Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: concentration camp photographs

- RG-66.07, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, entrance to the camp
- RG-02.04, Brycha Publication, entitled “To Home Through the ‘Vale of Tears’”, 1945-1948
- RG-02.05.14, newspaper article 'Doctor may be boy in Holocaust photo', Rockland Review, 30 June 1982
- RG-07.01.01, Photograph, Fourteen detainees killed at the electric wire, for Nazis' amusement
- RG-07.01.04, Photograph, A group of detainees leaves the internment camp Royalieu for the train station of Compiegne,France
- RG-07.01.06, Photographs, Above photo titled 'Uprising of Buchenwald of April 11, 1945' depicted by Boris Tatzlitzki; Below photo
- RG-07.01.07, Photographs, Above photo is of a cattle car of corpses; below-the prisoners left behind who are mostly sick
- RG-07.01.08, Photographs, Above photo is of the torturing of a detainee; below photo is of a device for shooting in the neck
- RG-07.01.09, Photographs, Above photo is of a man humiliated by Nazis; below photo- roll call in Oranienburg concentration camp
- RG-07.01.10, Photograph, After leaving the cattle car, the prisoners are told to line up in groups of five
- RG-07.01.11, Photograph, Prisoners posing for picture after the liberation of a concentration camp
- RG-07.01.12, Photograph, Last days of Warsaw ghetto uprising, arrest of Jews
- RG-07.01.13, Photograph, Demonstration in place of Nazi crimes, quotation in French
- RG-07.01.14, Photograph, Entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-07.01.16, Photograph, Deportation from Westerbork transit camp to Auschwitz ca. 1944
- RG-07.01.17, Photographs, Memorial of those who died in several concentration camps
- RG-07.01.21, Photograph, Former Soviet and Spanish deportees joined armed forces again
- RG-07.01.23, Photograph, Group of prisoners forced to play music while their comrades are brought to execution
- RG-07.01.24, Photograph, Hanging of a prisoner
- RG-07.01.25, Photograph, Himmler and other Nazi officials at an inspection of Mauthausen concentration camp
- RG-07.01.27, Photograph, Homecoming to the families
- RG-07.01.29, Photograph, 'Images of the Apocalypse' - Concentration camp with corpses on the ground
- RG-07.01.30, Photograph, Imprisoned children
- RG-07.01.31, Photograph, Imprisoned women at work
- RG-07.01.32, Photograph, Emaciated former concentration camp prisoners
- RG-07.01.33, Photograph, Invasion of Poland, demolishing of a Polish turnpike
- RG-07.01.34, Photograph, Commemoration of the liberation of the death camps 20 years later (12)
- RG-07.01.35, Photograph, Commemoration of the liberation of the death camps 20 years later (25)
- RG-07.01.36, Photograph, Commemoration of the liberation of the death camps 20 years later (81)
- RG-07.01.37, Photograph, It was 20 years ago, liberation of the death camps
- RG-07.01.38, Photograph, Prisoners with a tirangle on their shriped uniforms
- RG-07.01.39, Photograph, Crematoriums and corpses
- RG-07.01.40, Photograph, Men, women, children, prisoners, train tracks leading to concentraion camps
- RG-07.01.44, Photograph, Female prisoners after liberation (2)
- RG-07.01.45, Photograph, Liberation of Mauthausen
- RG-07.01.46, Photograph, Mauthausen prisoners after liberation
- RG-07.01.47, Photograph, Jewish women before execution, 1941
- RG-07.01.50, Photograph, Nude female prisoner and a boy
- RG-07.01.52, Photograph, Flowers in front of Nazi offices in a concentration camp
- RG-07.01.54, Photograph, People are not sent directly to the gas chambers but were disinfected first
- RG-07.01.56, Photograph, Pile of dead bodies
- RG-07.01.57, Photograph, Pile of shoes, Buchenwald concentraion camp
- RG-07.01.58, Photograph, Prisoner on bunk bed
- RG-07.01.59, Photograph, The face of a young prisoner
- RG-07.01.60, Photograph, Prisoners of Buchenwald in their bunk beds
- RG-07.01.61, Photograph, Public notice on the execution of ten hostages as “atonement” for the assaults of the German army
- RG-07.01.62, Photograph, Report of test series on prisoners
- RG-07.01.63, Photograph, Roll call of prisoners
- RG-07.01.64, Photograph, Roll call of prisoners
- RG-07.01.65, Photograph, A prisoner work detail
- RG-07.01.66, Photograph, Scene of Nazi massacre, dead bodies in a mass grave
- RG-07.01.67, Photograph, An Allied soldier standing over a pit with bodies of dead children
- RG-07.01.69, Photograph, 'Stairway to Death' in Mauthausen concentration camp
- RG-07.01.71, Photograph, 'The entrance to hell'
- RG-07.01.72, Photograph, The last moments before liberation
