Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Photographs, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944

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- RG-11.03.03, Chaim Rumkowski speaks at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-11.03.05 Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski speaking in a Jewish Council meeting, Tomaszewski Archive, LAMOTH
- RG-11.03.06, Old and sick Jews from Lodz ghetto being shipped to Chelmno death camp, September, 1942
- RG-11.03.08, Chaim Rumkowski and Hans Biebow, chief of Nazi administration in Lodz Ghetto
- RG-11.03.09, Chaim Rumkowski speaks at a public event
- RG-11.03.20, Lodz Ghetto, Young Jewish man who was not once resettled, arrives to the ghetto in Lodz
- RG-23.18.03, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto, Poland, ca 1942
- RG-23.18.08, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz, Poland, ca 1942
- RG-45.02.02, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.32, German administration in civilian diner in Lodz
- RG-45.02.36, Group portrait of members of the Lodz ghetto police
- RG-45.02.37, Hans Biebow in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.43, Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.44, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz
- RG-45.02.57, Lodz ghetto, a boy feeds the small girl
- RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
- RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-45.02.60, Lodz ghetto, theatrical performance
- RG-45.02.61, Lodz ghetto, three women at work
- RG-45.02.62, Lodz ghetto, women in a sewing workshop
- RG-45.02.85, Romek Kaliski, member of the Jewish order police in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-46.01.103, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940, Jews on the sidewalk, a cart with barrels on the street
- RG-46.01.25, A Jewish ghetto policeman, Lodz, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.37, Jewish ghetto policemen near the barracks, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.53, Lodz ghetto, 1940, Jewish men and children
- RG-46.01.54, Lodz ghetto, young Jewish women with Jewish stars, ca. 1940
- RG-46.04.04, A street in Lodz ghetto, scene under a footbridge
- RG-46.04.44, Old and sick Jews deported from Lodz Ghetto to Chelmno extermination center, September 1942
- RG-63.02.16, Rumkowski performs wedding ceremony after abolition of the rabbinate, ca 1943
- RG-63.02.19, Lodz ghetto, Tailors at work
- RG-63.02.20, Two Jewish Ghetto Police, with elderly male
- RG-63.02.21, Rumkowski in the carriage, riding around the ghetto
- RG-63.02.22, German film crew in Lodz
- RG-63.02.23, Rumkowski General Curfew Announcement, September 5, 1942, deportations began
- RG-63.02.24, Jews near the bridge in the ghetto. The bridge connects ghetto parts
- RG-63.02.25, Jewish workers in a tayloring workshop
- RG-63.02.26, Jewish policemen on the street, ghetto inhabitants are waiting in line
- RG-63.02.27, a German policeman at the rear ghetto entrance, the sign reads, Jewish district, access denied
- RG-63.02.28, a woman near the table, men and children with Jewish star
- RG-63.02.29, A man with a white rag, another man and two children
- RG-63.02.30, Children, Women, Men with Jewish star
- RG-63.02.31, People with Jewish star behind barbwire
- RG-63.02.32, Jewish worker in a tailor's workshop
- RG-63.02.33, Central Prison, Awaiting Deportation
- RG-63.02.34, Chaim Rumkowski before his deportation to Auchwitz
- RG-63.02.36, Jewish Ghetto Firefighters brigade
- RG-63.02.37, Lodz Ghetto, a mail man
- RG-63.02.38, Lodz Ghetto, Jewish seamstressess at work
- RG-63.02.39, Jewish women work at a tailoring shop, Lodz ghetto, 1941
- RG-63.02.42, Moving into the ghetto, Lodz, March 1940
- RG-63.02.47, Lodz ghtto, Children at a gate
- RG-63.02.49, Rumkowski, front row, D. Warszawaki, D.Fuchs, A. Jakubowicz, D. Gertler, S.Erlich, K. Sienicki, L.Rozenblat, H.Kaufmann, BL, Israel
- RG-66.33, Lodz, Jewish policeman of a higher rank
- RG-66.34, Lodz ghetto, water barrel, photograph by Wisniewski
- RG-68.13, Morderchai Chaim Rumkowski in a group, middle row, third
- RG-68.19, Soup kitchen in Lodz Ghetto 1942
- RG-68.26, Children arriving at the orphanage in the Lodz Ghetto
- RG-68.27, Geography lesson in the Lodz ghetto in 1941, The boy points out Haifa on map of Palestine
- RG-68.28, Three boys in the Lodz ghetto wearing the Yellow Star
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