for German unificaiton
- RG-46.01.94, Weimar Republic, Berlin, 1920s, Ausflügler vor Kaffee-Küche, Bundesarchiv
- RG-46.01.95, Weimar Republic, Communists electoral campaign poster, 1919-1933
- RG-46.01.96, Weimar Republic, Election poster of Social-Democrats, List No. 3
- RG-46.01.97, Electoral campaign of the German Social Democrats, down with Nazis, select SPD
- RG-46.01.98, Weimar Republic, International Women's Day, placard
- RG-46.02.02, Announcement, all Soviet symbols to be destroyed, Lviv, August 1941
- RG-46.02.06, Association for the German East, placard
- RG-46.02.18, Proclamation to join th 14th SS Galizien infantry division, Lviv, May 1943
- RG-46.02.23, A diagram illustraing the racial Nuremberg Laws
- RG-46.02.25, Ukrainian Security auxiliary police post , district Sarig, Volhynia, 1942
- RG-46.04.04, A street in Lodz ghetto, scene under a footbridge
- RG-46.04.15, Appeals to boycott Jewish businesses in Germany, April 1933
- RG-46.04.52, Identification cards issued to the Jews in Theresienstadt
- RG-46.04.54, Boycott of Jewish stores by the Storm Troopers (SA), April 1933
- RG-46.07.01, Edict requiring compulsory labor for all Jews in district Galicia, September 1941
- RG-48.01.01, Anker Family Tree
- RG-48.01.02, Jean Paul Flegeljahre Adolescence
- RG-48.01.03, Jews in Prussia- A Chapter of German History
- RG-48.01.04, Otto Flake Dinge der Zeit Things of the Time
- RG-48.01.06, Prayer Book for the Synagogue School and Home
- RG-48.02.02, Georg Anker, photograph of military bunker in forest, First World War
- RG-48.03.01, Work Identification Card for Alma Landshut
- RG-48.03.02, Work Identification Packet for Alma Landshut
- RG-48.03.03, Health Report for Alma Landshut, Theresienstadt ghetto
- RG-48.03.04, Doctor's Note for Alma Landshut
- RG-48.03.05, Theresienstadt document, a ration card issued by Jewish administration
- RG-48.04.19, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, Bernard of Hollywood, portrait with Vera's info circa 1946
- RG-48.04.28, German forein passport issued to Helene Gottschalk Cohn 1934
- RG-48.04.34, Vera Laroche (Levin) rejection letter from the Reich Literature Chamber (RSK) 16 March 1935 copy
- RG-48.04.70, Vera Laroche (Levin) United States passport issued 3 June 1952
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, German and Italian cinema, Part 1
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, German cinema and theater, Part 2
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, German cinema reviews and actors, Part 6
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, interviews with German actors, Part 3
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, photographs of German cinema, Part 8
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, portraits of Vera and German film abstract, Part 7
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, Vera's interviews and photography, German cinema, Part 4
- RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, Vera's theater reviews, Part 5
- RG-52.02.03, Label Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia
- RG-52.02.04, Certificate of no criminal record for emigration, Eva Kemenyova, August 1939
- RG-52.02.08, List of allowed items for emigration, August 1939
- RG-52.02.11, Ticket booklet for company trip
- RG-52.02.13, Impfkarte vaccination cold chain card issued in Theresienstadt
- RG-52.02.15, Form from doctor in Theresienstadt, visit by Zoltan Foldes
- RG-52.02.16, Form from doctor in Theresienstadt, Zoltan Foldes, indicates workplace and occupation
- RG-52.02.19, Letter to Eva 1
- RG-52.02.20, Letter to Eva 2
- RG-52.02.21, Letter to Eva 3
- RG-52.02.22, Letter to Eva 4
- RG-52.02.23, Letter to Eva 5
- RG-52.02.24, Letter to Eva 6, November 21, 1940
- RG-52.02.25, Letter to Eva 7
- RG-52.02.26, Letter to Eva 8
- RG-52.02.27, Letter to Eva 9
- RG-52.02.28, Letter to Eva 10
- RG-52.02.29, Letter to Eva 11
- RG-52.02.30, Letter to Eva 12
- RG-52.02.31, Letter to Eva 13
- RG-52.02.32, Letter to Eva 14
- RG-52.02.33, Letter to Eva 15
- RG-52.02.34, Letter to Eva 16
- RG-52.02.35, Letter to Eva 17
- RG-52.02.36, Letter to Eva 18
- RG-52.02.37, Letter to Eva 19
- RG-52.02.38, Letter to Eva 20
- RG-52.02.39, Letter to Eva 21
- RG-52.02.40, Letter to Eva 22
- RG-52.02.41, Letter to Eva 23
- RG-52.02.42, Letter to Eva 24
- RG-52.02.43, Letter to Eva 25
- RG-59.01.01, Voelkischer Beobachter 16 March 1935
- RG-59.01.02, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 September 1937, Part 1
- RG-59.01.02, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 September 1937, Part 2
- RG-59.01.03, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 September 1937, Part 1
- RG-59.01.03, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 September 1937, Part 2
- RG-59.01.04, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 1
- RG-59.01.04, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 2
- RG-59.01.04, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 3
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 1
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 10
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 2
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 3
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 4
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 5