- RG-07.01.73, Photograph, The quarry 'Wiener Graben' of Mauthausen concentration camp
- RG-07.01.74, Photograph, An Allied soldier looks at the door of a gas chamber
- RG-07.01.75, Photograph, A child with a concentration camp number tattooed on his arm
- RG-07.01.77, Photograph, Torture of prisoners
- RG-07.01.78, Photograph, Upper photograph - Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky
- RG-07.01.80, Photograph, Upper photo, Child in front of ruins in Warsaw, Lower – 1940 invasion of western European countries
- RG-07.01.81, Photograph, Upper photographs - showers, lower photograph - storage of the canisters of Cyclone B
- RG-07.01.82, Photograph, Victims of the death marches
- RG-07.01.84, Photograph, Women performing forced hard labor
- RG-07.01.85, Photograph, Young Spanish Republican killed by a hit of a shovel in Mauthausen concentration camp in 1941
- RG-07.02.03, Janowska Camp, Uniwersytet Zbirow by Michal M. Borwicz
- RG-09.02.01, Photographs, Mauthausen, aftermath of the liberation
- RG-09.02.02, Photograph, Mauthausen, piles of corpses, 1 May 1945
- RG-09.02.03, Photograph, Mauthausen after liberation, a row of dead bodies
- RG-09.03.01, Photographs, Majdanek, mass grave
- RG-09.03.02, Photograph, Majdanek, hanging of the collaborators
- RG-09.03.03, Photograph, Majdanek, four emaciated female survivors
- RG-09.03.04, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
- RG-09.03.05, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine dead prisoners
- RG-09.03.06, Photograph, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on the barbed wire
- RG-09.03.07, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
- RG-09.03.08, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, depicted naked
- RG-09.04.01, Ravensbruck, three photographs of the camp
- RG-09.05.01, Photographs, Dachau in the aftermath of liberation, crime scenes
- RG-, Photographs, Dachau in the aftermath of liberation, crime scenes, page one
- RG-, Photographs, Dachau in the aftermath of liberation, crime scenes, page two
- RG-, Photograph, Dachau in the aftermath of liberation, crime scenes, page three
- RG-09.05.03, A view of the former Dachau concentration camp in August 1945
- RG-09.06.01, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, May 1945
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page one
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page two
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page three
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page four
- RG-, Photographs, Gusen concentration camp in the aftermath of the liberation, page five
- RG-, Buchenwald, a pile of corpses in a room with a tiled floor with a drain
- RG-, Buchenwald, crematory with skeletons in the foreground
- RG-, Buchenwald, eight inmates displaying wounds on their feet
- RG-, Buchenwald, flatbed double axle trailer piled high with corpses
- RG-, Buchenwald, flatbed truck piled high with corpses, close up of the heads
- RG-, Buchenwald, ledger book with names of registered prisoners
- RG-, Buchenwald after liberation, men place corpses on the cart
- RG-, Buchenwald, two men examine a pile of corpses near a building
- RG-, Patricia Fishtein Collection of liberation of camps
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 1 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 2 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 3 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 4 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 5 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 6 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 8 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Collection, Buchenwald photo 9 of 22
- RG-09.08.01, Photographs, Sig Halbreich photo collection of liberation of concentration camps, Dora-Nordhausen
- RG-09.08.02, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, a bunker used by SS during Allied bombing
- RG-09.08.03, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, US soldiers oversee Germans digging graves
- RG-09.08.04, Dora-Nordhausen, 25 photographs, in the aftermath of liberation
- RG-09.08.05, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, US military doctors inspecting corpses
- RG-09.08.06, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, mass graves organized after the war
- RG-09.08.07, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, mass graves of crosses and Jewish stars
- RG-09.08.08, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, mass grave dug by Germans at order of the American military
