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Searching for Subject: German literature published in the course of the Second World War
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RG-59.03.03, German military literature, Boot Greift Wiederan (The Boat is Attacking)
RG-59.03.08, Anton Karl, German military literature, Eine Kompanie marschiert (The Company is Marching On)
RG-59.03.13, Anton Karl, German military literature, Holle uber Frankreich (Hell over France)
RG-59.03.18, Anton Karl, German military biography, Prien Greift An (Prien Attacks)
RG-59.03.19, Anton Karl, German military literature, Flug ins Schicksal (Flight into Destiny)
RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 1
RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 2
RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 4
RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, German military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 5
RG-59.03.20, Anton Karl, Germany military literature, Soldaten gegen Tod und Teufel (Soldiers Against Death and the Devil), Part 3
RG-59.03.21, Anton Karl, German military literature, Sturzkampfflieger ran an den Feind (fighter pilot, close in on the Enemy!)
RG-59.03.22, Anton Karl, German military literature, Unternehmen Osel (Operation Osel)
RG-59.03.23, Anton Karl, Vom Schiffsjungen zum Fallschirmjaegergeneral (From the ship's boy to paratroopers General)
RG-59.03.24, Anton Karl, German military literature, Wir erobern die Krim (We conquer Crimea)
RG-75.02.02, The Idea of Race in the Modern World, Nazi Publication 1939
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