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 6
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 7
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 8
- RG-59.01.05, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1938, Part 9
- RG-59.01.06, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 1
- RG-59.01.06, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 2
- RG-59.01.06, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 3
- RG-59.01.06, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 4
- RG-59.01.06, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 5
- RG-59.01.06, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 6
- RG-59.01.07, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 February 1938, Part 1
- RG-59.01.07, Voelkischer Beobachter 24 June 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.01.08, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 June 1940, Part 1
- RG-59.01.08, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 June 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.01.09, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 June 1940, Part 1
- RG-59.01.09, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 June 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.01.09, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 June 1940, Part 3
- RG-59.01.09, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 June 1940, Part 4
- RG-59.01.10, Voelkischer Beobachter 27 June 1940, Part 1
- RG-59.01.10, Voelkischer Beobachter 27 June 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.01.11, Voelkischer Beobachter 29 June 1940, Part 1
- RG-59.01.11, Voelkischer Beobachter 29 June 1940, Part 2
- RG-59.01.11, Voelkischer Beobachter 29 June 1940, Part 3
- RG-59.01.12, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 June 1940
- RG-59.01.13, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 July 1940
- RG-59.01.14, Voelkischer Beobachter 2 July 1940
- RG-59.01.15, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 July 1940
- RG-59.01.16, Voelkischer Beobachter 5 July 1940
- RG-59.01.17, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 July 1940
- RG-59.01.18, Voelkischer Beobachter 7 July 1940
- RG-59.01.19, Voelkischer Beobachter 8 July 1940
- RG-59.01.20, Voelkischer Beobachter 9 July 1940
- RG-59.01.21, Voelkischer Beobachter 10 July 1940
- RG-59.01.22, Voelkischer Beobachter 11 July 1940
- RG-59.01.23, Voelkischer Beobachter 12 July 1940
- RG-59.01.24, Voelkischer Beobachter 13 July 1940
- RG-59.01.25, Voelkischer Beobachter 14 July 1940
- RG-59.01.26, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 February 1941
- RG-59.01.27, Voelkischer Beobachter 23 June 1941
- RG-59.01.28, Voelkischer Beobachter 14 October 1941
- RG-59.01.29, Voelkischer Beobachter 16 October 1941
- RG-59.01.30, Voelkischer Beobachter 18 December 1941
- RG-59.01.31, Voelkischer Beobachter 19 December 1941
- RG-59.01.32, Voelkischer Beobachter 20 December 1941
- RG-59.01.33, Voelkischer Beobachter 18 November 1942
- RG-59.01.34, Voelkischer Beobachter 28 November 1942
- RG-59.01.35, Voelkischer Beobachter 29 November 1942
- RG-59.01.36, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 December 1942
- RG-59.01.37, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 December 1942
- RG-59.01.38, Voelkischer Beobachter 8 December 1942
- RG-59.01.39, Voelkischer Beobachter 10 December 1942
- RG-59.01.40, Voelkischer Beobachter 11 December 1942
- RG-59.01.41, Voelkischer Beobachter 16 December 1942
- RG-59.01.42, Voelkischer Beobachter 29 December 1942
- RG-59.01.43, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 December 1942
- RG-59.01.44, Voelkischer Beobachter 31 December 1942
- RG-59.01.45, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.45, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.45, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.45, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 January 1943, Part 4
- RG-59.01.45, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 January 1943, Part 5
- RG-59.01.46, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.46, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.46, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.47, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.47, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.47, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.48, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.48, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.48, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.48, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 January 1943, Part 4
- RG-59.01.49, Voelkischer Beobachter 20 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.49, Voelkischer beobachter 20 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.49, Voelkischer Beobachter 20 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.50, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.50, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.50, Voelkischer Beobachter 21 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.51, Voelkischer Beobachter 22 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.51, Voelkischer Beobachter 22 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.51, Voelkischer Beobachter 22 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.52, Voelkischer Beobachter 23 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.52, Voelkischer Beobachter 23 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.52, Voelkischer Beobachter 23 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.53, Voelkischer Beobachter 24 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.53, Voelkischer Beobachter 24 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.53, Voelkischer Beobachter 24 January 1943, Part 4