- RG-09.08.09, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, German civilians place corpses into mass grave
- RG-09.08.10, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, American doctors inspecting corpses
- RG-09.08.11, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, American doctor performing autopsy
- RG-09.08.13, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, tunnels where rocket parts were manufactured
- RG-09.08.14, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, entrance to tunnels
- RG-09.08.15, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, a prisoner in the foreground
- RG-09.08.16, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, barracks with bunks
- RG-09.08.17, Photograph, Dora-Nordhausen, electric fences
- RG-09.09.01, Landsberg concentration camp after liberation
- RG-09.10.01, Zeymour Herman Collection, Liberation of a concentration camp, six photographs
- RG-09.11.02, Photograph, Soldiers walking down a concentration camp lane or area between two rows of barracks, backs facing the camera
- RG-09.11.04, Photograph, Ebensee concentration camp, liberated prisoners, Austria, May 1945
- RG-09.11.05, Photograph, Woebbelin and Ebensee camps liberated (left); prisoner freed from Woebbelin camp (right)
- RG-09.12.01, Kurt Wittler, Nazi crimes in the camps, photo-documents
- RG-15.03.01, Photograph, Auschwitz, unloading the prisoners' luggage
- RG-15.03.02, Auschwitz, sorting out the former possessions of prisoners
- RG-15.03.03, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
- RG-15.03.04, Auschwitz, survivor of Auschwitz, medical experiments
- RG-15.03.05, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners tooth brushes, clothing brushers, and other personal items
- RG-15.03.06, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
- RG-15.03.07, Auschwitz, a pile of shoes
- RG-15.03.08, Auschwitz, selection on the ramp after arrival
- RG-15.03.09, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
- RG-15.03.12, Auschwitz, view on a cattle car trains and German soldiers
- RG-15.03.21, Female survivor of Auschwitz with a Red Cross nurse
- RG-16.02.06- David Kubaschka, Polish Passport
- RG-16.12.28, Dachau concentration camp, after liberation, 1945
- RG-16.12.66, Concentration camp, Gardelegen massacre, 1945
- RG-23.01.06, 'The horror begins'
- RG-23.01.07, Pathway to a concentration camp
- RG-23.01.09, Deportees stripped of their possesions
- RG-23.01.10, Mass killing, Perpetrated by Einsatzkommando
- RG-23.11.01, Bergen-Belsen, prisoners by barracks are lined up
- RG-23.11.02, Bergen Belsen, a view of the campsite
- RG-23.11.03, Bergen Belsen, open mass grave
- RG-23.11.04, Bergen-Belsen after liberation, view of the barracks and former inmates
- RG-23.11.07, Bergen-Belsen, a female victim of German atrocities 3
- RG-23.13.12, A former female prisoner of German concentration camp after liberation
- RG-23.14.02, Mass murder scene from a Hungarian Jewish Transport, at the background a concentration camp compound is seen, Second World War
- RG-45.01.01, All That Remained Photo Montage
- RG-45.01.17, Photo and Excerpt from the Auschwitz Album, Carpathian Jews
- RG-45.01.20, Selection at Auschwitz
- RG-45.01.24, Watchtower and Barbed Wire
- RG-45.02.08, Arriving to a camp
- RG-45.02.09, Auschwitz, deposit of spoons
- RG-45.02.10, Auschwitz negative
- RG-45.02.11, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
- RG-45.02.12, pile of shoes, Auschwitz
- RG-45.02.13, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
- RG-45.02.14, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners' toothbrushes, cloth brushes, and other personal items
- RG-45.02.25, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, arrival of prisoners
- RG-45.02.26, Bergen-Belsen, prisoners by barracks are lined up
- RG-45.02.41, Janowska Camp, Lwow, Camp Orchestra
- RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
- RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
- RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
- RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
- RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
- RG-45.02.69, Mauthausen after liberation, a row of dead bodies
- RG-45.02.70, Mauthausen, one of the initial memorial sites
- RG-45.02.86, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, ca. 1936
- RG-45.02.96, the Netherlands, poison gas chamber with a warning sign, poison gas
- RG-46.01.36, Jewish camp policeman, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
- RG-46.01.38, Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia 1941, 1942
