Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: German occupation regime in General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945

- RG-07.02.02, Dokumenty Materialy Getto Lodzkie
- RG-46.01.07, A Jewish man of Kielce, ca 1939-1940
- RG-46.01.08, Announcement about regulation of Jewish residence and work card in Lwow, April 1942
- RG-46.01.102, Soviet-German negotiations in Poland, General Guderian and General Krivoshein, 22 September 1939
- RG-46.01.103, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940, Jews on the sidewalk, a cart with barrels on the street
- RG-46.01.104, Jews being transported by German police, September 1939
- RG-46.01.105, German and Soviet soldiers met at Brest-Litowsk, annexation of Poland by Germany and the USSR, September 1939
- RG-46.01.13, Capitulation of Warsaw, September 1939
- RG-46.01.16, Execution of Polish patriots by Einsatzgruppen, Cracow, October, 2, 1939
- RG-46.01.18, Lviv (Lwow, Lemberg), District Galizien, 1943
- RG-46.01.19, German and Soviet soldiers socializing on the new German-Soviet border near Brest-Litovsk, September 1939
- RG-46.01.20, Hoffmanns, Nazi anti-British and anti-Communist propaganda after invasion of Poland
- RG-46.01.23, Invasion of Poland, Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel und Walter von Reichenau, 1939
- RG-46.01.25, A Jewish ghetto policeman, Lodz, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.27, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939
- RG-46.01.33, Front page of the Polish newspaper Nowiny published in Cracow, 1943
- RG-46.01.35, Hungarian Jews arrived in Auschwitz, summer 1944
- RG-46.01.37, Jewish ghetto policemen near the barracks, Lodz ghetto, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.39, Jewish kids on the street of Radom, Poland, 1940
- RG-46.01.41, Jewish porters near the Railroad Station in Kielce, 1939-1940
- RG-46.01.44, Jews are arrested for illegal storing of the coffee supplies, Poland, 1939
- RG-46.01.45, Jews cleaning rubble in Warsaw, October 1939
- RG-46.01.47, Katyn massacre of the Polish prisoners of war, perpetrated by the Soviets in April 1940, Russia
- RG-46.01.51, Lemberg (Lviv, Lwow), General-Gouvernement, 1943
- RG-46.01.53, Lodz ghetto, 1940, Jewish men and children
- RG-46.01.54, Lodz ghetto, young Jewish women with Jewish stars, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.66, Photograph of a Jewish man in the siege of Warsaw, September 1939
- RG-46.01.67, Police parade, Cracow, General Governement, ca 1939
- RG-46.01.68, Polish criminal prisoners in front of the Montelupich Prison, Cracow, ca 1939-1940
- RG-46.01.69, Polish Jews in a camp, Cracow, end of 1939
- RG-46.01.70, Polish Jews in the prison, Lublin, November 1939
- RG-46.01.71, Polish Jews on the way to forced labor, 1939-1940, Bundesarchiv
- RG-46.01.75, Radom, Poland, ca. 1940, an old Jewish man with armband
- RG-46.01.76, Radom, Poland, Jewish man with a boy and a child, ca. 1940
- RG-46.01.79, Sign, Jewish store, Poland, October 1939
- RG-46.01.81, Soviet and German officers discussing the border demarcation, Bialystok, 21 September 1939
- RG-46.01.82, Soviet-German talks, Brest-Litovsk, 22 September 1941, Bundesarchiv
- RG-46.01.90, Volksdeutschen of Lodz greet the Germans, October 1939
- RG-46.01.91, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish order police near the gate, June 1942
- RG-46.01.92, Warsaw, September, October 1939, Jews cleaning up rubble
- RG-46.01.99, Young Jewish boy with armband and Jewish stars selling armbands, Radom, Poland, ca 1940
- RG-46.02.02, Announcement, all Soviet symbols to be destroyed, Lviv, August 1941
- RG-46.02.03, Anti-aircraft defense bonds issued by Jewish financial institutions in Poland, 1939
- RG-46.02.05, Atrocities in the Jewish quarter of Lwow, 1941
- RG-46.02.11, Invasion of Poland, Lublin, meeting of German and Soviet soldiers, September 1939
- RG-46.02.29, Warsaw Uprising, Polish women reading the messages on the wooden fence, August 1944, Warsaw
- RG-46.02.30, Warsaw Polish Uprising, Polish patrol in the streets of Warsaw, August 1, 1944, Warsaw,
- RG-46.04.16, Elderly Jewish lady arrives in Auschwitz from Subcarpathian Ruthenia, 1944
- RG-46.04.17, Elderly Jewish woman from Carpatho-Ruthenia comforts three children, Auschwitz, 1944
- RG-46.04.25, German troops clear Muranowski Square in Warsaw of Jewish Resistance Fighters, April 1943
- RG-46.04.29, Jewish women and children from Carpatho-Ruthenia on the platform at Auschwitz, 1944
- RG-46.04.31, Jews hiding in a bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto are being captured by the Germans, May 1943
- RG-46.04.33, Jews from Hungarian territories arrive at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
- RG-46.04.40, Major General Juergen Stroop, supression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, April, 1943
- RG-46.04.43, The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform, 1944
- RG-46.04.44, Old and sick Jews deported from Lodz Ghetto to Chelmno extermination center, September 1942
- RG-46.04.45, Polish Jews rounded up for deportation
- RG-46.04.48, Selection at the ramp, the Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia, Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
- RG-46.04.55, Survivors of the Warsaw ghetto convoyed by the Germans to deportation, May, 1943
- RG-46.04.57, Two members of the Jewish Fighters Organization are captured in Warsaw, May, 1943
- RG-46.04.58, Undernourished Auschwitz inmate after liberation
- RG-46.04.60, Construction of the wall around Warsaw Ghetto, October, 1940
- RG-46.06.03, Workshop in Wilno ghetto
- RG-46.06.04, Diary page by David Rubinowicz, age 13, in Polish. He and his family perished in Treblinka
- RG-46.06.08, Ghetto knitting workshop in Gluboke, Wilno province, Poland
- RG-46.06.12, Deportation from Olkusz, Poland
- RG-46.07.01, Edict requiring compulsory labor for all Jews in district Galicia, September 1941
- RG-46.07.02, Lviv, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (1)
- RG-46.07.03, Lviv, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (2)
- RG-46.07.04, Lviv, Exterior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (3)
- RG-46.07.05, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (4)
- RG-46.07.06, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (5)
- RG-46.07.07, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (6)
- RG-46.07.08, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (7)
- RG-46.07.09, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (8)
- RG-46.07.10, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (9)
- RG-46.07.11, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (10)
- RG-46.07.12, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (11)
- RG-46.07.13, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (12)
- RG-46.07.14, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (13)
- RG-46.07.15, Lviv, Interior of the destroyed synagogue in the city, 1943 (14)
- RG-46.07.16, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (1)
- RG-46.07.17, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (2)
- RG-46.07.18, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (3)
- RG-46.07.19, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (4)
- RG-46.07.20, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (5)
- RG-46.10.01, Arrest of Jews, Warsaw, inside of the ghetto
- RG-63.03.01, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.02, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.03, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.04, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.05, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.06, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.07, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.08, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.09, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.10, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.11, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.12, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.13, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.14, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.15, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.16, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.17, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.18, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.19, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.20, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-69.06, Chelmno, Poland, German soldiers guarding victims alighting a train at Chelmno extermination camp
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