- RG-59.01.54, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.54, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.54, Voelkischer Beobachter 25 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.55, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.55, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.55, Voelkischer Beobachter 26 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.56, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.56, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.56, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.56, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1943, Part 4
- RG-59.01.56, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1943, Part 5
- RG-59.01.56, Voelkischer Beobachter 30 January 1943, Part 6
- RG-59.01.57, Voelkischer Beobachter 31 January 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.57, Voelkischer Beobachter 31 January 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.57, Voelkischer Beobachter 31 January 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.57, Voelkischer Beobachter 31 January 1943, Part 4
- RG-59.01.58, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.58, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.58, Voelkischer Beobachter 1 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.59, Voelkischer Beobachter 2 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.59, Voelkischer Beobachter 2 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.59, Voelkischer Beobachter 2 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.60, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.60, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.60, Voelkischer Beobachter 3 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.61, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.61, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.61, Voelkischer Beobachter 4 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.62, Voelkischer Beobachter 5 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.62, Voelkischer Beobachter 5 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.62, Voelkischer Beobachter 5 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.63, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.63, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.63, Voelkischer Beobachter 6 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.64, Voelkischer Beobachter 10 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.64, Voelkischer Beobachter 10 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.64, Voelkischer Beobachter 10 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.65, Voelkischer Beobachter 12 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.65, Voelkischer Beobachter 12 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.65, Voelkischer Beobachter 12 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.65, Voelkischer Beobachter 12 February 1943, Part 4
- RG-59.01.66, Voelkischer Beobachter 15 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.66, Voelkischer Beobachter 15 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.66, Voelkischer Beobachter 15 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.67, Voelkischer Beobachter 17 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.67, Voelkischer Beobachter 17 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.67, Voelkischer Beobachter 17 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.68, Voelkischer Beobachter 19 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.68, Voelkischer Beobachter 19 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.01.68, Voelkischer Beobachter 19 February 1943, Part 3
- RG-59.01.69, Voelkischer Beobachter 20 February 1943, Part 1
- RG-59.01.69, Voelkischer Beobachter 20 February 1943, Part 2
- RG-59.03.01, Anton Karl, prayer book, St. Antonius
- RG-59.03.02, Anton Karl, portraits and postcard
- RG-59.03.03, German military literature, Boot Greift Wiederan (The Boat is Attacking)
- RG-59.03.04, Anton Karl, religious texts and prayer cards
- Rg-59.03.05, Anton Karl, Der rote Kampfflieger (The Red Fighter Pilot), Manfred von Richthofen
- RG-59.03.06, Anton Karl, National Socialist Official Newspaper (NSBZ), Hermann Neef
- RG-59.03.07, Anton Karl, German literature, Die Beiden Straeflinge (The Two Convicts)
- RG-59.03.08, Anton Karl, German military literature, Eine Kompanie marschiert (The Company is Marching On)
- RG-59.03.10, Anton Karl, German literature, Ereignisse an der Grenze (Events at the Border)
- RG-59.03.11, Anton Karl, German military literature, Fliegerhorst im Erlenbusch (Aerodrome in the alder bush)
- RG-59.03.13, Anton Karl, German military literature, Holle uber Frankreich (Hell over France)
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