- RG-46.01.42, Jewish prisoner is punished in the concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
- RG-46.01.74, Punishment of the Jewish prisoner, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
- RG-46.01.89, Two Jewish inmates, concentration camp Salaspils, Latvia, 1941, 1942
- RG-46.04.07, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, May 29, 1945
- RG-46.04.08, Bulldozer pushing corpses into a communal grave, Bergen-Belsen, April 14, 1945
- RG-46.04.09, Corpses in mass grave, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp,
- RG-46.04.10, Corpses of a mother and two children found by the Allies at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
- RG-46.04.11, Crematory furnaces in Majdanek concentration camp at the time of liberation
- RG-46.04.16, Elderly Jewish lady arrives in Auschwitz from Subcarpathian Ruthenia, 1944
- RG-46.04.17, Elderly Jewish woman from Carpatho-Ruthenia comforts three children, Auschwitz, 1944
- RG-46.04.19, German civilians carry the bodies of the concentration camp prisoners to the grave
- RG-46.04.20, A German woman expresses horror at the sight of the decomposing bodies
- RG-46.04.29, Jewish women and children from Carpatho-Ruthenia on the platform at Auschwitz, 1944
- RG-46.04.33, Jews from Hungarian territories arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
- RG-46.04.38, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp
- RG-46.04.39, Liberated prisoners from the Mauthausen Concentration Camp
- RG-46.04.41, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp
- RG-46.04.42, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp, and two Allied soldiers
- RG-46.04.43, The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform, 1944
- RG-46.04.48, Selection at the ramp, the Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia, Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
- RG-46.04.51, The SS female guards, captured by the Allied soldiers at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
- RG-46.06.06, After Liberation from a Nazi concentration camp
- RG-46.10.02, Torture of prisoners at a Nazi concentration camp
- RG-46.10.03, (upper image) Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky and roll call in a concentration camp
- RG-46.10.06, (upper), camp showers; (lower) Zyklon B
- RG-46.10.08, What happened to the Nazi criminals
- RG-46.10.09, Women performing forced hard labor
- RG-,Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 1 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 2 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 3 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 4 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 5 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 6 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 7 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 8 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 9 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 10 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 11 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 12 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 13 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 14 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 15 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 16 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 17 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 18 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 19 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 20 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 21 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photo 22 of 22
- RG-, Clifton Gallup Buchenwald photos envelope
- RG-66.05, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, German administration and the roll-call
- RG-66.06, Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, prisoners at the attention
- RG-66.10, Concentration Camp Dachau 3, prisoners at attention
- RG-66.11, Concentration Camp Dachau, 3, forced labor
- RG-66.12, Concentration Camp Dachau, 3, prisoners carrying food for the barracks
- RG-66.13, Concentration Camp Dachau, 3, forced labor
- RG-66.15, Concentration Camp Dachau, 3, Himmlier visits the camp
- RG-68.21, Notorious camp orchestra in Janowska camp played, whilst inmates were tortured and executed, in 1943
- RG-68.23, Women inmates in bunks at Auschwitz
- RG-69.05, Chelmno, Poland, A Jewish man with a Talith (prayer shawl) and Tefilin (phylacteries) standing between two German policemen.
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